Peppa Pig – The Dentist

The dentist every morning Peppa and George brush their teeth today Peppa and George are going to the dentist Oh pepper George are you ready to go for your checkup Oh aren’t you busy for a checkup I’m having a tea party with Teddy yes we ‘re very busy we all need checkups to make sure our teeth are clean and healthy okay daddy Oh George are your teeth clean not mine it is George’s first visit to the dentist you both have lovely clean teeth I’m sure the dentist will be very happy Peppa and George are at the dentist’s waiting for their checkup Oh waiting is boring this magazine is very interesting it’s all about potatoes huh George the dentist will see you now right this is doctor elephant the dentist hello Peppa have you been brushing your teeth Yes Doctor elephant good now who’s first I’m fast because I’m a big girl Oh watch me George sit in the chair please hold tight open wide please ah wider please ah now let’s take a look doctor elephant uses a little mirror to look at peppers teeth I hope you haven’t been eating too many sweet peas pepper it is quite difficult to speak when your mouth is wide open ha ha ha there all done what lovely clean teeth she takes after me Oh can I have the special pink drink now yes but don’t drink it Peppa it is out George now it’s your time yeah George does not want it to be his turn maybe you can hold Mr. dinosaur while the dentist looks at your teeth dine-saw very pleased to meet you Mr. dinosaur it’s not a real dinosaur it’s made of plastic hold tight you’re doing very well George now can you show me your teeth George does not want to show the dentist his teeth George applied like this ah all done you have very strong clean teeth George all these lovely is mine dr. elephant ah yes George is very proud to have clean teeth George don’t forget the pink drink oh but wait what’s this wrong dr. elephant George has clean teeth but this young dinosaurs teeth are very dirty oh no dr. elephant is very cross with Mr. dinosaur and not at all pepper it’s my job to make teeth cleaned the waterjet please miss rabbit the dentist uses water to clean Mr. dinosaurs teeth the polisher please miss rabbit this will be a bit noisy dr. Ellison apologies Mr. dinosaur teeth that’s right George Mr. dinosaur needs some special pink drink what shiny teeth you have Mr. dinosaur he’s dying soul too scary George loves Mr. dinosaur especially now he has nice clean teeth.


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