New Zealand: Maori – Travel Kids in Oceania

Cheers let’s journal about our adventures today today we learned the hawker in new zealand new zealand me up with the maori were the first people to find new zealand they call new zealand eochiora which means land of the long white sure swimming time grandma said we could swim in the deep end if we wore life jackets after swimming we went to see our friend for harry so she could tell us about to maori hi hello there’s a special type of greeting that we do and it’s called a hongi so what you do is you shake the hand of the other person and you press your nose on their nose twice you ready we’ll try it one two nice kyoto one two kyoto well done what is this place it’s known as te puya tear is the maori word for the and puya means springs where things come up out of the ground would you like to have a look inside yeah inside there are lots of wood carved statues i see this guardian over here they’re all known as guardians there’s 12 of them this one here his name is tafaki can you see what kind of guardian or what he looks after what about things that are natural like in the thundaine there’s something else that goes with thunder yes they did it took the students we’ve got some carving students here and it took them almost almost two years to carve each one of these for harry took us inside to learn more about the maori gods and in here this is cool now he looks after earthquakes lava put your hand in there there are lots of other maori gods and each one looks after something different that’s rhythm and for harry son morgan they showed us how to play the stick game so would you guys like to learn this game it’s known as titi toria it’s a short stick game you might need to get yourselves a bit more comfortable nice one two right it’s lovely now we’ll try the left hand as well you can clap these sticks together to make a clap you can you can’t after we practice for a bit we can clap faster yeah you’re getting there snack time what is that thing it’s a cooking food cooking pool yep just come and take a seat on the ledge here so i’m going to put this in and then someone going to hold it for me okay if you guys sit down there i’ll go put it in the pool first and then i’ll come back okay so we might just need to let it go a little bit there i feel like i’m fishing for corn you are on our way to find a place to eat our corn we saw some bubbly mud there’s two of them can you see them we also found some geysers and lots and lots of speed halfway there you guys something in the bee but where is the butter time to eat our corn tastes like butter and corn clay it just looks like this is a good day what do you mean good day it’s an excellent day after our snack we went to learn the hakka that’s a maddie warrior dance that’s a guy he’s going to teach us the hackathon hi guys what are the markings on your face fucking’s on my face we call them moko the moko is worn by warriors how did he learn the hawk we learned i learned the hakka from my father and he learned from his father so it’s it’s been handed down through our family morgan and rhythm came to do the hako with us but first we had to get our cool face markings i have a face of one of the guards okay we can do that one the one that represents january because that’s my birthday this is some on my lips to do the hakka you have to stick out your tongue and eyes and scare off your enemies scary that’s right hey okay very good here we go gumbo hey yeah hey we had a great time scaring off our enemies in new zealand hi bro harry hi guys oh those are lovely yep thank you hey before you go would you like to see one of our performance team duo hide it up.


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