World’s Hottest Substance Vs Coldest Substance

– Today we will be dissecting
the world’s greatest rivalries,
like flamethrower versus fire extinguish,
Logan Paul versus KSI.
Logan, get out the way.
Geez, Logan.
Fuckin’ takin’ up spa-
Rock versus baby.
Which is better at smashing a window?
You go first, all right?
– Wait a minute.
So you’re telling me rocks are better than babies?
Maybe it was just a fluke in the system.
We’re gonna test our theory again.
– Put a hole in the wall!
– Hey, all I know is our theory is true.
Rocks are better than babies at smashing windows.
Which is better at math, a man or a forklift?
You have five minutes to solve a
quadratic equation. – That’s all I need, boss.
Let’s do this.
Uh, uh.
Dude. This is, this is hard.
How’s the machine doing?
Why didn’t I think of that?
Coke versus Pepsi, which is a better military weapon?
– Put it in there.
– Oh gosh.
As you can see, Pepsi left a decent hole.
Take that you stupid tiger.
That’s what you get for backtalking me.
All right, let’s see how Coke does.
– Dude. Pepsi is way better.
– Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
This was Coke.
This was Pepsi.
All I’m saying is if you’re trying to take over our country,
I’d be using Pepsi.
This is people who aren’t following my Instagram
and aren’t subscribed to this channel.
This is people who are following my Instagram
and are subscribed to this channel.
By the way, nice tattoo.
– Batman.
– This is my wall of memes.
And everyone says PewDiePie kills memes.
So let’s put a PewDiePie with the memes
and see what happens.
Jake. Jake.
Are you sure you wanna drive your nice car into this wall?
I’m not making you do this.
– Positive.
– You’re sure?
– It’s gonna be awesome, dude.
– Okay.
Hey that’s cheating!
– Go, go, go, go, go.
Go, go, go. – Hey! Hey!
Get back here.
Fans aren’t satisfied with that.
Everyone. Hey, hey,
everyone told the viking he’s a jerk.
Which tastes better,
A flip flop or a shoe?
I like to eat my flip flops raw.
– Aw, gotcha, gotcha.
– Mmm. Mmm.
That’s so good.
All right.
Let’s see how a shoe tastes.
– Ew. Ah, that actually went in your mouth, bro.
– So, as you can see,
the flip flop has much more consistency.
Like it just, it just goes down the throat better.
This is a weed.
This is your brain.
This is your brain on a weed.
In case you didn’t understand the metaphor.
That’s your brain.
This is my foot
eh, and this is my foot with the bowling ball.
And now my foot feels slimy.
– [Person In Gray Shoes] Bro, look at your lame shoes.
– Dude you’re just because you spent
$450 on shoes doesn’t mean you’ll get the baes.
– [Person In Gray Shoes] You’ll never get a girl
with those shoes. – Dude,
socks and sandals is what’s in.
Hey, there’s a wild female over there.
– Which would you prefer?
The socks and sandals
or the nice Yeezys?
– Obviously the socks
and sandals. – Come on. Yeah.
– Oh God. You’re actually pretty hideous.
Please leave me alone.
Oh, you’re disgusting.
Oh, what are you doing to me?
– Oh God, no.
– Good content versus bad content.
Oh wait. Whoops, sorry I accidentally mixed that up.
– No, no you didn’t.
I, I, I made ’em that way on purpose.
– Oh, oh, okay. I didn’t?
– Yeah, you’re the bad-
– So I’m right here, this is me?
– No, that PewDiePie’s good content
and you’re bad content.
– Hmmm.
Ah, it’s not working.
– Well, Jimmy, according to Google,
you shouldn’t use paper to cut down trees.
– The laptop’s not working either.
Gimme your arm.
– Ah!
– On this dirt mound is a picture of Ninja
and going against Ninja is a firework.
Is this a sparkler?
– I don’t know.
– What kind of crappy firework is that?
Yeah. Take that, Ninja.
All right, Ninja, it’s time for round two.
Let him have it.
Oh god.
Didn’t like- Ah!
Ninja really is undefeatable.
Look at that.
Even fireworks couldn’t kill him.
We are 100% killing Ninja this time.
Got away with life for the last time.
We’re not quite sure what the Saturn missile is
but there’s 200 shots.
It’s intense.
– I fuck my-
– Is he even trying?
Hey, camera man.
