New Frontier | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

I’ve got to embrace Destiny shushers
you’re not getting on that rocket
you can’t stop Destiny Finn
Jake no
huh no man
no no no no
it’s not ready yet
yeah yeah oh no banana man get your butt
on board we’ve got a date with Destiny
no get off you can’t mess with fitty no
I’m not gonna let you die Ben don’t do
this Ben no man
let me go
oh please
there’s not enough boom boom stick hole
sticks in the stick hole oh Jake take
care brother you weren’t by my side my
croak dream but I’m glad you’re here to
see me off that’s right I wasn’t in his
dream that means
see you on the other side
am I in glob world
Jake huh yeah
easy there buddy
I just wanted
some sugar
poor banana man so I guess that wasn’t a
real croak dream after all didn’t really
come together quite right
yeah hey so wait in the croak dream it
was just me and banana man but this time
you were here too so
it must be destined to happen again when
you’re not around well in that case I’ll
just have to never leave your side ever
again for the rest of our lives hmm
what are you doing I can never leave
your side ever again for the rest of our
get off of me rest of our lives now I
know where you live no come on
I know you’re not a ghost fan stop
chasing me

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