Pokémon the Series: XY| EP14 | Seeking Shelter From The Storm! |Pokémon Asia ENG

it’s freezing we’re getting soaked let’s
duck in there
man what a storm it came up so suddenly
i hate thunder
let’s ask if we can stay here until it
stops raining
the door’s open
bonnie you can’t just go in there
anybody home
can we stay here until it stops raining
excuse us
is anybody here
i know it’s my destiny
seeking shelter from the storm
as our heroes continue their journey to
seal our city and ash’s second kalos
region gym battle they find themselves
caught in a heavy thunderstorm
is anybody in here
sorry to bother you
it seems totally deserted the exterior’s
in pretty bad shape so maybe nobody
lives here anymore hey why don’t we just
stay here for a while i guess so
maybe but this place gives me the creeps
yeah me too but it’s better than getting
i think it feels creepy because there’s
no light
looks like it’s still working
that’s better sure is hey clement thanks
i didn’t turn them on
so then
who did that’s kind of weird
probably it must have been the sensors
sensors yeah motion detectors that’s why
the lights came on automatically it may
be an old house but it must be equipped
with the latest technology
i see
or maybe
we’re inside a haunted house
did i say that
uh let’s wait outside until the rain
passed great idea
what happened
guys the door is locked no way but it
was just wide open it must be the motion
detectors closing and locking the doors
after they’re open for a short while but
why are they still locked let me see
maybe this is a haunted mansion that
grabs people and then eats them
wait you should never trust anything
that can’t be explained by science this
is a huge mansion so there has to be
another way to get out of here yep
you’re right let’s go and find it
it’s a temple happens to be raining down
on us yeah i hate when that happens
there’s a good chance it’s not raining
inside that huge house but what if
somebody’s there then i’ll keep them
we’re company too
open the door this home’s creep factor’s
on ten
and that’s a bad thing it’ll keep away
the riff-raff and make this the perfect
kalos frontline hideaway wait a sec i
thought we were getting out of the rain
oh it’s an automated window in an old
house like this meows right wait up
judging by the looks of it this place
has been abandoned forever longer
hmm there must be a light switch around
oh thanks for the light meowth i didn’t
do that
i’d say everything in this old joint is
automated this old house
i’m starting to get a bad feeling about
this place you and me both pally let’s
make sure we have an out white up
this thing’s locked huh
it’s just a painting
you’re right it’s a portrait
maybe she owns this place
maybe she’s not alive but she’s here
anyway if you know what i mean
did you hear that that sounds yeah loud
and clear i am so through with this
anybody hear that it must be an old
grandfather clock ticking away somewhere
and nothing more i’m sure of it sounds
to me like someone’s pounding a steak
how come to stop a vampire
it’s just a portrait pleading next time
tell me before i freak out hey did that
woman’s eyes just move
like i previously stated this is an old
mansion so it’s really drafty the draft
sounds like a whistle and the whistle
sounds like someone screaming which is
actually quite common you’re wrong i
have no doubt in my mind that was
somebody screaming serena’s right
this mansion must be haunted by the
spirit of the lady in that painting
there i go again
we need to get out of here fast i
thought you were going to make this our
hideout i lied
what’s that
that is has shining on well i’m not
about to stick around and check out
whatever it is that sparky just threw at
another scream
let’s find a way out
wait bonnie
where’s bonnie i don’t see her anywhere
bonnie where’d you go
did someone just call us
it’s probably whatever’s haunting this
goofy joint now that you mention it it
does look haunted doesn’t it well you
keep your crazy to yourself hey
she has to be around here
what’s wrong with you
you just see something i figured it out
there must be a psychic or ghost type
pokemon in this mansion that’s gotta be
why those lights turned on and the doors
closed all by themselves so you think a
pokemon did all of that of course that
certainly would explain all this weird
stuff yeah and maybe that thing we saw
was actually a pokemon a pokemon pikachu
i’d guess the doors and windows wouldn’t
open up because that pokemon probably
doesn’t want us to get out of the
mansion just yet yeah but why i don’t
hello there
hey what’s your name
who are you
who’s that pokemon
it’s esper
are you a ghost
please tell me
do you live here
hey how did we do that wait a minute was
that you who kept us from falling
wow thanks
were you the one who turned on all the
lights and then locked the door
why’d you do that
what’s in here
