Train Vs Giant Pit

– Bathtub. – Fridge.
– Under the washer.
– Tareq? – Front porch.
– Oh yeah, it’s sitting right there.
This is gonna be the coolest thing
you have ever seen in your life!
– Yes! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
– Fire in the hole!
– Oh my God!
– What happened to the house?
I can’t even see it anymore.
– Oh my god!
– I don’t think our mannequins
are gonna make it.
– The house burned all night,
until there was literally nothing left,
including all the mannequins.
Next experiment.

We’re about to play Tug-of-War

between this real military tank
and these two school buses.
And the loser gets dragged into the pit.
– There’s no way the tank loses.
– We’re probably gonna lose.
– No, we’re not.
– Now obviously, people can’t be in these vehicles,
’cause they’ll die when they fall in the pit.
So this remote actually controls the tank.
This feels illegal.
3, 2, 1. Go!
– I’m full throttled right now.
You’re done for!
Oh! – Oh, we’re screwed.
– The buses are done for.
Oh my god.
– Oh my god!
– Oh my god!
– Do you hear the buses beeping?
Its horn’s going off.
– We’re gonna go investigate the bottom of the pit
to see the buses.
– Oh god. – Oh, no.
I need to stop looking down this is…
Stop moving! – I’m not moving!
– We’re in the pit.
Oh my gosh. Bro, look at that.
Why’d the bus think it could beat the tank?
– I don’t think it did.
– Later in this video,
a train’s gonna come off those tracks
and land right about there.
But before we do that, this is $50,000,
and it is surrounded by thousands of pounds of TNT.
And this is Will.
– What’s up guys?
– See that crate in the field? – Yeah.
Oh, man.
– That is around 1% of the explosives
surrounding this money.
– Are we safe standing here?
– Uh yeah, you’ll be fine.
Here’s my credit card.
Spend as much money as you want to protect this 50 grand.
I don’t care if you use wood, bricks,
or even steel to protect this money.
Whatever’s left of this 50 grand
when that TNT blows up, you keep.
Good luck building walls.
– All right, let’s make $50,000!
– I don’t think he stands a chance.
The first thing Will did
was buy 12 industrial water containers
and filled them with 20,000 pounds of water.
– I’m really worried that Jimmy’s TNT
is gonna get through this.
– And he should be,
because this isn’t even close to enough to stop the TNT.
Meanwhile, we’re gonna test another experiment.
In a previous video, we put a jet engine on a car
and it jumped eight buses.
So this time we put 10 jet engines on the car
and we’re to see if it flies 10 times further.
When this car flies off this ramp,
I think it’s gonna go past all the buses into the trees.
– I think it’s gonna hit the first bus.
– Our guesses couldn’t be further apart.
He’s currently matrix-ed into the car,
so he sees what the car sees.
Chris! – Hey!
– Oh, should we move?
– Yeah, we’re sending a rocket car.
– Oh, okay.
– 3, 2, 1.
Send the jet car!
The car’s coming straight at us.
– I lost signal.
– Maybe we should jump?
– Now I’m straightening it.
– Oh, my god!
Yeah! – What the heck?
– Whoa! Wait, wait.
We broke the ramp!
– I think it was a success. – Yes.
The jet car easily cleared all 12 buses
and literally left a crater in the road.
I love how this block of engine’s
just on the road.
– Yeah, it’s still smoking.
– Oh, it’s leaking. – Oh, and it’s smoking.
– And now we’re back at the giant pit.
If you jump in this deep pit
and land on a thousand bouncy balls,
would you die?
– I’d love to know. Nolan, catch!
– Catch what? What are we doing?
– Goodbye.
– You completely missed!
– Luckily we have more mannequins.
Will it survive?
Pay attention!
– Oh. Oh!
– Oh, buckets!
– Hey Jimmy!
What if we dropped the car in it?
– I think you know what’s about to happen.
– Yo!
– Clearly that mannequin didn’t survive.
Next bit.
Meanwhile, Will was desperately trying
to protect his $50,000.
He’s honestly taken this way more seriously
than I thought he would.
– In the past four days, I’ve hired some professionals
and we’ve already built the cinder block wall,
filled it with matches,
and we’re already on our second cinder block wall.
This dynamite is not getting through.
– You blew my expectations outta the water.
How about this?
If you let me double the TNT, I’ll double the money.
– So a hundred grand, double the TNT.
– Yeah, but if it blows it up, you get nothing.
– Take the deal! Take the deal!
– Okay! Okay! – It’s a deal baby! Deal baby!
– And while he kept working, the boys and I went bowling.
And the bowling balls are these cars.
– I’m ready to see some destruction.
– Let’s see if I get a strike.
Hey, first bowl a strike.
Oh, it’s not going straight.
– Oh, it’s coming in our direction
We should move. We should move.
We should move. – Nolan, watch out!
– Oh, into the field. There it goes.
Oh it’s turning around.
– Oh, it’s coming back!

