I Opened A Restaurant That Pays You To Eat At It

– I opened up the world’s first free restaurant.
And if that wasn’t enough,
I also paid people to eat at my restaurant.
We haven’t even opened yet and the police just told us
they had to shut down a mile of traffic
and there’s a thousand cars in line.
Put it on up.
Yeah. – Yeah.
I’ve never ran a restaurant before.
Money for you, money for you, money for you.
Money for you. You better come get a Beast Burger!
What’s up, boys?
Welcome. What can I get you?
All we have is burgers. Be right back, one sec.
We need four burgers.
– [Kitchen Workers] Four.
– Four burgers.
– I’ve never done this in my life.
– Guys, we’re making our first customers wait.
I’m sorry for making wait, here’s a hundred dollars.
– Oh, thank you.
– You might wanna give another a hundred,
it’s gonna be a second.
– Chris said it’ll be a second, here’s another hundred.
– Oh my God. – Go, Mr. Beast.
– We got burgers now. – We got burgers.
– Here’s a burger.
(Jimmy laughing)
(rock music)
– Cooking is way harder than I thought it was.
So, you’re gonna have to stall people.
– Play the clip of the line.
(man laughing)
There’s no stalling, we’re blocking traffic.
– Figure it out.
– Oh my goodness.
Carl, the line is too long I need you to just grab burgers
and just start go giving them away.
You two, go, go.
– Hi, hi, hi, here. – Hi.
– Hi. I already ran out, oh God, okay.
– Hi, who wants burgers?
Thank you. Want burgers, burgers?
– I’m not gonna lie, I thought owning a restaurant
would be easier.
It’s actually kind of hard.
(upbeat music)
– Check the back out! Check the back out!
– Oh, show, hey! Hey, check the back.
– Hey, look at our merch. Aim, big stack of cash.
– Whoa. Woohoo. Jimmy, Jimmy.
– Oh my God, that’s amazing. Give them stacks of money.
– Stacks of money.
(girls screaming)
– I’m freaking out.
– Things are taking too long, so we’re just gonna start
going to the cars.
– I’ve got money.
– Wait, I have burgers.
– Here’s a burger and some money.
(women screaming)
Bye, it’s nice meeting you.
– Thank you. – Here you go. Enjoy.
Dude, I don’t have any burgers right now
but here’s a hundred dollars.
– Thank you, bro. – Yeah, man.
I love your shirt, here you go.
– Thank you. – No problem.
There’s so many people, we need to make more burgers.
Three, two, one. Here you go.
All right, close it. Close it, close it.
We gotta go quick to keep up with demand.
Comment down below if you’ve ever worked in fast food.
It’s stressful. Where’s the flavor?
This is my last one, this is it. This is all I have.
– Chandler, I heard you ran out of money.
– Yeah, what about it? – Here’s $200,000.
– What?
– There you go. He should be good.
– Wow. – Till the burgers catch up,
just keep giving away money, okay.
– All right, sounds good.
Gotta give away money ’cause we don’t have any food ready.
All right.
One, two, three, four, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Got no food, sorry.
– Brad. – In this bag,
I’m putting a burger
and in this bag I’m putting a bunch of AirPods
and a ton of money.
Let’s see what they pick.
Hey, would you rather have this bag on the left
or this bag on the right?
– The one on the left.
– This one? Okay, well congratulations.
This bag is a burger and fries
and this bag is a ton of money and AirPods.
So, here you go.
– Yeah. What there’s more then just one here.
What? Can I still get the food, is that okay?
– All right, fine. You can still have food, here you go.
– Thanks bro, holy crap.
– I wanted to check on the line but the thing is
nothing changed, there’s still a ton of cars.
I never publicly shared this address.
That is literally, just people seeing the billboard
out front.
(upbeat music)
♪ Woo ♪
– I got three so far. I know, I know.
– Hey, you guys want a burger?
– I severely underestimated how many people
would come for free food.
I’m calling all of my friends, we need backup.
Guys, guys, I have good news. Bailey’s here to help.
– [Kids] Yay.
– I know you’ve never made food before,
but just throw burgers together.
Get in here, go, go, go. Just start making things.
Give me that camera. Go make some burgers.
– Go, we need help. – Okay, okay, okay. All right.
– How much money have you given away at the window?
– A lot.
– How much food have we given away?
– A lot. – I’m going broke.
– You could just charge people money.
(record scratches) – Get outta here.
He suggested we charge money for the food.
– Not. – Get outta here. Go.
I don’t ever wanna hear you guys talk about charging again.
Wait Terry, are you holding a camera, man?
Get that camera outta your hand. You’re not a cameraman.
– Chandler, you hold the camera. Just go film things.
– Okay. I like holding this camera.
It’s really easy of a job. I mean, anyone can do this.
– For an unorganized restaurant full of people
that have no idea what they’re doing,
I’d say we’re doing pretty good.
(people hollering)
– Okay, how many people? Oh my God.
– There’s so many people. – Holy smokes.
There’s so many people.
You guys seem to be the exact last people in line.
So, I figured I’d give you guys a snack to hold you off.