Go check on him.
This is pathetic.
– Fuck.
– Any movie, the Bible.
The Bible always wins.
This is an easy one.
Watch what happens
when you try
to watch the book.
It just doesn’t work.
Stupid. Watch what happens when you try to watch the DVD.
So much more enjoyable.
Okay. What?
What’s that noise?
What? Whoa.
Whoa, whoa, ah, ah.
Whoa, whoa,
wait, wait a minute.
Let, I’m standing still.
You wanna hit me?
Wow. Bad guys really do suck at aiming.
They couldn’t hit me if they-
Ketchup versus mustard.
Which makes better paint?
Hey, keep your stupid little ketchup on your side.
– My wiener’s slimy.
– My wiener’s slimy too.
Slimy wieners for life.
Who, which is better?
Ketchup or mustard.
– Which is better, ketchup or mustard?
Loss, or F.U.
– F.U. You what’s on a thumbnail.
They got 10 million views.
I’m just saying.
I’m just saying my mustard’s attacking your village.
Paper bags are so much better.
‘Cause like I care about the environment.
Like, look at that.
Like, come on.
– But what’s in that other bag right there?
Why don’t you, why don’t you reach that-
– Plastic bags?
– Yeah.
– What, what are you trying to kill the ozone layer?
So you won’t have to go to Mars or something?
– Ew, gross. Look at that.
– Get away from me.
I don’t even need to drink it.
They don’t sponsor Ninja.
Red Bull for the- ew, that’s disgusting.
Ninja, I love you.
Red Bull gives you farts.
Dude, it’s been like that all your life.
– Wow, yours is so long.
– Yeah, I thought ev-
– And it’s black, too.
– Why is it so tiny? I just-
– It’s just how it was, man.
– No, this isn’t an apple pie.
This is liquid napalm.
This stuff gets as hot as lava.
This is a gallon of liquid nitrogen.
This is the coldest substance in the world we could buy.
And this is the hottest substance in the world
we can make.
Like, seriously,
when you light this stuff on fire, it gets crazy hot.
So this stuff gets 15 to 2200 degrees Fahrenheit
when lit on fire.
That is a lot.
Once it gets going, it’ll get going.
– Yes. Science.
– This is already ready.
– There it goes. – Oh, god. Oh, okay.
– You’re tellin’ me if I just take my fist
and do like that, I’ll lose my fist?
– Hundred percent.
– Oh wait, let me touch it.
Oh my gosh.
Do it.
What’s coldest and hottest.
Oh, substances just collide.
Right? So we’ve flipped the napalm over.
Take two.
Chris. Don’t lose your hand.
I can’t believe they used to drop stuff
like this on people in like war and stuff.
Go ahead.
Nice. That is the world’s coldest substance
versus the world’s hottest substance.
Somehow jello ended up in a sock.
or right.
Wait, wait,
do I have to pick either or?
– Yep.
– Yeah.
– But, but, but, uh, uh, ah!
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
– Hoo ah! – Hoo ah!
– Hoo ah! – Hoo ah!
– [Background Audio] Watch out, watch out, watch out!
– Too easy.
Right here, man.
– Oh, no.
It’s been five minutes as the last moisturized.
– Don’t worry man.
Dude, if there’s one thing I got, it’s moisture.
You’ve taught me this.
All right?
– Ugh.
Ah, god!
– Let me just, uh,
how ’bout that?
I gotchu, man.
I’m here for you.
– Thanks, man.
– Let me, oh.
– It’s hard to fist bump.
– Ah, dude, high-
– Time to get all clean.
Does your man have the moisturizing skills like me?
Look at that wall.
It’s perfectly moisturized now.
Do you know what goes great with jello?
– Ooh, fuck.
– Record it.
– Oh, there it goes.
– Oh, fuck.
– Here it goes!
– That looks like America.
– That’s art.
This football game was crazy.
I broke my leg, but I powered through it, man.
I’m just a tough boy.
How ’bout you, Chris?
How was your soccer game?
– I did pretty good.
You know.
– Did you?
– Yeah, I did, agh god!
– What, what, what, what?
– Oh God, ah, ah, I need,
I need a red card for him.
– Ah, we’ll start the bid at three grand.
Now. That’s comedy.
♪ Mister Beast, oh. ♪
♪ Mister Beast, oh. ♪
♪ Mister Beast, oh. ♪

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