bonnie where are you
where did you go
do you hear that noise do you think
that’s bonnie let’s go check it out
who’s there
prepare for trouble such a familiar
sound make it double like pikachu’s
around to protect the world from fear
and loathing who unite all people in
creepy clothing to denounce the evils of
blood-curdling screams to extend our
reach till we burst at the seas
jittery james team rocket blessed off in
a terrible bliss
i’d rather be fighting because i’m
scared out of my wits this is the pants
looks like we’ve been haunted by the
twerks don’t ever do that again
so you guys were behind all this behind
what all that weird stuff you’re dressed
up like ghosts we didn’t do anything we
borrowed these tablecloths because we
were cold and so kind of scared okay
what did you do with bonnie huh what’s a
bonnie save it the first order of
business is getting out of this nut
something just went bump in the night i
wonder what it was looks like we’ve got
maybe it was bonnie then we’d better go
and check it out now
it fell over
well it was you
i’ve seen that painting before
it’s the same pendant yeah
but why
there you are hi you okay thank goodness
look bonnie you should never ever run
off like that you have no idea how
worried we’ve been i’m so sorry i was
playing with that pokemon
esper the restrained pokemon esper’s
psychic energy can travel hundreds of
feet blasting everything around it i
knew it
that’s prospero it’s trying to tell me
something but i can’t understand it hmm
we were too passionate to think but now
it all makes sense
team rocket let’s put that aside none of
us are going to be able to get out of
here unless we figure out what esper
wants from us the man makes sense
translate please basically espa says it
wants to return the pendant to the lady
in the painting that’s prosperous
it says she took really good care of
for you
she gave it some food
do you like it
she gave it a ball
i used to play with my children and
grandchildren like this too
they used to play together all the time
i’m sorry
i’m all right
my dear pendant
it means so very much to me
it was a gift from my husband
do you like it in that case you may hold
on to it for a little while make sure
you don’t lose it all right
come visit again anytime
then one day
it came to return her beautiful pendant
but she was gone
i see so it’s been waiting for her so it
could return her pendant
all this time yeah
she must have really liked you a lot if
she let you wear that pretty pendant of
hers like she did there’s prosper
raspberry but now esper wants to find
out where the old lady went off to i’m
afraid there’s no way any one of us
would know
hey ash we could try to find out yeah we
could that’s a great idea
i’m afraid we don’t have time for such
silliness we know the quickest way out
of here and that’s to catch esper
what are you doing huckaboo let’s go
it’s using protect thanks a lot
yes we finally got out of there true but
where are we going next
whisper that was great you really got us
out of a jam i can’t believe how
powerful you are
just leave finding the lady who lived
here to us
i wonder if that woman lived here all by
are you talking about grandma lacey huh
uh grandma lacey that’s her in that
painting she’s my grandmother wow she’s
your grandmother does that mean you own
this big house that’s right i sure do my
name’s elise so who might you be
i understand you knew my grandmother
then i’m sorry we entered your house
without permission no problem i’m glad
you were able to get out of the rain
grandma lacey always used to play games
with me when i would come here for a
visit too just like she did with you
where’s your grandma lacy now
i’m afraid she passed away
i’m sorry
esper wanted to return that pendant to
your grandma
thank you
this was my grandmother’s favorite piece
of jewelry
this old house was scheduled to be torn
down soon it’s in pretty bad shape so i
came back to see what kind of condition
it was in but you know what after this
after meeting all of you i think i’ve
changed my mind i’m going to renovate
this place
now don’t worry grandma lacy’s portrait
will stay exactly where it is
and when it’s all finished i’m going to
move in
and you know what
i’d be thrilled if you’d come and play
i know do you want to go to the cemetery
where grandma lacey is now
you can tell her all about the pendant
and say goodbye
i’m sure you’ll take good care of esper
right of course i think esper and i will
be good friends take care okay
two hearts espers and elise’s connected
by grandma lacy’s pendant our heroes
have witnessed yet another bond between
people and pokemon
as their journey continues
you know i think it would be a whole lot
better if you held on to that pendant
instead of me i’m sure that’s what
grandma lacey would want anyway
it looks perfect
what a pretty flower

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