The Chamber of Frozen Blades | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

Gunter you’re embarrassing me
Fujitsu Master Finn summons Dagger of
chilled glass Fujitsu Master Jake
summons stars of frozen rain get ready
to be Starstruck get ready to be cold
kunai attack
flying junk
what three jigs that’s one too many
those Jakes were all fakes
Fujitsu Master Jake summons Arrow of ice
it’s the Ice King hide
okay my dear this enclosure will be your
new home he’s got a princess
now we leap out catch him red-handed
hey snow blind
that ice that ice that ice
but once you get used to the smell of
penguin manure it’s almost tolerable
princess what Jake where’s the princess
oh right what princess see um princess
you were just talking to yeah the one
you just came back from stealing wrong
oh I was at the hospital for it turns
out Gunter here was preggers I was just
talking to the egg it’s such a cutie
gunter’s a woman what no
anyway get out of my house or I’ll kill
you Etc I want to take a nap in my easy
chair ah what happened to my recliner oh
my skins in tubs
you even violated my secret Santa what
is wrong with you no princess no no
we messed up Jake were violiners
yeah what the heck you think you can
just wreck my house and wear my
collectibles huh who do you guys think
you are we’re ninjas you’re not ninjas
you’re just a couple of ducks it’s true
Ice King we’re gonna make this right
yeah do it make it right start by uh oh
take my bag over to the cage
never mind put that down and go clean my
gym equipment
I have no idea how that got in there
what’s going on I’ll feel that one the
Ice King abducted me while I was
distracted by the horrifying beauty of
yes gunter’s ailment was the perfect
cover for stealing a princess MD I’m not
even a real princess princess is just a
surname enough you may have uncovered my
princess smuggling scheme but you’ll
never leave this place alive
a couple of ninjas like me and Finn can
only be defeated by another ninja
what am I looking at here exactly
so how’s your egg doing
God why didn’t you tell me
oh Gunter huh wow well it’s like a
reminder to really stay sharp and play
it extra safe
for instance take this scary pattern
here no sane person would ever bring a
tart down there so so no thieves exactly
you are on a roll today buddy
you yeah pee you
Jake yeah hey man did you just like
sniff my butt uh just now yeah no
huh all right
hey fan yeah Jake did you just uh lick
me all the way up my arm no hmm strange
Jake let me see those matches
uh oh man we got God there’s only two
left what
transmission from Princess Bubble Gum
we blew it man my plan sucked it sucked
all along but I was blinded by my hubris
now pb’s gonna get gone and it’s all my
fault whoa whoa take it easy buddy we’ve
still got two whole Tarts left pb’s
gonna be fine
you really think so yeah why not
huh sit back off of them tots you an
he’s got a laser gun
that’s it all right and now I got a
bucket to Nana’s for brunch see you
it’s over pb’s gonna get croaked yeah or
we could smash in there and stop
Congress from chopping her head off
you’re right Jake let’s go save Princess
Bubble Gum
huh another perfectly chopped tart
let the annual back rubbing ceremony
begin dude they’re just slicing Tarts
and there’s Cinnamon Bun over there hey
he must have delivered the decoys
the ones we poisoned
princess don’t eat that tart okay geez
Finn I won’t eat that Tart I’ll eat this
other tart instead
princess no
the princess has been paralyzed I’m not
paralyzed I’m gripped with the flavor
that means we must have been carrying
the poison Tarts all along
yep all part of my master plan whatever
man excuse me what is this about poison
Tarts and Alternate plans I I all right
here it comes I had a brilliant plan to
tote the Tarts along a dangerous path
but I mucked it up you
ought to give this toter job to cinnamon
bun he’s the real hero
I’m sorry for not following your
instructions and for lying to you about
it how Finn I forgive you
ladies and gentlemen the Royal Taj have
the old tart totor help I move he can’t
see or hear but he can feel your
movement hello
eat my tarts
this Cosmic dance of bursting decadence
and withheld permissions twists all our
arms collectively but if sweetness can
win and it can and I’ll still be here
tomorrow to high-five you yesterday my
friend peace
thank you

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