Okay. – Okay, thank you.
– Oh wow. – We have two burgers left,
guys. – Thank you.
– Just to hold you guys off. All right.
We gotta get back. Jimmy needs us.
– All right. – He needs more burger boys.
– We need to get more burgers.
(upbeat music)
– Put the burger in the bag and here’s some napkins.
– We ran out of napkins so we just put money in there.
– Oh, thank you. Bye. – Thanks. Bye.
– How much money have we given away?
Eric called every single chef that he knows
and they’re outside waiting.
Are we ready to bring ’em in?
– Let’s go get ’em.
– All right. We’re about to bring in an army.
All right, come on in everybody.
They keep coming. – You’re on mail.
You’re on mustard. – Keep on coming.
– You’re on the grill. – Keep ’em, what?
You’re on rent. – How many people do we get?
– You’re on cheese. – Oh my God.
– You’re on the burger.
– We shouldn’t have to struggle anymore.
Now that we have a ton of extra help here,
we can keep up with demand.
So, we’re gonna open up a second window.
We’re gonna start accepting cars
on both sides of the restaurant.
Chris, you wanna man this side?
– I got it. – All right, let’s do it.
Carl, You have competition now.
Chris is open across the aisle.
– That’s not Chris.
– Hey, we need a book bag full of money over here.
– Here’s some cash for you and Chris’s window.
For this next customer, let’s give away two iPads
because we’re not letting their window show us up.
– Screw their window. Here’s two iPads, here you go.
Have a fantastic day. – Oh, thank you.
– His window’s doing really well.
– Yeah. Well it’s been-
– He just gave away iPads out his window.
– Well, give me iPads. – Good idea.
Here’s some Apple products you can give away.
– All right. So I only have one Beast Burger
but there’s a bunch of cash in there
and then here’s a brand new iPad.
– Name one other restaurant that looks like this and this.
Everyone that ordered food today got really lucky.
– Hi. – Hi.
– This is the cash register. – What? No.
– There’s some money in there. – Are you?
He just gave us a cash register.
– Money, money.
– What do we got, like four hours left
and we’re only a third of the way done.
We got all these buns to get rid of and that rhymed.
I think. Did it rhyme?
– Yeah. – Okay.
– How’s it going? How’s it going?
– How are you? How many of you guys? Five?
– There’s five of us.
– Their car got hit
while they were waiting. – We got side swiped.
– You got side swiped? No way.
They got side swiped while they were waiting.
– Wait, really? Hold up, right here.
– Whoa. – Holy cow.
– You got side swiped.
Did they stop for you or just-
– No, she just kept going.
– Oh dang. Well, we have good news.
Give me a second.
I may or may not have bought an extra car to give away.
This morning I went to my friend, I was like,
“Hey, I think I’m gonna wanna give away a car.
Can you buy one?” And he just bought us a car.
So, if you can hear us over all the screaming people,
this is the car I bought.
I bought that car this morning on an impulse, to give away.
And since you got side swiped, I thought we might as well
give it to you.
– Mm-mm. – Yes.
– No, ’cause I was just sitting here complaining about
how we was gonna get my car fixed.
Thank you. – No problem.
Are you crying? Oh, she’s gonna make me cry.
– No, getting this is like, for real,
I’ve worked hard for everything I got.
I don’t get nothing handed to me.
– Oh my gosh. I can’t handle this.
But here you want to come check out your new car.
(people screaming)
– It’s awesome, right?
– Thank y’all so much.
Y’all are such a blessing, like, for real.
– [Man] Yo, do what?
Blessings, on blessings, on blessings.
Subscribe to MrBeast, I just did.
(rock music)
– Apparently one of the cars ran outta gas waiting in line.
So, we’re gonna go fill it up.
Word on the street is you guys ran outta gas.
– We ran out of gas a while ago.
– Oh really? All right, well Chris is gonna fill you up.
That’s funny. Chris, you no longer work in the restaurant.
You’re just the gas man.
I’m gonna leave you in the hands of Chris.
I’m gonna go give away more food.
– They’re not very capable hands, I’m not gonna lie.
(upbeat music)
– So, I heard that your car broke.
So it turns on, but then it turns off. Ah, gotcha.
There’s a lot of people watching us.
I feel kind of scared to give them money.
So, here you go. Transfer, transfer, there you go.
There’s a lot of people watching.
Here’s $10,000 to fix your car.
(family screaming)
We’re surrounded by hundreds of people.
We just gave him 10 grand.
I feel like for our safety, we should go back inside.
– We should definitely go back inside.
– Even though we were rushing to feed people
as fast as possible, there was literally
a 20 mile line of cars and long story short,
we might’ve been holding up traffic a bit.
And after talking with the local police,
who were very helpful and understanding,
we decided to be responsible and close to restaurant early.
And these are our final 30 customers.
(rock music)
This next person is our last customer.
How’s it going?
So you guys are actually the last people.
Here’s three burgers for everyone.
Oh, and also, since you guys were last,
here’s a bunch of money.
I don’t know what you’re gonna do with it, but…
– You serious, brother?
Yeah, there we go. Bye, and that was our last customer.

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