Two Hues 🏔️ | Pokémon: Hisuian Snow Episode 3

[children laughing]
[child] Come on.
[children laughing]
[object rattles]
[boy] Thank you!
[children laughing]
[boy] Right over here!
See? There he is!
[Alec] Oh.
Uh, Alec…
[wood scraping]
[father] I moved here soon after you left home.
It’s been three years.
What is it you’ve been up to?
[Alec] Can I stay here two or three days?
-I want to find medicinal plants in the Alabaster Forest. -[scraping stops]
[scraping resumes]
So, you’re still pretending to be a doctor?
[distant roaring]
[Alec climbing stairs]
What… is that?
[Cyllene] I don’t know.
And it’s been appearing more and more often lately.
What is happening in the for… [gasps]
[Alec] A Pokémon!
It seems injured!
[doors creaking]
[man] Wait! Don’t go out there!
[Alec panting]
-[Rufflet whimpers] -[gasps]
Can someone come help… [gasps]
[boy] Why are you closing the gate?
Shouldn’t you go out there to help?
[man] Quiet and stay back!
[boy] But it looks injured!
-We should help it! -[Rufflet whimpers]
[rumbling in the distance]
[Alec] There are likely more injured Pokémon in the forest.
Will someone come–
What reason do we have to help the Pokémon?
-[Alec sighs] -[elder] Well…
We can’t go into the forest because of them.
That’s right. It would be better for us if they were all gone.
[elders agreeing]
The Security Corps will go, as well.
What are you saying?
[Cyllene] We’re not going out there to help Pokémon.
However, there is something strange happening in the forest.
We must go to ensure the safety of this village.
[elders groan]
Why do you care about Pokémon?
[Alec] I don’t know, but…
I want to learn… To find out more!
[father] You won’t be able to walk in the snow with the shoes you have.
[boy] Good luck out there!
[villager 1] Be careful out there!
[villager 2] Don’t take any chances!
[boy giggles]
[music playing]
Aren’t you scared?
No. There’s someone I want to see.
[Alec laughs]
[thunder rumbling]
[woman] What is that?
[man 1] Where did it come from?
[man 2] In the sky…
-[thunderclap] -[all shouting]
-[man] What just happened? -[Alec gasps]
[man] Hey.
Let’s go.
[winds blowing]
[Abomasnow growling]
[man 1] Hey, look!
[Cyllene] That’s…
[Abomasnow growling]
[Abomasnow growling]
[Snover grunting in pain]
[gasps] They’re protecting the little ones.
It’s too dangerous! Come back here!
[distant growling intensifies]
[Cyllene] Come back! What are you doing?
[Abomasnow growling]
Look. Let me help them!
I promise to take care of them!
[Abomasnow grunts]
[Abomasnow growls and approaches]
[both growl, grunt]
[man] Those Pokémon…
Let’s move!
[Pokémon growl in distance]
[Pokémon chittering]
[both grunting]
We should take them to the village.
We don’t have the equipment!
[both grunting]
[Abomasnow groans]
[Snover whimpering]
Something’s wrong!
[woman] Let’s go!
All of you need to get out of here.
No! We are not leaving you.
[Alec] Father…
[both grunting]
[woman] Come on!
[man] This way!
[Cyllene] We have to move, right now!
[whooshing, crackling]
[man] What’s happening?
[Alec gasps]
[people chattering indistinctly]
[Alec grunts]
What happened?
[Alec] A friend… came to help me.
[children giggling]
[father] I don’t understand why you feel the need to concern yourself with Pokémon…
-[Rufflet chirping] -[boy laughing]
[father] But maybe…
people and Pokémon can…
[father] Come visit more often.
[Rufflet screeching]
[soft music playing]


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