Pokémon the Series: XY| EP02 Lumiose City Pursuit! | Pokémon Asia ENG

i’ve competed in rhyhorn races around
the world and you can do it too just
stay with it be one with my horn
the not best
lumiocity pursuit
excitement filled the air as ash and
pikachu arrived in the kalos region but
as soon as they arrived team rocket was
after our heroes again
however a brave pokemon named froakie
saved the day but froakie took a lot of
damage while battling we join ash as he
races to professor sycamore’s pokemon
lab with an injured froakie in his arms
this way hurry up
okay froakie you’ve got to hang in there
i’m running as fast as i can
ash don’t wait for me get going you got
it clement i can’t believe how slow my
brother is
unforgivable and embarrassing ash this
way right
that’s it the sycamore pokemon lab it’s
the toddler
sycamore pokemon lab
it must be for studying pokemon
i’ll wager all the strong and rare
pokemon in there would make you fall
professor sycamore are you here
are you the professor
brookie no
you know this froakie professor i sure
sophie come quick we’ve been so worried
about you your trainer has been in
recent contact with us
brokey needs help right
thanks professor we’ve been worried
about froakie too so is froakie’s
trainer on the way here now i’m afraid
not he contacted us to let us know he
wanted to give up frokey
you’re so slow
how’s frokey
there’s nothing to worry about
sophie is the absolute best at what she
i’m professor sycamore i’m a pokemon
researcher working here in carlos nice
to meet you my name’s ash and this is my
partner pikachu
my name’s bonnie and this is my brother
clement it’s truly an honor to meet you
professor sycamore pikachu and i got
here today from pallet town in kanto
from kanto right i’m traveling on a
journey so i can become a pokemon master
then welcome
forgive me for not thanking you yet for
saving froakie it’s much appreciated the
truth is froakie saved us
so what’s the deal with froakie’s
trainer what happened that would make
him give froakie up well one of my
numerous responsibilities is to give
trainers their very first pokemon
proki’s a pokemon meant for new trainers
but this particular froki is a bit
refusing to listen to its trainer during
there have been times when froki ran
away simply because it didn’t like its
trainer and several trainers have come
back to my lab just to return it
uh-huh you mean more than one
i’m sure froki acts that way for a
reason so froggy’s had a hard life i’ve
heard quite a few rumors about a new
trainer’s first pokemon like that but it
seemed absurd so i never believed them
garchomp lives here at the lab
it has a good heart
garchomp how are you feeling
froakie will be fine don’t worry you can
thank these people
oh wow
nice to meet you garchomp
you really care a lot don’t you
froakie’s gonna be okay promise wow
may i pet garchomp too please i’ve never
seen a real guard chomp before of course
garchomp would really like that
you’re so cute good pokemon hey you like
me professor
hmm i’ve heard a lot about your research
on pokemon evolution is it true yeah
there are a lot more pokemon living
right here at the lab than garchomp oh i
want to see them well i think we can do
something about that gazette look after
garchomp won’t you of course sure thing
aren’t you coming ash
yeah i’ll catch up with you oh okay
hey froakie i really want to thank you
for saving me
pikachu and i think you’re awesome huh
i don’t get it
i’d want a pokemon like you look what
you did you cared enough to save pikachu
you’re the best
wow amazing so ash how’s frokey feeling
much better froakie’s real strong ash
i’ve never seen these pokemon there’s
almost too many pokemon to count wow
there’s even a helioptile
so professor what kind of evolution are
you researching
well if i told you that pokemon may have
an additional evolutionary stage what
would you say are you serious so you’re
saying that guard chomp can still evolve
possibly that’s my research
whoa unbelievable
there have been several reports about
different pokemon evolving in a way that
we researchers refer to as mega
evolution mega evolution
a lot of the mechanics are still a
but we believe that a strong bond
between pokemon and trainer as well as a
special stone play a crucial role in
strong bond huh
what’s more a pokemon’s able to return
to its previous form after it evolves
this way
it can turn back
mega evolution strong stuff further
after evolving the way is clear every
pokemon’s hours catching time’s here
oh fellow researchers we’ve come to
research mega evolution
you have
we’ve come to be of scientific science
i wasn’t told anything about this i’ll
check with a professor
