Make This Video The Most Liked Video On Youtube

– This egg is the most liked Instagram picture.
It is also on track
to become the most retweeted tweet.
It’s time the egg gang begins its conquest of YouTube.
Our goal is to make this
the second most liked non-music video on YouTube.
PewDiePie currently has the most liked
non-music video on YouTube,
and we don’t want to steal a title from our king,
that would be treason.
So, our goal is to be the second most liked
non-music video on YouTube,
which means we need 4.6 million likes.
So, smash that like button.
And now that we have that out of the way,
it’s time for the egg olympics.
We have seven contestants and seven games.
If you lose a game, you are kicked out of the egg olympics,
and you get pelted by eggs.
Last one in the egg olympics wins 10 grand.
Our first competition of the egg olympics
is a staring contest.
Whoever stares at this egg,
for the least amount of time loses,
the other six people then proceed to the next game.
And go.
The first competition of the egg olympics.
Who can stare at an egg the longest?
Oh, oh, wait.
– Oh!
– And go.
– You’re at a minute, 50.
– Everyone agrees that you-
– Chandler, guy.
– 1:58.
– No, you can’t wear your hat like that.
– No, take it off.
– Man.
– Don’t blink, don’t blink.
– Dude, your eyes are so wide.
– Oh, man, what am I at?
– Oh. – I got him.
[MrBeast] Go.
[Chris] He’s asserting his dominance.
– I know, let’s make it a little harder.
– 41.
– All right, let’s see it
– Okay, okay.
– He has to go to class, trust for two minutes.
– I like it.
– He took one.
– Oh, wait, wait!
– I think that I’m gonna get like 25 seconds.
– Go.
– Jesus Christ, look at him.
– He’s about to blink. – Dude, he’s under-
– Oh no!
– All right, guess your number.
– My number is going to be-
– Cool, go. – Yeah. Sorry, cause sorry…
Oh, I blinked when I started talking.
– Yeah.
– What was that?
– Thank you, Jesus, You’re the God!
– I started talking.
– I don’t want to be here anymore.
– Hey, don’t let him leave.
– You can’t force me! No!
– All right, guys, in last place of the first game
in the egg olympics was Ethan.
It’s time we pelt him.
– Three, two, one, go.
– I don’t like this.
– They’re not even breaking.
– Ethan, Ethan.
– That’s it, that’s it.
– Ceasefire!
– All right, Ethan, quick interview.
– I don’t like this at all.
That hurt so bad.
– What are you gonna do now?
– I’m gonna go home and shower.
I’m filthy and my back sores.
– Oh God.
– All right, guys,
there is now six of you left in the egg olympics.
You have a one in six chance of winning 10 grand.
This is a classic game of spin the bottle.
If it lands on you, you’re out.
– Which one is Chandler?
– Don’t land.
– Oh, rock, paper, scissors, you two.
– Oh my God.
– Rock, paper, scissors.
– Wait, wait.
– No! – Oh my God!
– Nothing personal, man.
Nothing personal.
– I’m sorry.
– He was the loser,
so before we can proceed to the next game
in the egg olympics, we must eliminate him.
Have at it, boys.
– RIP.
– All right, arms down.
– It’s hard.
– Five contestants remain.
The next challenge is you laugh, you lose.
Chris is up first.
They all get to try to make him laugh.
Whoever laughs the fastest, loses.
Fill your mouth with agua.
Jake is up.
Start the timer.
– No?
You want the tampon tea?
– His time was one minute and 24 seconds.
Garrett is up next.
– Its smell like broke in here.
– Garrett, don’t laugh.
I swear, Garrett, don’t laugh.
You can’t eat pop tarts forever milk, Bobby.
I’m gonna be the next hokage, I’ll tell you.
– All right, four minutes and 18 seconds.
– All right, it is Jake’s turn.
– Poggers.
– It’s not a joke.
– He’s delivering.
He’s in labor.
His water broke.
– Oh, my God, here’s the child.
[Speaker] You are the father.
– I didn’t want a baby.
– Sir, I am trying to talk to you.
– It’s been a waste of time,
so there’s no point anymore.
So, so far Chris is in position to lose.
– Two, one.
– For family- – Special Delivery.
– For the Taylor-
– Hello, delivery.
– I smell pennies.
– Bro, close the hair.
Oh, he’s going to kiss you.
– I’ve already left.
– I did it.
– I’ve got something on my sleeve.
– Bring your heat.
– Warning, warning, warning, warning.
– That, wasn’t an excellent idea, was it?
– You gotta look at it,
is this your first time on camera?
– Oh yeah, daddy.
– It’s been two minutes.
– No, come on, he laughed.
– Trying to prove my dominance over here.
– Chris.
– Yeah?
I’m sorry you, the last minute.
– It’s whatever.
– It was funny.
Buddy said it was still funny.
– All right, guys, on my count.
– Three, two, one. Throw.
– It hurts.
– Hit my butt.
– How are you feeling, Nani, you’ve lost?
– I feel moisturized with eggs.
Thank you for allowing us to get
the most liked video on YouTube.
– Okay, you wanna hug?
– No, go away.
– Sure? Anybody hug?
