See What It Takes to Hide a Secret Tracker in a Rhino Horn | Short Film Showcase

Africa’s got the greatest number and
diversity of large mammals
it’s the continent that’s been blessed
with the most wildlife many of these
animals like the black rhino they down
to a few thousand this is it in the next
hundred years years make or break and
every animal comes each immobilization
each animal I work with these are quite
a potent tranquilize it from a seeing
animal to putting a dart in I’d be
pleased maximum a minute and and
perfectly listen it a black rhino is in
many ways an animal that want to be left
alone those the ones most likely to be
poached what most difficult to monitor
and having a helicopters made all the
difference it simplifies the work very
simply because you can cover big
distance in a short period of time and
they reached areas that we would haven’t
reached when we were to use the vehicle
is a real pioneer in any of the more
dangerous or more difficult Game Capture
operations like we’re doing here the
whole thing is to work as quickly as
possible get the job done get out again
I’m going to spend for about a minute or
two just being comfortable this animal
is okay it’s breathing well this animal
is stable we can now move on and start
doing other stuff to it so that’s that’s
number one position an animal is
important we tend to put on the side
pump those legs make sure there’s
there’s good circulation to the legs
dusted with water a few times keep it
wet each person has their own job
focusing on stabilizing animal and then
the the horn employees usually has been
a second or even a third vet one vet
will then focus on taking samples and
the other vet will focus on monitoring
the animal
the animals are fully immobilized we’re
using an opioid which is a very powerful
painkiller the back of the hole that we
drilled to put in the gadgets is
composed of dead cells so the animal
cannot feel pain we drill a hole into
the horn for the actual transmitter and
then we’ll drill a long hall from the
– pretty antenna and we fill up the hole
with dental acrylic dyed or put
something with it to make it the same
color as rhino horn said if the animal
is punched now all is taken you wouldn’t
easily realize that this F is
transmitted in that horn and when we
give the antidote suddenly that animal
was awake again you can see its prey
it’s very very spectacular and within
about a minute and a half Elmen p.m. on
its feet will you know that the job has
been done the animals fine one feels
really good knowing where that animal is
means you can keep an eye on it and make
sure that it’s healthy it’s not being
horn from animals which have been
poached has certainly been tracked down
and the folk who’ve been involved either
the purchase or the middlemen have been
caught supporting to naba and supporting
in other organizations like Frankfurt
making sure it’s well managed the
wildlife is well protected the Napa is
very important to secure the landscape
to secure the ecosystem that is the
biggest challenge over the next 10 years
I also very much enjoy working in Africa
with African people a wonderful team to
work with to see how they go forward and
how enthusiastic they are to conserve as
well I’m very proud to get involved in
protecting these resources that Tanzania
have a big chunk of the Serengeti is
that much safer by by the involvement of
the friedkin Conservation Fund which we
have here under under dan Friedkin he’s
a great pilot he’s clearly very
passionate about conservation is very
passionate about Tanzania and the
Serengeti particularly this operation
have been giving us helicopter time
that’s made all the difference it’s the
first time essentially we’ve really had
a helicopter here to do the Rhino
program boy what a difference
I mean we need the future generation
including my children to see these
animals and get to understand them and
they continue the work to conserve them
that will have been doing I’d love to
say young folk out there who are looking
for something to do who feel a passion
for conservation get involved you know
this is the time to really save our

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