that’s the froakie that blasted us off
then that’s the one who should feel our
research wrath first
so let’s get ready to research
now please step aside this procedure is
not for the faint of heart voila
punches it’s a car chomp crap
we insist that you come along for the
hey that’s gorgeous
hold on this isn’t how we planned it
come on garchomp go with the program
most peculiar
what’s going on
professor those three did this huh all
right who are you
prepare for trouble all right we’re us
and make it double no mass no fun
oh no team rocket you are such annoying
bad people team rocket
they’re bad guys who try to steal
everybody’s pokemon try if we succeed
and today garchomp will fill that need
there’s nothing like doing an evil deed
it can’t be a talking mouth the wisdom
gushes out of my mouth
what garchomp
what’s going on
what was that for hey look at garchomp’s
it’s some sort of collar it’s from those
dar chump jumped in to save froakie
garcha must be in a lot of pain
what’s gonna happen to our chop
let’s go after it
please be very careful sophie check to
see if the other pokemon are okay
oh clement i wish we could help poor
guard jump out then let’s go too
frokey what bro
great you want to come
who’s that pokemon
it’s frookie
please evacuate the area immediately
at present garchomp is flying towards
prism tower
trump is now unleashing random hyper
beams it just aimed one straight at our
seemed extremely agitated
have a look at this something
unbelievable is happening oh yeah well
something unbelievable has happened to
my face okay
what movie is this it’s real and live
from lumio city something awful is going
gotta try and get close to it ah but
that’s dangerous no garchomp’s the one
who’s in danger i’ve gotta find a way to
get that collar off
hmm i know if getting close to guard
shop is what you need to do i think i
just came up with a way you did
there’s an emergency stairwell through
that door
good thing i brought my backpack huh hmm
the future is now thanks to science all
right clemontic gear on ape on arm go
wow check that out
now we can get in man science is so
amazing you’ve got that right it’s my
brother’s invention i must admit i’m
kind of good at these things
thanks clement sure things
you okay
yeah but don’t worry about us you just
get going okay i’m on it
officer jenny professor sycamore i’m so
sorry about the trouble so where’s
garcho hey up there huh
it’s some kid
what it’s ash ugh
hey garchomp
oh i wonder if ash is all right
please guard chomp you’ve got to calm
there’s a boy up on prism tower
could he be trying to talk to garchomp i
wonder if that kid’s guard chomps
come back
there they are i can’t believe how brave
ash is when it comes to helping out
i need to get up there wait i’m going
with you
take my hand bonnie thank you
i’m here to help garchomp
unbelievable that boy has climbed to the
top of prison tower
no pikachu
wait i don’t want you to attack garchomp
pull yourself together
huh where’s ash up there at the top of
the tower
can you hear me
i know it hurts you’re in a lot of pain
we just want to help you please let me
get that collar off of you so we can go
back down
please so what do you say
good thinking froakie
on the collar
that must have hurt help’s on the way
don’t worry
what’s that
oh it’s you
that pokemon
thanks a lot
thank goodness the two of you didn’t get
hurt we’re both doing great and guard
jumps all back to normal thank you ash
officer jenny is on her way to get them
professor about that pokemon
great job blaziken
that was blaziken’s mega evolution
that’s mega blaze again
mega blaze again another research topic
for me
megablaze again thanks for everything
ah what a relief
that boy
no it couldn’t be
hope you all got some sleep even though
it’s a mess in there yeah i slept like a
lot best sleep i’ve had in a long time
thank you for everything i guess your
real journey begins now doesn’t it ash
oh and by the way have you received a
carlos region pokedex yet no
then please take this with you on your
journey and make good use of it
thanks a lot professor
are you ready to go buddy
good luck with your research professor
hey i think it wants to go with you i
can’t believe it froakie chose you it
really likes ash that’s so sweet
you think so huh
so froakie do you want to come with us
it’s awesome you’re coming with us
pikachu froakies our first friend in
our hero has his first pokemon from the
kalos region froakie now what other
friends and adventures await ash find
out as the journey continues
eat it all up
wow right horn i have this feeling
something interesting is about to happen
it must be that boy
let’s go

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