Puppies and Baby Chimpanzees Make The Cutest Friends | BBC Earth

she’s a big part of their healing
process because she offers a really safe
place for them you know and more even
than we can do I mean it’s amazing and
they’ll be afraid of the other dogs or
the cats or the other humans and they’ll
still be able to go to princess and it’s
just it helps them to just feel safe and
comfortable in our house and I watch her
it’s like she’s nurturing them back to
health a little bit you know
this is Pepe and he’s a rescue from our
and some some little boy hit this guy in
his back and there’s like lumbar spine
area so she brought him over last week
and he couldn’t move his back legs at
all or his tail and so we’ve been trying
to just give him good nutrition and and
do a little physical therapy
getting tired
we’re going
I mean he came in here with a broken
back and I didn’t think he would but now
he’s gonna walk
puffy and be able to do regular normal
dog stuff right

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