Pokémon the Series: XY| EP22 | Going For The Gold! |Pokémon Asia ENG

we’ll be able to see it from the top of
the hill all right
smell the ocean it feels so nice it’s
always great to get to the shore
this says how beautiful ambrette town is
that’s the ocean to danny
all right brokey i choose you
check out the ocean
froakie’s a water type no wonder it’s so
happy yeah this would be a great spot to
train but there’s still somewhere i want
to go where’s that serena
ambrett aquarium aquarium great it’s got
lots of watertight pokemon from all the
different regions that’s it i’ve wanted
to go since forever sounds like fun i’d
like to go too oh
i want to go i want to go i want to go
then let’s go
going for the gold
continuing their journey to silage city
our heroes have decided to visit ambrett
aquarium where they can marvel at the
many water-type pokemon on display there
welcome to ambrett aquarium i’m sure
you’ll enjoy all our aquatic displays
can’t wait to see them our aquarium is
the perfect place to see many different
water-type pokemon
a keeper whoa hey i need you to take
care of my brother please
bonnie i told you to stop this a million
this is so
embarrassing i hope you’ll think about
it please
have a nice day
wow so many
that scared me
that’s irrelevant did that scare you too
you mean whooper
it’s like we’re all underwater you never
get to see water type pokemon from this
angle what a treat yeah right huh hey
what’s that it’s a man
awesome it’s gigantic whoever designed
this aquarium sure knows a lot about
water type pokemon for sure
really friendly aren’t they pikachu and
i know a piplup who’s really something
hey it’s a magikarp
magikarp the fish pokemon because all
magikarps seem to do is splash around
some consider them weak but they’re
actually a hearty pokemon that can
survive in water no matter how dirty it
they do splash around a lot
you know many magikarp live in the bay
uh who are you
just a friendly observer of course there
are many different types of pokemon in
the world but water type pokemon are
surprisingly the second most common type
see there are so many different types of
water type pokemon because they have
adapted to the many different
environments that are found in the ocean
man that’s cool stuff huh did you see
outside uh see what bigger
i meant this huh
a magikarp statue and it’s gold-colored
it’s so big
it’s a statue of the giant golden
magikarp so why did they make a statue
for it
this magikarp represents a dream for a
lot of people if you’d like to learn
more i suggest you speak to that
gentleman over there
you see he’s the aquarium’s curator
i must be going now he has great stories
to tell
thanks very much well let’s go
dig it swiping and selling that gold
statue should make us vocoder bucks
don’t count our millions just yet it’s
probably just gold-plated agreed if it
was solid gold it simply wouldn’t be out
here unprotected if that’s true why
would they have a statue like this
hanging out here in the first place
perhaps there’s a real giant golden
magikarp splashing somewhere out there
it behooves us to make it ours then
yes a bite
it’s a big one that’s for sure
excuse me do you run the aquarium yes i
do my name is rodman nice to meet you
i’d also like you to meet my partner
a long-term launcher it’s a clauncher
cloncher the water gun pokemon contra
fires compressed water from the arm gun
on its right claw and damages foes with
the impact from the water
we were curious about that giant golden
magikarp statue oh that statue’s amazing
isn’t it as a matter of fact i’m trying
to catch the real golden magikarp right
there’s a real golden magikarp um
according to local legend yes
so that explains why that amazing
statue’s on display
the legend’s been around for years
long ago people spent lots of time free
diving here one day a free diver was
shocked by a stormy while underwater and
came very close to drowning suddenly a
mysterious giant golden magikarp
appeared out of nowhere and carried the
freediver to shore saving his life
apparently the giant golden magikarp has
been spotted in this same area several
other times fascinating you see the
mayor is a very friendly man so when i
told him about the legend he installed
that golden magikarp statue for the
aquarium my dream is to catch it for the
aquarium so children will have the
opportunity to see it up close that way
everyone will enjoy the aquarium even
more after all the purpose of an
aquarium is to educate and entertain
don’t you think
sounds really awesome to me
well well well
it’s a legend where there’s smoke
there’s fire i always say which means if
it is real we’ll swim in success in
operation catch the golden magikarp is
underway oh i just had a big brainstorm
pedal to the metal
full speed ahead
oh i got a bite
wow this could be it that golden
magikarp it’s a big one
it’s just a regular magikarp
whenever i catch a regular magikarp i
always release it back into the ocean
i know i’ll help you catch it
me too i’d like to help too well
looks like i’ve got myself a fishing
no doubt i’m gonna be the one who
catches that giant golden magikarp we’ll
see about that you can do it
what’s the matter
i’ve never fished before oh yeah no prob
