I Made Money Grow On Trees

– Eric, my whole life everyone’s told me,
“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
Like what do you say-
What is this?
– Seriously, dude, what the heck?
– I know, dude.
I’m tired of people lying to me.
Money does grow on trees.
– Nope.
– I guess they didn’t want free money.
It’s all good.
Third time’s the charm, right Eric?
– Right.
– Wrong, wrong, wrong.
– Maybe we should try to, like,
make it a little more appealing.
You know, maybe my mustache isn’t helping.
– Why don’t people want our money?
– Dude, I have no idea.
That guy just jogged right past it.
– Comment down below.
Would you take our free money?
We have two separate people about to encounter the money.
– It’s gonna be a battle royale
for that tree right there.
– We bringing strangers together.
– Dude, we got a couple takers, bro.
– Are they gonna take it off?
– I don’t know.
The ladies, look at it-
This lady over to the right looks tentative, dude.
That guy was like, “I want the money.”
She’s thinking about it, dude, but she won’t do it.
Oh, wait, no, no, they didn’t take any.
They didn’t freaking take any money.
Wait, wait, wait.
She’s come back to get it.
I think they found our microphone, dude.
Well, I guess no free money for you people today.
They see us.
Hey, how are you doing?
– Hi
– There’s a tree here, and it says “Free money.”
And there is money on the tree.
I don’t really understand why.
You want some?
– What a weirdo. – You sure?
Hey you want some money? – Nope.
– All right, guys.
$1 bills, obviously people don’t care about.
So now, we’re gonna try $5 bills.
We’re gonna slowly ramp it up.
The end of the video’s gonna be epic,
make sure you watch to the end.
– Nope. – They’re not real.
– Nope.
– Hmm. – Sike.
– We decided to take things up a notch.
This time we’re doing five, we’re gonna slowly ramp it up
as the video goes on.
There’s a couple hundred bucks on this tree.
All right guys, we got the money tree.
We’re gonna go put it over there.
Wow. What is this tree?
– Do y’all know what this about?
– It has like a thing on it, look.
What is it?
– I’m not sure.
That is right there.
– Free money?
– Hey, man.
This free money?
Hmm well fuck, don’t tell me twice.
– It’s free.
– It’s free. – It’s free money?
– Free money. – How do you know?
– What does it say?
There’s like a camera or something.
– Is this free, dog?
– You found the five.
Hey, did you get some money?
– I feel bad taking a lot,
but I could really use it. – No, not you, him.
– You say there’s no note or anything?
– No, I know.
I’m like “Does it say something?”
– I should not take all of this money.
I want it, though.
I really want it all.
It’s free money. – It’s totally free.
This is crazy.
– Look, there’s a recording here.
– What? Oh, God.
What is that, before I take this money?
– Six minutes.
Well, thank you. – Thank you.
– You made my day.
– I know.
– I’ll leave some for everybody else.
– That guy just jaywalked for some free money.
– Where’d the money go?
I got it, you got it?
– Oh, really?
Thanks, man. – All right.
– What is it for?
– It’s a YouTube video. – Am I going to jail?
– No, no, it’s just a YouTube video.
Later, man.
– I ain’t going to jail though?
– No, you’re not.
One of the guys, he took the audio recorder off the tree.
I was like,
“Do you know what happened to the audio recorder?”
He said, “I grabbed it, I didn’t want to go to jail.”
I was like, “Okay, what?”
This is a YouTube video.
We’re suiting up tree for attempt number,
like, three, four, seven, I don’t know.
This time we’re gonna do it in front of a restaurant,
It’s gonna be really funny.
– Mine.
Mine, mine, mine, mine.
Mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine
mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.
Mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine.
– All right, guys.
So we filled this entire tree, the bottom of it,
where people could reach, with money.
Those signs say free money.
Let’s, oh-
I think we got a person approaching.
He’s taking the bait.
Is he just gonna get it all?
Ope ope, I think we have someone else approaching.
Yep. Oh, another doggo.
Wait, what?
He’s just left.
– Free money day.
– I want you guys to all comment,
“Hey guy in the light blue shirt,
you’re really cool for giving everyone else money.”
– Oh, yeah.
– All right, let’s go check out
what’s going on at this tree.
Wow, I’m actually surprised they ran this tree dry.
– That is awesome.
– Hey, we gotta go.
– Mission failed, we’ll get ’em next time.
– Your food on us, go for it.
– Free food, man, free money, what’s good?
– You don’t get this everyday. – Go for it, dude.
– Appreciate you, this is crazy.
– Thanks, man.
– Thank you.
– Just go for it, take it.
– Oh, my God.
Are you-
What’s your name? – My name’s Chris.
You don’t want your meal paid for?
Sure you don’t want it? – You sure?
– I’m good.
– Okay, we won’t bother you.
– $3.01.
– Who said money doesn’t grow on trees?
– I know, right?
Okay, do you have any pennies?
There you go.
Thank you. – Thank you.
– It blew over.
– It fell over,
but a good Samaritan’s helping us out.
Yeah, he’s got it.
The wind keeps blowing it over.
– There you go.
– That’s crazy.
What am I supposed to do?
Really? This is-
Are you serious?
Is this like a joke?
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, man.
Aw, man, bro.
– He’s like having moral conflict right now.
He’s trying to decide if he wants it.
– Oh, oh.
Damn, thanks.
I don’t know.
I mean, where did it, where did it come from?
Wow, man.
I am supposed to take it?
– Don’t park in the way.
Don’t park in the way. – No, dude, move.
– Oh, my God, move.
Oh, my God, move.
– I appreciate this, yo,
’cause I really didn’t have no gas money.
– It’s a money tree.
– It’s a money tree?
– No, no, no.
Go for it, go for it.
– Oh, you can’t even reach it, tiny.
– Yes you can, here.
There you go.
– Yay!
– Woo. – Woo.
– Woo. – Woo.
– Woo. – Woo.
– Mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine, mine,
mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.
– Show them over there, Chris.
– Hey buddy, that’s a tree.
– The money tree.
– It’s how we pay for our bill, sir.
– Our bills $119.
And there we go.
– All right, we like to pay with trees.
– Really, you guys?
– Yeah.
– This is crazy.
– You can’t have our tree.
– I’m taking the tree, dude.
– My parents always said
“Money doesn’t grow on trees” when I wanted nice things, so.
– They lied, they lied. – Yep.
He just said he’d do a back flip for a hundred dollars.
Oh, here you go. – Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
– See, that’s the content we needed.
Yeah, your turn.
Chris, I’m tired of your crap.
– I’m tired of your crap.
– You know what? Don’t make me throw money at you.
– Money fight.
– Is this real? – Yeah.
– Can we get it? – Yeah.
Somebody left their groceries. – Me.
– Who cares about groceries, right?
– Who cares about that little bit?
Thank y’all. – Yeah.
– You guys gotta go get that money, come on.
You only got a dollar?
And there’s a whole tree of money over there?
– Go home.
– You want some mustard on it?
– I’m not taking mustard.
– She said “I’m not grabbing that.”
– What are you talking to?
– There’s some leftover on it.
You want it, Tyler?
– Thank you.
– Make it a little lighter.
It’s a little heavy.
– I want it.
– Oh, it’s mine.
– All right, I’m taking my tree, and I’m leaving.
♪ Mr. Beast oh ♪
♪ Mr. Beast oh ♪
♪ Mr. Beast ♪

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