Video Makers | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

Mr Cupcake you’re playing Todd Johnson
yes and lady you confess that you never
loved Todd Johnson and then you were
just trying to win a bet with your
snooty socialite friends
and then you both realize you do love
each other and you both say I do and
then Shelby you say check please
yeah don’t forget to look right in the
camera and slap your cheeks like this
and one two three action to you Todd
Johnson take this unicorn to be your
lawfully married wife
I didn’t tell you to flex out
no I don’t like the way he’s flexing at
you I don’t hear her complaining
check please
how much longer till you finish editing
about 10 hours 20 hours yeah you
guys shot a lot of footage about 20
Jake let’s talk about our movie okay
I think we shot a lot of great stuff
uh-huh but I’m thinking only half of it
is usable me too really yeah I was just
thinking that that’s great I know you
actually agree it’s an action adventure
yep it wait no what romantic comedy what
what do you mean what who’s right
yeah me or Finn
we’ll ask him when he wakes up why wait
dear please use only the best
footage when cutting the movie love Jake
and Finn
see you at the movie club then oh I’ll
be there as will I as will I as well
yes oh yes ah I can’t wait oh I can’t
all right thanks again everyone for
coming to movie night
I hope y’all are in the mood to laugh I
hope y’all are ready to be on the edge
of your seats for tonight’s action
adventure film it’s uh it’s more of a
romantic comedy right
well I guess we’ll see yeah I guess we
will start the movie
it’s a little awkward
oh my gosh
Finn why are you fighting with your
friends Jake you know this can be the
end romance or action does not matter
hurting your friends will make you
better guys you know yeah much more than
this YouTube please stop or you’re on
oh that you’ve been through
your love will not delete
he knows right fighting over this movie
junk is dumb I’m sorry man me too dude
oh my gosh you guys I can’t wait till
next week’s mimic Club
check please
wait there’s more beginner lessons you
need to learn before floating like uh
the spooky vampire walk see
no way we want to fly
all right
you guys stop right now arceline chill
out it’s going to be okay we’ve got a
plan now get in your flying positions
we do it’s to let them die
we did it yeah yeah way to go Marceline
hey you guys need to stop trying to kill
my friends they gotta die someday well
hey let’s invite them to our place when
they show up
knock their guts out through their
did you see us yeah you guys were pretty
amazing hey we’re gonna throw a party in
honor of your new Vampire Skills holy
snaps that’s awesome they’re lying to
you guys they just want to suck the guts
out of the top of your head what she’s
just jealous of you
we’ll see you at midnight at our place
guys promise me you’re not going to that
party We’re not gonna go you’re not nah
I’m kind of tired from doing vampire
stuff all day we’re just gonna chill oh
okay well we’re going back home peace
number 25 blood drive
hey guys we’re here
wow look at you guys that’s awesome
Georgie what’s wrong Jake what’s
happening I think you’re testing our
vampire abilities oh sweet vampire kick
oh come on will you knock it off already
you know you’re not even real vampires
then why am I flying Wendy
yeah man I think Marceline tricked us
sorry I got you into this I should have
never pranked you so perfectly it’s okay
you’re here now to beat up those ghosts
and save us oh no vampires can’t be
ghosts it’s like a rock paper scissors
thing I just came to apologize oh man
I can’t believe we’re gonna die just
because we wanted to be comfortable
watching heat signature
uh did you guys say
heat signature
have you located the enemy’s Heat
Signature private yes sir but I also
noticed something strange something that
I I can’t explain well spit it out man I
I I can’t seem to locate our heat
this thing comes Mega Bam Bam to the
j-stop we just go back to the brain
eating or whatever
after the movie but can we just
I hate signature


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