– All right, now that Chris is gone, let’s continue.
There are two eggs right here.
There are two eggs right here.
For the next round of egg olympics, it’s a 2v2.
Garrett and Chandler versus Jake and Dustin.
Whoever gets hit by an egg first, loses,
and then their team has to go against each other.
Three, two, one, go.
Everyone left at the same time.
– Oh.
– Their team is safe.
You two can leave.
He destroyed your arm.
– I didn’t even look up and he hit.
– All right, since you got hit first,
you and Garrett have to 1v1 to decide who loses.
Garrett’s egg is right here.
Chandler’s egg is right here.
Whoever gets hit first,
three, two, one, go.
– Oh. – oh man.
– Oh!
All right, you both missed. Round two.
Also, before you guys go,
Chandler what do they need to do?
– Like the video.
– Like the video.
– All right, cool.
They now have three eggs,
but they can only throw ’em one at a time.
No matter what you guys are still friends.
Three, two, one, go.
– Oh no.
– All right, Garett got hit.
Chandler, you’re gonna lose.
Chandler, there’s now you
and two other people left.
You win two more challenges, you win 10 grand.
– I know.
The last one was sketchy, but I pulled it out.
– Man, you might win the egg olympic.
All right, boys.
Send your comrade out with honor.
He fought valiantly.
All right guys, three, two, one.
– As tradition, the next thing
in the egg olympics is twister.
This twister is covered in baby oil,
so it’s extra slippery.
After this there will only be two of you
who will then compete for the 10 grand.
And first you guys, left hand, yellow.
Left foot, yellow.
– That booty popping, dude.
– Right foot, yellow.
– He’s gripping the paper as support.
– No gripping paper, boys.
Left foot, red.
– Oh.
– Left hand, blue.
– Right foot, blue.
– I don’t do this dude.
– Jake, Jake, Jake.
– Dude, look at Dustin right now.
– Oh my God.
– Spin it!
– Dustin, why are you-
– Dustin what happened?
What went wrong?
– Couple bad placements.
These challenges are no joke, very, very hard.
You gotta prepare very long for these.
– Chandler, you can win.
– I can do it, man. – Chandler, you can win.
– You two beat Dustin fair and square.
Dustin, you lost.
It’s time for your punishment.
Do what you will at him.
One, go.
– I got that.
– Pause.
Before we can continue with the egg olympics,
we need to tell you about our sponsor,
As you guys know, this is the fifth annual egg olympics
in all five years Shop MrBeast sponsored the egg olympics.
So, I hope you guys support
because without them the egg olympics wouldn’t be possible.
This video gets the most likes,
I’ll get ShopMrBeast tattooed on me.
I don’t think breaking the most liked
non-music video is unrealistic,
like, it might be possible, who knows.
If we do that, you will get
tattooed on him.
So, don’t forget to smash the like and buy merch,
because four random people that buy merch
during the month of January will be flown out
to be in a video.
Don’t forget about that.
Back to the egg olympics.
And now it’s time to wrap up the egg olympic.
It is time for egg roulette.
Gentlemen, please go outside.
They are both blindfolded.
I’m gonna throw an egg in the air.
They can move around within the boundary
and whoever gets hit by an egg first loses.
I’m gonna do a countdown, guys.
You ready? – Wait, wait, wait.
Three, two, one.
– You both survived.
Chris is gonna do a long one.
Three, two, one.
Oh God, oh God.
– Oh!
– Oh, oh, oh.
Three, two, one.
Three, two, one. – Bro, bro, bro.
– So good.
– That was so close.
– Gentlemen-
– Just so they know, I’m not looking at them.
This is all over my back, so this is random.
– I’m just gonna rapid-fire.
– Oh!
– He hit him. – He hit him?
– He hit him – He hit him?
– No.
– Yes!
– Dude, this is not cool, man.
You didn’t know, I didn’t know.
– Dude, look at the egg warfare
that went down.
– You were angry for me.
– I didn’t do it, I wasn’t even looking.
– I just won 10 grand.
That was the most terrifying thing
I think I’ve ever been a part of.
– There you go, 10 grand.
– I don’t have any eggs on me.
– All right, you got a little bit baby oil.
– Oh, it’s fine.
– It’s the best prize.
Punishing game, man. – Where’s Chandler?
– Over there.
– Make sure you like the video
cause we wanna get the most liked video ever.
– Most liked egg. – Most liked.
Right there.
The most liked are right here.
– It probably won’t happen, but who cares?
This is fun.
– Chandler, you’re making progress though.
Next time-
– Next time you won’t be first loser.
– No.
– And that is the conclusion
to the world’s first egg olympics.
Jake, finish us off.
Three, two, one.
– And there you have it.
Jake beat the mighty Chandler.
I mean, is anyone surprised?
And Jake won $10,000.
He is the victor of the fifth annual egg olympics.
Make sure to smash like.
Congrats, Jake, on winning 10 grand.
And to you viewers I’ll see you hard-boiled eggs later.
Egg gang out!
♪ Mr Beast, oh ♪
♪ Mr Beast, oh ♪
♪ Mom, we’re out of bleach ♪

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