Tiger Cubs Swimming For The First Time | Tigers About The House | BBC Earth

Now that we’re integrating them into the compound,
one of the most important aspects is obviously being on display here,
where the public can see them.
And part of that is just getting them introduced
and used to the big pool that we have.
We’re going to see if we can take them for one of their very first proper swims.
It’s going to be a brand-new experience for Spot and Stripe
and it could be overwhelming.
You never quite know as to how they’re going to go for their first time.
Good boy.
Straightaway, Giles can see a difference in how the cubs react
to being near the water.
Spot is actually much more confident in the water than his brother Stripe.
And Stripe isn’t so confident sometimes.
I just think it’s a personality thing.
Tigers are the one exception in the big cat family, along with jaguars,
that really do enjoy the water.
Tigers are incredibly powerful swimmers.
They have these huge paws that actually, when they spread their toes about,
there’s webbing, if you like, in between their toes.
So, effectively, what you’ve got is this big powerhouse of a unit,
and on the end of their legs, they’ve got these paddles.
In some of the habitat you’ll find them, they can island hop from place to place,
or swim across big rivers and, so, water’s not a problem for them.
-Yeah! Woo-hoo! -Good boy.
Stripe’s still too nervous to take the plunge.
He needs some gentle encouragement from Giles.
That was incredible, wasn’t it? Just how confident were they.
Even jumping in the water… like, they’re just natural, aren’t they?
These guys are going to be water babies, for sure.
Don’t jump into the water if you’re being chased by a tiger, or climb a tree.
All you got to do is just run faster than the slowest person in your group
and you’ll be okay.
In fact, the cubs have already started to develop a behaviour
that you really wouldn’t want to face in the wild…
or in the garden, if you’re the family dog.
They’re honing their stalking skills.
He’s going in for the kill.
Caesar will bite you.
He’s got a bone, so, no.
Young cubs like this, they instinctively stalk each other and they stalk Mum,
because it’s all good training for obviously,
ultimately when they’re going to need it when they go out on their own in the wild
and start making their own kills.

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