i’ll teach you oh please first bring
your rod all the way back like this then
fling it as far as you can throw the
lure like this farther how about this
now you cast the lord with all your
nice one you definitely have potential
wow you think so
hello there
it’s really nice to meet you
lunch huh
who’s that pokemon
it’s closer
what’s that a bite reel it in quick
i’m trying oh could it be the giant
golden magikarp we’ll give you a handful
serena why don’t you battle corsola and
catch it if you want to catch it you
should battle it right away
right okay
you shouldn’t have run away like that
fennekin you should have battled instead
well it was all a bit sudden next time
for sure
launcher now you know better than to
attack an aquarium patrons pokemon
cluncher could be a bit friendlier i
guess it originally lived in the
aquarium so anyone who visited us here
could watch and interact with it but
cloncher didn’t like being looked at
that way it lost its appetite and i
could tell it was getting sadder and
so i decided to make it my pokemon
instead fortunately it’s fine when it’s
just the two of us i see
bonnie i told you dedene’s nuzzle was
dangerous remember sorry my brain’s numb
there our giant golden magikarp bud is
complete the big lug gets three-star the
real golden magikarp will think it’s a
friend and approach it and then
hey clement what are you making there
anyway all done huh
the future is now thanks to science
climatic gear on its name the no need
for water type pokemon food chinchou
model magikarp magnet
your names are pretty boring but they
say it all a sound wave inaudible to
people will emit from chinchow’s
antennae all the way down to the bottom
of the ocean that sound wave has a
naturally soothing effect on magikarp so
they’ll be attracted to and gather
around my wonderful device and that’s
when we’ll reel them all in
science is so amazing you’re a genius aw
shucks you flatter me let’s get to it
power on
do you really think that thing will work
is that a magikarp i don’t think so
it’s a sharpino
it didn’t work in a big way
it shouldn’t have attracted them just
you would think that glorious golden
magikarp would be all over us by now
heads up did you see that it was giant
size catching time
fishing’s kind of boring when you don’t
get any bites but isn’t it nice to relax
with nothing to do with all the time in
the world to feel the delightful ocean
breezes all done huh
the future is still now thanks to
science it’s time for take two climatic
gear on
its name the this time it will attract
only magikarp for certain lantern model
your names are still pretty boring but
they do say it all like them or not you
sure it’s gonna work this time yes i
just ran extensive tests on the magikarp
in the aquarium and discovered which
sound wave they prefer
this improved model will emit a special
sound wave down to the bottom of the
ocean basically the same procedure as
the chinchou model it’s amazing that
science is so amazing let’s get started
then you’re sure about this golden
magikarp come to me
nothing seems to be happening
i’ve got a bite
yeah so do i i seem to have a bite too
oh right you can do it hey i’ve got a
i’ve never caught something like this
before me neither hang on clement it’s
too big for me to hold on to
it’s huge you wrong
could we have caught it
we did it’s a golden magikarp amazing it
really does exist
we really caught it we really caught it
excellent my new device worked great job
big brother
all right pikachu are you ready to
battle it
no way
prepare for trouble no way you say and
make it dumb no way no way to protect
the world from devastation to unite all
people within our nation to denounce the
evils of fishing hooks to extend our
denouncing to turkish crooks
team rocket blasts off at the speed of
light surrender now or prepare for an
aquatic fight yeah that’s right
team rocket can’t you see we’re trying
to catch the golden magikarp get
yourself in someone else’s way for a
those guys are always messing everything
up well who are those guys they’re bad
guys who steal people’s pokemon
let’s grab those gold pokemon and
showdown no one gets in team rocket’s
face beginning with cloncher down we go
speedy pokemon change up let’s set our
sights onto dene
help today pikachu
look out launcher
let’s go
you’ve got it buddy thunderbolt go
thanks that was so nice of you to rescue
today launcher may be a bit ornery but
it has a strong sense of justice
guess it’s time to call it a day i’m
sorry for all the trouble you had to go
through and that we weren’t able to help
much thank you for lending us your
fishing rods you kids go on and keep
them i’m certain they’ll come in handy
someday wow really thank you so much
we’ll take good care of them we
appreciate it
was was that it
the legend is really true
it does exist
everybody’s happy
gotta go we’ll be back good and i will
have caught the golden magikarp by the
time i see you next we look forward to
plunger although our heroes were unable
to help rodman catch the golden magikarp
of legend they’ve once again been
reminded there are countless wonders
they have yet to discover as their
exciting adventures continue

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