while one parent looks after the chick
the other must journey far offshore to
gather small fish and squid
from the surface waters
but the hardest part is getting food
back to the island
because they share this airspace with
magnificent frigate birds known as manor
warbirds patrol high above
these pirates are not trying to kill the
tropic bird
but force it to give up its catch
it’s an aerial dogfight
tropic birds are quicker on the turn
frigates have exceptionally lightweight
and their extremely long winds give them
great power
a favorite attack is from behind and at
there goes the fish another victory
this tropic bird chick still awaits the
return of its
who has yet to run the gauntlet of the
keeping close to the waves is his best
frigate birds have so little oil in
their feathers they can’t risk
if you can just reach the cliffs he’ll
be safe
he’s made it with his crop still full of