Loyalty To The King | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

I don’t like treating princesses this
way I don’t wanna I don’t want to do
this anymore
it’s not that it’s just princesses are
supposed to be treated with niceness are
you implying that I’m not a nice game
what’s wrong with you hey
Finn get rid of her what no man she’s
too loud and lumpy I like Smooth
smooth I can be a smooth
fan punch out my lumps what I can be
whatever he wants I can change I can’t
punch a princess oh then just sponsor
let me see what she looks like Smooth
yes hit me hit me hit me
I’m sorry Lumpy Space Princess I just
can’t punch you are you serious fine
I’ll do it myself
princess no wait a minute nice night
let’s see what you can do
that how’s that butter
no I don’t like her this is all your
fault Finn
King I’m sorry I just can’t do this
anymore punching princesses breaking
hearts it doesn’t seem nice at all hey
you’re on thin ice nice nice
the Jake is up what jig
my Jig Is Up Up High it’s a Highland jig
and I have a new assignment for you one
with more night related stuff very
important oh wow awesome what is it the
Ice King stole my Razor he sneak into
his trap-filled ice castle and retrieve
it and don’t look through the shoebox
that he keeps behind the laundry bag in
the closet what those are my orders yes
finally something night-like
look at all his hair did the Ice kick
shave his back or something
the nice King’s razor
Jake look check this out
relax dude it’s just me you look just
like the Ice King and so do I these
whiskers would make anyone look like the
Ice King yeah even the nice King
oh the nice King is the Ice King
what do those princesses see in this
face hope I can keep this going so many
princesses to me
whiskers I can’t be throwing whiskers
I haven’t picked who I want to marry me
did you retrieve my stolen razor yeah
and also this my beard I mean what is
that he knows what it is let’s get him
Jake stop We’re not gonna let you beat
up a nice can he’s not the nice King
he’s the Ice King we don’t believe you
man these ladies really want to get
married Jake we can’t beat up princesses
relax dude just get behind my air Shield
hey wait I can’t fly let me help you
now fly a liar
oh hey
ladies ladies I can shave it off again
and when you get fat I’ll grow it back
now that’s what I call a close shade
drop ball drop ball is an extremely
addictive high intensity game designed
for people everywhere here let me show
one point
two ports three parts this game looks
awful oh no I absolutely disagree dude
let’s just kill him and get the armor ow
he’s already dead here it’s your turn
now I don’t want you to be intimidated
but my high score is six good just just
toss it on the ground
thank you no no no no you’re doing it
all wrong let me show you how the pros
do it see it’s all in the technique now
I’m gonna put a little finesse into it
just to see things
been it’s so beautiful yeah guess all
the embarrassment was worth it
greetings young traveler we know what
you seek and you shall receive it now
behold the armor of Zelda wrong it will
protect you from evil even ghosts
no dude this is Lady armor
no not no more embarrassment I don’t
need armor you did not watch my drop
ball technique huh I give you first hand
tips that no one else knows and this is
how you thank me I absolutely disagree
with that
now what put on the armor it’ll protect
you from evil even go
thanks huh
Mama ah
yeah listen when your mother is speaking
to you yes Mama you should be ashamed of
yourself a boy your age sitting in this
cave alone for thousands of years you
need to go outside and get some sunlight
look no back talk outside no
whoa oh thank you Finn and Jake you
freed me from the addiction of drop ball
no problem dude I couldn’t have done it
without the power of embarrassment and I
learned I don’t need armor to be
look at you losers Finn you don’t have
any armor and your friend is dressed
like a lady
life dude good one Ben
well I’ve just been in the same areas
yeah whatever be quiet I I am more than
all of you come over here and say that
to my fist okay I will
this almost too heavy ah no problem I’ll
just prop myself up on this stick
Splinter Hey sir slicer maybe you can
use this
here you go oh free of charge
come on dude let’s get out of here
okay buddy
this armor is totally

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