The Pods | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

it’s bigger than the other two dudes
yeah man you gotta kill it now
yeah yeah yeah
look it’s squirting squirting yeah
see squirting right here
tastes good dang man don’t just lick
stuff it’s evil no it’s not it’s ice
is the evil sucking you in oh Jake
ah that was awesome are you poisoned are
you dying no man it was awesome look
Jake it’s filling back up ah yeah
this pot makes ice cream out of nothing
it’s the goodest thing that’s ever
happened to me well if this pod’s not
the piglets are gone and so are the
fairy ones
screaming sounds are getting stronger
near mushroom town
piglets stop this
move cramp now I must find these Wicked
piglets weakness and use it to retrabuse
them well I found my weakness
that’s it ice cream what about ice cream
yes yes
the exams come from my memory of the
piglets being allergic to ice cream just
the thought of that scares me man
I see one of them get ready to release
Jake are you okay
I Can’t Stop Dancing what huh it must be
the glitter I really can’t stop grooving
it feels weird
go on without me
killing it with ice cream
oh yeah man whoa
Jake there’s one left and I think he’s
trying to surrender kill it but he’s
dressed as a little construction worker
it’s freaking adorable
he’s trying to trick you kill it I just
don’t know if I can bring myself to do
it Jake
foreign thank you Finn and Jake for sort
of saving our village you’re sort of
welcome now if you’ll excuse us we need
to start removing all of this ice cream
from our homes and businesses not so
fast I’ll take it from here folks he
likes ice cream
nice job tubby but save room for the ice
cream Marathon
I’ve always got room for ice cream Finn
you know that man I’m going to the ice
cream Marathon he just really likes ice
cream oh

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