Pokémon the Series: XY| EP26 | To Find A Fairy Flower! |Pokémon Asia ENG

as ash follows his dream to enter the
carlos league our heroes continue
towards shallow city and ash’s third
kalos gym battle
is everyone ready
let me give it a try oh sure
why don’t we do something different for
a change huh
do you like it
it’s so cute
it’s like a flower i think it’s awesome
isn’t that pokemon let’s see
the single bloom pokemon flebe chooses a
favorite flower at the beginning of its
life and takes care of it from then on
but it doesn’t look like this blue baby
has a flower
not only that it doesn’t look very happy
maybe it’s hungry or something
can we give it something to eat i have
some flower nectar for pokemon see great
here it might be easiest to use this
eyedropper to feed it
yay i wanna do it please
hang on a sec here you go
it’s sweet
the baby’s drinking it it’s strange that
it doesn’t have its own flower and i’m
wondering why that flabebe landed in
bonnie’s hair
oh that’s easy because my hair’s as
beautiful as a flower thanks to serena
am i really that pretty
all right i guess i am clement can you
keep flabebay for me oh please won’t you
catch it for me won’t you please i guess
so it seems to like you a lot bonnie all
right flabebay here goes
it didn’t work
is there something wrong for baby
it’s shaking its head
you know i’ll bet that flu baby already
has a trainer come on no way it can’t be
flow baby’s my friend and that’s the way
it is
to find a fairy flower
let’s go see nurse joy maybe she can
tell us something about flabebay’s
trainer i don’t want to say goodbye to
flu baby
i want you and i to always be together
thank goodness you’re okay
please forgive me huh
fla baby won’t you come here
so is this man your trainer for baby
what’s wrong
maybe we should all say hi huh
i’m so sorry hello my name is gray hi my
name’s ash and this is my partner
pikachu they got you i’m clement i’m
bonnie’s my name and this is the denny
thank you for taking care of my flabebay
i’m grateful to you all
all right shall we go home for a baby
i think flabebe has gotten quite
attached to bonnie’s hair it doesn’t
seem to want to leave
i think flabebe really likes bonnie too
if i may i’m wondering why flabebay
doesn’t have a flower of its own well it
used to have one
it was just the three of us living
together my wife florence flabebe and me
florence really loved and cherished
flabebe with all her heart
what’s wrong
florence are you all right
florence had suddenly fallen ill i
immediately called for an ambulance and
she was rushed to column town central
florence will be in the hospital for
quite a while
when i awoke the next morning fla baby
was gone
i thought it might have gone to the
hospital to see florence so i hurried
there to find out
when i got there i found flabebe in the
rain gazing at florence through her
hospital room window
it had a very worried expression on its
baby come back
and i’ve been searching for flabebe ever
since and now phlebe and i are finally
reunited well baby so that’s what
of course now it makes sense to me why
flabebay flew to us without a flower i’m
afraid i have to bring fla bay back with
me right away huh is something wrong
the doctor called and told me that
florence was all finished with her
treatment but still she wasn’t back to
her normal happy self oh no
he said it’s not because of her illness
but more of an emotional issue i see
an emotional issue i’ve got to bring
flabebe back to the hospital with me to
see her as soon as i can
with one look i’m sure florence will
start to feel like herself again so then
i guess you’d better hurry
but without its flower i’m afraid
flabebe will start to grow weaker and
so the first thing we need to do is find
flabebe’s flower as quickly as we can
huh wait why don’t we give flabebe one
of those flowers
a different flower won’t do us any good
you see a flabebe chooses the kind of
flower it likes when it’s very young and
stays with it forever and no other kind
of flower will ever be able to replace
it then let’s find the same kind of
flower yeah i’ll just go to a flower
shop so what kind of flower is it
that’s very kind of you to offer your
assistance but its flower is a fairy
and they don’t have them at a normal
flower shop oh man
so fairy flower huh
i know i’ve seen this flower somewhere
on bonnie’s head
yeah you’re right i see the reason
flabebe landed on bonnie’s head wasn’t
because she looked pretty it thought it
saw its favorite flower that makes sense
it’s always better using scientific
reasoning why you
i want both florence and flabebe to get
better but what to do i guess i’m at a
loss i’ve got it we’ll go and find a
fairy flower
in the meantime you can go to the
hospital and spend some time with
florence once we’ve located it we’ll
bring the flower over to you right away
i don’t know what to say i’ll look for
it too nah nah that would be wonderful
thank you all so much
fla baby isn’t that nice
thank you once again you can count on us
i think that flabebay needs to feel
better first so let’s go see nurse joy
the babe is all ready now
for baby
i’m so glad you’re all right
for the time being you see flabebe uses
the energy of its flower to replenish
its strength term
and that’s why we’ve got to get out
there and find a fairy flower as soon as
we can do you know where fairy flowers
grow let’s see you should find fairy
flowers growing in a field close to town
yes right here
one thing
unfortunately they’re out of season at
the moment it might be hard to find one
we’ll give it a shot thank you nurse joy
all right let’s go before flabebay feels
weak again come on right let’s hurry
