Princess Monster Wife | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

you’re like a freak I will prove to you
that you are beautiful
to me my Penguins Gunter Gunther Gunter
Gunder come on
don’t realize your cheers please
you’re all gonna clap and cheer I’m
gonna smack your buns
thank you
clap louder you gotta be all whoa
you look at her with these mirrors her
ugliness will have no effect on us where
is she
oh I think she’s right over here
baby you want to talk about it
girl I girl I love you as much as all
the other princesses in the world
combine you don’t really mean that I’ll
prove it
see you have elbow princesses hips and
Dr Prince has his heart and intestines
slime princesses bottom you have all my
favorite parts of my favorite princesses
stolen Parts oh the parts don’t matter
it’s you that matters but who am I
you’re my wife and I will always love my
wife no matter what you’d love me even
without these other princesses Parts
sure baby even without all your fine
lady parts now give us a hug
hey Ice King huh
your wife’s face can’t make us faint
anymore listen to them babe they’re
being negative
run my happiness I’ll distract them with
ice magic
you give up yes
I give up finally let’s get those
Princess Parts back to the ladies yeah
mans wait where’d your wife go
let me go let me go
I shall always be your wife
she she gave away all my stuff let me
tell you something about leadership you
see this fat bee
she gets pollen from this flower but
she’s gentle and makes the flower happy
and pollinated they both get what they
need and that’s how a leader should be
no princess because not for flower if
getting pollen hurts or kill flower B
would not care B is stronger than flour
is stronger than me
Goliath is
oh no she’s too far gone too corrupted
if we’re not careful she could throw an
ultra tantrum and Wang the castle apart
I’ll have to disassemble her and try
again no princess this is my castle now
don’t worry princess we’ll stop her no
Finn here’s the plan I’m going to build
another candy Sphinx in my lap it’s the
only thing that could possibly match her
just keep her busy till I return and
don’t think about the plan she can read
your minds
eyeball just cut that eyeball back and
it’s oh
don’t swallow
uh you’re in Finn’s bubble
I’ll think about the plan think
something else think of something else
don’t worry princess we’ll stop her no
no she’s oh
anyway like I was saying she’s far too
here’s the plan I’m going to
oh Goliad no
wait brother why must we fight roll with
no brother don’t you see they’re turning
us against
so be it Finn are you okay yeah that
dude saved me that storm oh goliad’s new
brother what are they doing now they’re
about to have a psychic Showdown
oh boy
Whoa man so like I guess they’re so
evenly matched that it’s a steel
it’s a stale fruit
they’re so evenly matched that it’s a
stalemate yes it’s dormo sacrificed
himself to keep Goliad in check for all
eternity well that’s pretty cool but I
don’t understand if Goliad and stormall
are the same how come storm was a good
guy oh that’s simple I use some of your
heroic DNA in stormo’s recipe and not
goalie ads
oh whoa so that means stormal is like my
well yeah in a way
happy birthday stormo

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