Ricardio the Heart Guy | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

foreign great now I gotta climb down
King of Thieves uh sorry to trespass I
just uh hello
the chest it’s in his chest
you see if you have too much earwax you
won’t be able to hear anymore I got it
what is your basket under all that gold
of course it’s not I set you up to steal
this chest of gold I couldn’t get past
the barrier cause I’m a thief but you’re
just a cute little girl and I’m a big
thing well if this isn’t yours I’m gonna
return it right now
all right you stole something in the
city now you’re a thief no
no what have I done what have I become
you become a thief stupid
my hands they’re all dirty covered in
the dust of a criminal act I’m a thief
oh what did I tell you boy this city
will get you no matter how pure you
think you are
I was right hey that’s enough from you
don’t touch me I’m in pure man I want
fit to be a hero unfit to be your friend
come on Finn keep it together no Jake
this is a one-way path down a jacked up
Road and I gotta walk it
alone I’m not gonna leave you alone in
the city you’re my buddy besides I stole
these boots these super babe style boots
so I’m just as dirty as you are Finn we
gotta walk this filthy path together and
we shall embrace the darkness of this
wicked City and use the methods of the
criminal to see Vengeance on Penny
Cowabunga indeed
yes yeah
what is someone there hmm
Penny huh it’s me Penny the hero who’s
pure to you stole and I’m here to enact
my revenge upon you
hi Penny Finn please don’t punch my
lights out I’m just a poor homeless baby
girl I trusted you Penny you made me
steal and you took my Purity you ruined
me you may have soiled my Purity but I
think you can still come out clean come
on Jake
nice work dude she’s purified I Feel
clean like all the filth of the city and
wrongdoings are gone thank you fnj I
haven’t felt like this since I was young
you’re welcome whoa dude the soap got on
us too we’re clean yes this good DB did
has purified us once again Finn thank
you for the second chance to live a pure
life and you know what that means Penny
no more stealing never again well I
think it’s time for us to get the math
out of here I’m going to miss you Finn
I’ll miss you too goodbye
whoa dude why are you naked
they’re made of the river
scare often
beat power like that Finn I’ve got an
idea what is it buddy rub my belly yeah
I’m one of those kind of dogs
Finn come on spin you gotta save
yourself I’m just a dog oh man oh geez
okay then I’m back on the team yeah
I’ll save you Jake don’t worry
hey Finn can you help me to get up there
oh if only I had my powers back the only
way I’ll give back your powers no I know
I have to apologize to that witch oh
you’re doing so well and I hate you so
much hey what I need my powers back so
I’m sorry I’m so sorry I ate your donut
where’s my food
oh so do I get my powers back
apology denied what why because you took
too long now you have to apologize while
doing a variety of humiliating things no
way Jose come on dude it’s the only way
to save Finn who is that he’s my
subconscious then he has to do it too
I Jake the dog while slow dancing with
my subconscious with flowers in my
underwear do you humbly apologize wait
wait start over you’re recording this
it’s for my newsletter no way I have my
dignity then guess what cool guy you can
forget about getting your powers back
ever oh no dude what do we do now
I’m dying Jake what hmm he says he’s
dying let that be a lesson to all you
why are you dying bro because I’m the
subconscious of your old magical self
goodbye Jake no no
so I finally broken you yeah
my subconscious would be alive and my
best but wouldn’t be drafted a Birdman’s
death yes hello
all right I think you’ve learned your
lesson I forgive you
my Powers how can I ever think got you
but didn’t you learn your lessons nope
hungry hungry
remember to save the brain for dessert
honey I’m back how about a big kiss you
you guys are so cute I could just Maul
you to death
I never should have doubted you well I’m
glad you learned your lesson that in a
crunch there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for
you ah so is that how you got your
powers back you apologized to the witch
um no way I am I must have found the
right mud puddle yeah I don’t remember

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