Peppa Pig Learns and Plays with Muddy Puddles | Peppa Pig Full Episode

muddy Festival pepper and her family are
in their little tent at the Children’s
Festival it has been raining all night
and the whole field has become mud
what’s it like out there daddy pig is
there any Mart
um a little bit of mud yes oh my
wow so
yes what it does say it can get a tiny
bit muddy here sometimes a tiny bit
muddy I’ve never seen so much mud in all
my life it’s brilliant yes and we’ve got
a whole day at the festival ahead of us
at the Children’s Festival there are so
many fun things to see and do
let’s start with making sand castles
this is the Sandcastle area
it is making sand castles yeah now you
might have noticed it’s been raining so
instead of sand castles we’re making mud
fast fail your buckets with mud
turn your buckets over
give them a tap
lift your buckets
mud Castle
I like mud castles mud castles are the
well done Miss Rabbit how did you ever
come up with the idea for mud castles
simple it rains every year so we always
made mud castles ah
so what do we want to do next how about
painting pictures yay
this is the painting tent
today we’re going to paint pictures and
instead of pains we’re using
use up some brown mud and greenish mods
I even found some blue mud this morning
hmm what’s best to paint with mud
I know a muddy puddle
mud pictures
Daddy what are we doing next something
that’s fun learn all about Concrete in
the olden days
a bit boring this is the history of
concrete area
okay so who wants to live out
okay I’m into the current mud situation
I’ve got a better idea who wants to do
some puddle jumping
King’s my most favorite thing in the
whole world is jumping up and down in
muddy puddles and if we’re going to jump
in puddles we must wear our boots that’s
right are you ready yes Ben jump
my turn
although I say it myself that was a good
puddle jump well done Daddy Pig but
maybe that’s enough mud for one day yes
next up is dancing oh good I love
dancing dancing in mud great
here isn’t Madden gazelle with her band
hello everyone
are you ready to dance
this is a very very muddy Festival
pepper loves the muddy Festival everyone
loves the muddy Festival

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