Pokémon the Series: XYZ | Episode 48 | Pokémon Asia ENG

a long long time ago a Time recalled
through caros
Legend no
wait Jan please don’t go Isa I promise
you I will defeat ielt have faith and
wait for me Talon flame
please Jan
no and so a young man embarked on a
journey leaving his beloved behind his
Target the destruction Pokemon
evelt I stand cuz I know I’m a WI
knck me down just get
a you met you you I’m no
beginner I know I’m a
winner the legend of x y and
the maiden
statue K hey
Alexa hi Professor Sycamore are you here
to investigate the ruins too well it is
the biggest find of the
Century the ruins that confirm the truth
of AOS
Legend who knew they would be found at
such a high altitude right it’s amazing
they were never discovered until now so
where is the maiden statue come I’ll
you you see it was accidentally
discovered on a satellite image a
temple-like structure overgrown by
nature because the location is fairly
treacherous it took quite some time to
get a research team up here why did you
accompany the research team
Alexa because of this through the
discovery of various artifacts we knew
there was an ancient nation that
flourished here which ultimately became
the foundation of civilization in
caros I wanted to report on the lives of
the people and Pokemon living at that
it the statue of Isa the stonee maiden
as described in kalos’s
Legend it’s as though someone took a
moment of her life and carved it into
stone exactly as the legend
ancient historical records that’s right
and we’ve come to know this particular
segment as the chapter of the
now we have the statue so we may finally
get the answer are you saying this
statue wasn’t a figment of someone’s
imagination don’t you think that it’s
entirely possible that someone created
it based on these records that can’t be
ruled out however her
expression I don’t think that this is
any ordinary
statue I believe the Stoney Maiden
actually existed and the one who turned
her into stone is none other other than
evelt the destruction
evelt based on all the research
conducted up until now it is believed
that this symbol resembling a y is a
reference to evelt in all the drawings
we have of it those drawings in this
symbol look very much the same to me the
story begins when two people from
different social classes a young poor
man named Jan and Isa The Village
Chief’s daughter meet and fall in
love at the time the city’s Oracle
olympica made a prediction yes I see it
evelt will descend Upon This Land
absorbing the life force of all living
things ael’s life will come to an end
and then it will turn into a cocoon once
more it is however impossible for any of
us to escape this fate when iso’s father
learned of this prophecy he ordered Jan
to defeat ialto in order to protect the
city he promised his daughter’s hand in
marriage if Jan successfully defeated
ielt you don’t have to listen to my
father and his promise eval is extremely
dangerous you can’t defeat it no one can
defeat it don’t even
try Jan please don’t go I’m begging you
Isa I promise you I will defeat ielt
have faith and wait for
huh it’s
evelt IA CH stay
away Talent
you what happened to evelt after that
that like the prediction said it changed
its shape into a
cocoon it absorbed all life sources
around it and the land became Barren so
it could enter its long
Isa leaked between ielt and jam
then do we know where evelt is now one
theory states it awakens every Thousand
Years but it’s uncertain if evelt is now
a cocoon or awakened
active the precious few people and
Pokémon who survived have left this land
I’m leaving this land
too how could this have taken
place there’s only one chance of
rescuing the
girl perhaps xerus is able to bring her
back xerus evel’s equal the life Pokémon
when xerus transforms into a large tree
it shares its power with the land and
that sharing can bring even the most
Barren of lands back to life so do you
know where xerus
is find a forest that glimmers like a
rainbow wherever xerus is that Forest
flourishes so the symbol X it’s a
reference to xerus isn’t it yes that’s
right Jan visited many Lush forests but
because xerus is constantly on the Move
sadly Jen wasn’t ever able to find
it and time passed
What We Can’t Stop we need to find where
the forest it’s
lifeless is it
evelt it’s terrible isn’t
it can you tell me what happened his
people came and then he took xerus away
xerus who’s that
evelt the one who took xerus away turned
out to be the ruler of a small
Kingdom his goal he tried to monopolize
the life Pokemon’s power for his own
purposes so because xerus was taken away
the forest turned Baron and
brown yes and all due to one man’s
selfish actions
what is going on I brought cernus to my
garden yet nothing is
flourishing so does that mean bestowing
eternal life is nothing more than a
worthless illusion
xerus set it on fire are you sure of it
do it it is a no Worth to me and if it
brings me no benefit burn it let’s
go stop
it you have no right to be here put out
that fire silence no release serus and
extinguish the fire at once xerus
belongs to me I will do whatever I want
with it don’t you feel anything seeing
it burning making xeria suffer will
bring Misfortune and pain such utter
nonsense get rid of this man at once
sir stop there’s nothing to worry about
you must must remain remain
calm the world is
that so at that moment zygard appeared
yes this symbol resembling a z is a
reference friends to
zygard zygard the order Pokemon zygard
watches over kalos’s ecological system
and unleashes its fury on those who try
to destroy that
it’s like the human immune system how it
tries to heal irregularities in the body
and bring it back into balance you’re
right zygard is also known throughout
the land as The Watcher of
Kalos it eradicates harmful
cernus I’m begging you to assist me come
to my Aid with your great
power wait
at that moment Jan came to a realization
he knew that the land destroyed by ielt
would someday become even more Lush and
alive so he made the decision to protect
the land alongside
Isa it said Jan recorded everything that
he saw and
experienced and that’s what has been
passed down to
us after a very long time the land
became plagued by a devastating
drought and once again it became
savagely Barren and devoid of
God dear
huh Jus you have come
unfortunately according to Legend Isa
never returned to her original state I
believe both xerus and evelt are
incarnations of nature that take care of
the land that is their task and their
purpose and when the natural order is
undone zard appears in order to balance
it these three powerful Pokémon preside
over the never ending cycle of
life and perhaps there is a distinct
possibility that zygard cells could be
watching over us right
now zygard cells are not normally seen
however they’re everywhere in the Kalos
region that was clearly proven during
the incident involving team
do you have any idea what happened to
Jan after that honestly no The Legend
doesn’t mention anything having to do
with Jan’s
fate that means only she
knows there is another
possibility perhaps zygard was watching
too can you please show me the rest of
ruins yeah sure I’ll introduce you to
the research team thanks very much I’m
so glad I came
oh dear
me can I help
hello do you always take a nap right
sir young lady I was just having a
conversation with this
woman a
conversation yes I was telling her that
thanks to a Pokemon named xerus the
season when flowers bloom is upon us
once again you mean the legendary
Pokémon a long long time ago this old
man actually met
xerus you’re kidding right oh no I speak
the truth I met eval tal too and I also
met a third a green colored Pokémon
shaped something like
this WOW
amazing the forest stays Lush and
beautiful thanks to the caring and
watchful eyes of all three of
them what won’t you come back to my
house and tell me more
stories I don’t want to leave this place
do you want to stay because of her
yes and here I will always
remain now I must return to my nap thank
you for the conversation young lady it
was most
xerus IAL and Zygarde those three will
continue to watch over Kalos and its
history along with the Statue of the


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