See How Pigeons Saved This Man From a Life on the Streets | Short Film Showcase

from the first time I seen I was I was
in love I’ll be honest that was my love
at first sight as they come down slow it
just moved a is good you see this that’s
it the team I think this is just great
to me listen what other hobby can you
have that you can release a live
creature that could fly up in the sky
you can go anywhere you want because I
have no strings on them and you can see
they have no anybody want do what they
want but guess what they want to come
back home because you know why because
they’re taken care of well that’s what I
love I love to fly my birds fly my Birds
and just you know think you just take
care life just do life that’s it one day
at a time but it just makes it go by a
little bit easier you know
I come from the baddest neighborhood in
Brooklyn you know and I’ve been into my
troubles but guess what when the
modularity of time I was gonna roof fly
my pigeons so therefore I was keeping
out of trouble I was keeping away from
the streets keep me away from the drugs
I never smoked a drink in my life so
therefore you know I’m 50 years old now
now I grew up in Brownsville Brooklyn
where drugs and alcohol was rampant I
could have anything I wanted any given
time but that wasn’t my calling you know
I wanted to do I’ll be up here with the
birds until summertime I could literally
go up on the roof for the birds at seven
o’clock in the morning and literally
come down by 9:30 at night when it’s
dark outside and that’s a full day for
me and I’ll be up there cleaning flying
trying to catch other people birds other
people truckers my birds whatever but
I’m having a ball and I wouldn’t trade
any of it for the world I’ve been only
40 years now 40 years I’ve been doing
this and I still love the same way I
picked up the first day when I first
seen those pigeons fly are still over
the same way okay if I wasn’t on the
roof all summer long I’m in brown fish
guns popping things going down robberies
whatever my friends died in you know
from different from things drugs
shootings whatever oh how are your
fitted was a save you know I mean the
business I’m on a rooftop so I’m a fish
I mean I’m a pig watching what’s going
on down there you know so yeah hell yeah
it would definitely save you
what sort of user now after selling you
here at this for me to feed them
comforts them yeah I mean it calms them
to know that I’m not you know chasing
them and it’s safe no predators around
except for the hawk to sit on that
antenna over there but other than that
you know just comforting to them but
then you have also when I go oh they
know that’s a different sound to make
them act accordingly
when it comes down to put them work in
the pigeon today they could get me to
clean their poop whatever you know it’s
like there’s no job that I’d say I won’t
do for nothing
out of 365 days out the year I probably
paid more than likely about three
hundred and thirty of them if I’m not
doing something that worked or whatever
type I’m here this is where I’m at
that’s what I enjoy doing you know you
can find me any given time on my roof
this is what we do this is just the
front of everything you know maybe when
I’m 80 and I can’t get up to the roof
anymore maybe I’ll start taking care of
street pigeon who knows you know who
knows what’s gonna happen right now my
foot main focus my main phone would have
been for the past 40 years as they enjoy
my Birds

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