well well well it seems we’ve been
presented with a blooming opportunity
what next
first we plant the seed then water it
then bam yes ma’am
which way is the field where the fairy
flowers grow
we gotta do it looks like we go straight
this way great i calculate we’ll be
there in approximately an hour won’t be
long you’ll be fine
welcome don’t you know yeah
we’re here to take you on a
happy-go-lucky tour of the lovely
surroundings nature has to offer y’all
don’t you know if you’re looking for
fairy flowers we’ll help you find them
don’t you know you’ll help us find a
fairy flower andy too don’t you know
since they’re out of season at the
moment an amateur would have a hard time
finding one don’t you know nurse joy did
tell us the same thing but wait there’s
more today’s your lucky day our first
four customers get their tour for free
don’t you know yeah wow you mean it
we’ve never been meaner it is our lucky
come on we don’t have that much time
let’s go with them so we can find a
fairy flower
don’t you know clement you’re starting
to talk like them i’m sorry
oh yeah i want to thank you fine folks
for participating in our special
free-for-all happy-go-lucky tour don’t
you know i say we get this trappy go
twerpy tour off and touring don’t you
know yeah
he forgot his brain y’all hey right this
way don’t you know yeah
we’re here yeah
fairy flower land don’t you know i can’t
believe how fast we got here you’re
guided by great guys don’t you know
without us you’d be walking in circles
not so sure about that we’ve been on
this path the whole time listen what’s
important now is that we find a fairy
flower yeah gray’s waiting for us at the
hospital all right bonnie ready
for baby i promise we’re gonna find just
the kind of flower you like okay yeah i
don’t want to say goodbye but there’s
somebody special waiting for you who
needs you
i’m not finding any fairy flowers me
neither it looks like nurse joy was
right on the mark when she said that
they’re now out of season i’m getting
worried hmm
what’s the deal i don’t see any either
you’re our tour guides can’t you do
but of course you leave things to us
fairy flower fairy flower show your
pretty face yeah there must be a fairy
flower around this place yeah man
they’re no help at all
hey what is it
look uh-huh i think that’s a fairy
flower and it’s blooming way up on that
cliff over there
that’s it all right
yes let’s go
who’s that pokemon
see it’s right up there
i don’t think flababe is strong enough
to fly all the way up there by itself
i’ll go and get it ash
you can’t pull it up flabebe needs to
grab onto a flower that’s still growing
naturally out of the ground
huh okay then i’ll bring full baby up
there with me
if i take you you can get your flower
it’s too dangerous bonnie
it’ll be all right i’m way better at
climbing than you are hmm oh bonnie
be careful you can do it
little more there’s no distraction like
twerk distraction pikachu catching time
i’m all over it
huh so baby we made it up see there’s a
fairy flower
oh wow
the baby grabbed onto the fairy flower
all right bonnie you were amazing
oh right what are you doing with pikachu
prepare for trouble things are all right
because catching pikachu makes our world
to protect the world from devastation to
unite all people within our nation to
denounce the evils of truth and love
to extend our reach to the stars above
surrender now or prepare for one fine
flowery fight
that’s right
team rocket
i should have known it was you so should
i but soon it’s not gonna matter wow
those guys make me so mad love it teach
them a lesson guys froggy vatican
all right pumpkaboo out
okay nk what do you say
rookie use waterfalls
once more
the fairy flower must have revived it
what in the world
what a world i’ve somehow achieved a
contented and peaceful state
what’s up with you two let’s get the
toys off the grid
you needn’t be so angry meowth chum he’s
right fighting is so
barbaric relax give it a rest
turn off your mind relax and float
downstream so what should we do now
why don’t we set adorable little pikachu
free that’s fine with me
off you go little buddy
i’m glad you’re back
what’s gotten into team rocket anyway oh
i see the pollen from flabebe has the
power to make everyone feel wonderfully
relaxed so when anyone acts aggressively
towards it it simply scatters its pollen
thanks so much for everything
we’re fine because of you yeah
we should get going gray and florence
are waiting for us he got down ash is
right let’s go fast
they’ll be back here soon ash and his
friends were kind enough to look for
another fairy flower for for a baby oh
the trouble i’ve caused i hope you’ll
find it in your heart to forgive me
come in
hi there gray sorry we took so long
but we finally found a very flower oh
that’s so wonderful to hear now bonnie
please hey
i’m so happy to see you
it’s simply amazing how much better i
feel seeing you again
i can’t thank you enough for going all
the trouble of finding a fairy flower
that was so kind of you dear ash and
clement and serena and little bonnie
thank you all
it was really all bonnie’s work
clement’s right the fairy flower was all
the way up on a cliff and she climbed up
there with flabebe to get it
bonnie i am indeed grateful and i am too
dear thanks
huh hi there
we only played for a short time but it
was a lot of fun
now you can be with gray and florence
you take good care of them
know what i’ll see you
thanks to bonnie’s courage and caring
for babe has a beautiful new fairy
flower and florence flabebe and gray are
together once again as our hero’s carlos
journey continues

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