The car’s got a mind of it’s own!
– It’s coming back!
– Take number two.
Oh, that’s a perfect strike.
– Whoa!
– Whoa! – Let’s go!
– I love cars hitting things!
– And if you’re wondering,
the other car is still going in circles.
During this bit, me and the boys
have been wearing some brand new designs,
which you can now buy on our new store,
3, 2, 1.
We switched from, which was very long-
– Move over! Move over!

Oh, my gosh!

– Whoa!
– We just about died.
– I’m gonna show you how to just hit a full strike easily.
– Okay.
– All right. Here comes a strike, baby.
– A .store domain is the perfect choice
for anyone looking to sell anything online.
– That was the worst throw yet.
– That was the best throw yet!
– That was awesome!
– If you’re looking to set up a store,
it should be at .store domain,
so your customers clearly know that your website is a store.
– This is Carl’s car.

Don’t forget to head to
and buy our brand new merch, right now.
Since I doubled Will’s money and TNT,
he’s completed a seven-layer fortress
of 20,000 pounds of water, mattresses,
a cinder block wall, four mattresses,
a second cinder block wall,
an additional 32,000 pounds of water,
all packed in with a final wall of dirt.
– But I actually have another layer
Jimmy will never see this one coming.
– What?
– Hey, Jimmy!
– How am I supposed to blow up Feastables?
– That’s the point,
– And with the TNT doubled,
it’s time to put Will’s bunker to the test.
I also brought number 40, from 1 throughout 100, back
to help us blow up all this TNT.
You’re in charge of the button.
Don’t press anything yet.
Oh god.
Moment of truth.
Whenever you’re ready, press the one.
I’m nervous.
– Oh my god!
– Oh, that money’s gone for sure.
– Oh my god!
– Bro, look at that smoke cloud!
– I can’t even see anything. Is it okay?
– Wait, I think I see money falling from the sky.
– No!
Seven days of work just went up in flames.
I don’t know if I’ve got this.
I gotta see if my money’s okay!
– Why are we running?
– I’m running ’cause he’s running.
– Oh my goodness!
Oh, there’s so many stacks!
– We counted out the money
and over $95,000 survived the explosion.
– I just won $95,000!
– Congrats on the 95 grand.
Let’s go see what happens if you drive a train into a pit!
– Yeah! – Whoo!
– And now’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for,
a train is gonna go full-speed down those tracks
into this giant pit.
If you were on this train, where would you sit?
– I put my mannequin in the cabin.
Statistically the safest place to be on a train.
– All right, you got this.
– All right, we’re gonna sit him right on the front.
You’re not going anywhere.
– We’re gonna give the Feastables bar a front row seat.
Stop eating Hershey’s. Eat Feastables.
We have waited our entire lives for this moment.
This is going to be epic.
Nolan, send the train!
– The train’s coming!
Let’s do this!
– Oh my god. Here it goes!
– Oh my god, here it comes!
– Oh, my god!
– Whoa! Look at that!
That might have been the coolest thing
I’ve ever seen in my life.
– Are you kidding me?
– Yeah, my mannequin didn’t survive.
– Train versus pit, the pit won.
I hope you enjoyed the video.
Let’s end it with an explosion.
– Ooh!
That is so hot!
♪ Mr. Beast ♪

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