I Gave My 5,000,000th Subscriber 5,000,000 ______

– If they say the word fluff, they get $10,000.
– Ah, fluffy.
– Mr. Storm Trooper here
and today we have a masked army.
I’m gonna send Ethan out to go do something,
while he’s gone, we’re gonna destroy his car.
A while ago I bought a safe
and I actually forgot the passcode.
We’ve never given $40,000 to Twitch streamers.
– Thanks, for getting me W.
– Ahhh!
Right here is our army of leaf blowers.
We’re gonna win game of Fortnite in the middle of the ocean.
Oh, yes!
I wanna see if 1,000 rolls duck tape will stop this car.
Today, we’re gonna hit an ice sculpture
of Logan Paul with a flame thrower.
I don’t have ice cream.
I just have a lot of money.
So here you go. Here’s that.
I’m gonna take all these RC cars
tie them to a real car
and move that car using only RC cars.
Oh! Oh my goodness.
Like, do you have change for $200?
Oh, well, I just have to keep it.
– Are you serious?
Oh my God, thank you.
– No problem, man.
I can’t believe they’re selling us right under our noses.
Look, how much is this?
We’re gonna see if 10,000 rubber bands
can snap a safe in half.
We’re gonna take apart his old car
and put it in his office.
Surprise. Surprise.
We got you duck tape.
We’re so close.
We’re almost, wow.
Oh, oh, oh, we’re almost, five million subscribers!
Wow, I can’t believe it!
Five million!
Okay, this is disgusting.
All right, all right, all right,
all right, all right, now I’m covered in wine.
– Congratulations, MrBeast, whoa!
– I appreciate it, boys.
All right, do you guys mind?
I wanna watch the next meme review.
It just came out.
Hey, would you buy any chance have
five million pieces of popcorn?
– I don’t think we have five million. No, sir.
– What do we do?
– Big buckets.
– Yeah, can I have a bucket of popcorn then?
– All right, it’s gonna be 9.40, man.
– Well, then I also want a bucket of popcorn.
– Two buckets. – Okay, two-
– You want a bucket?
– The inner machinations of my mind
are an enigma.
– Three buckets. – Three buckets.
– And give the Viking a little one,
’cause he’s- – I’ll take a small.
– Yeah, he’s kind of tiny.
– I’ll take a small.
– So this is what we got.
I don’t think this is working guys.
I think we need to find a different place
than a movie theater to get five million pieces of popcorn
for our five millionth subscriber.
I bought five million pieces of popcorn.
Load ’em up boys.
This is a perfectly drawn map of America.
This is where we’re located at.
This is where our five millionth subscriber is.
As you remember, I gained 2,000 subscribers at one time.
Oh, we’re almost, five million subscribers!
So I just picked a random person out of those 2,000 people.
And he’s based in Illinois.
So we have about 11 and a half hours left
until we arrive at our five millionth subscriber’s place.
We’ve been driving, it’s late at night,
but thank goodness we got
the Golden State Warrior game
to keep us entertained, right Garrett?
– Si senor!
Wait. – You’re pitch black.
So we drove all night.
It’s now the morning,
we drove all night long.
We’re gonna take a nap at a hotel real quick.
And then after our power nap,
we’re gonna deliver the five million pieces
of popcorn to my five millionth subscriber,
which literally lives right over there.
But we don’t wanna film the video
while the whole crew is really tired
’cause then it wouldn’t turn out that great.
So power nap time.
– Wow, they were really tired.
– Hello.
– Hey, what’s up, Brad?
It’s me, Beast. – Hey, what’s up, man?
– Yeah, hey, we’re on our way to your place.
Yea, so we’ll be there in about 10 minutes.
You ready?
– Yeah, we’ve been ready.
– Okay, sorry for making you wait and stuff.
It was- – No, you’re good, man.
– Awesome, all right, see you in a bit.
– All right, see you man.
– All right, friends that I drag around every video,
let’s get hyped.
We’re ready to give this man some popcorn.
Chris, you know how when you suck a lot of
like your throat kind of just like-
– Yeah, it kinda hurts.
– I know. That’s how I feel
every time we do that screaming thing, like woo!
My throat just feels like I sucked a lot of,
it’s a little annoying.
– But wait, how do you know what sucking-
– It’s anyways, so popcorn.
Well, we got some people in the front.
Hey, what’s up man?
We’re gonna shove a camera in your face all day.
– All right. – So what’s your name again?
– It’s Brad.
– Everyone say hi to Brad.
You want to introduce us to everyone?
– Yeah, come over here.
– I’ll bring my squad.
Hey, let’s meet squads.
– It’s time to dual.
– I saw your video where you said,
“Jake Paul” 50,000 times.
You have to be a really big idiot
to say something 100,000 times.
Paul Logan, Paul Logan, Paul Logan, Paul Logan,
Paul Logan, Paul Logan.
Only intelligent people stop at 50,000.
– I would not recommend it for anybody.
It was possibly the worst thing I’ve ever done.
– So he has no idea what’s in the U-Haul.
So before we do that,
how long have you been subscribed?
– I mean, I was the five millionth, right?
– Oh, oh.
– Oh yeah, that’s right.
Wait a minute. – Wait a minute.
Okay, let’s rethink our strategy here.
– I’m gonna be honest,
first thing I ever watched was you
watching paint dry.
Best video on YouTube right there.
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na.
– You know what also is gonna suck,
we’re gonna rob you after this too.
So, that’s gonna suck.
– Chris, your shoe’s untied.
– Yeah. I’m gonna have to tie it again in Illinois.
– We already did a video on this.
And as you remember, it didn’t work in Illinois.
It didn’t work in any state.
Wait, why is it working now?
Are you saying our video was a lie?
– They ask you how you are
and you just have to say that you’re fine.
You’re not really fine.
– Boom, right there.
– What’s in the truck.
What’s in the truck?
What’s in the truck?
What’s in the truck?
– Oh! Popcorn.
– Yeah.
– Five million pieces of popcorn.
– Fresh for you, man.
– Do I get to keep this?
– Yeah, if you want it.
– Yeah, absolutely. – Here’s a bag
for all your friends too.
– We may or may not looked up your house on Google image.
Do you have a pool?
– Out back we might.
– Could we empty it and fill it with popcorn?
– We might be able to do something like that.
– He’s clickbaiting us now.
– Wait, before we empty too much,
can we get a thumbnail?
– I gotta get that image
that you clicked on on this video,
’cause if I don’t do this, you won’t click on this video.
♪ Let’s go ♪
– Shotgun, shotgun,
shotgun, shotgun!
– Yeah!
– Woo! – Woo!
– Woo! – Everybody look!
Jimmy peed his pants.
– Hey, hey, hey,
it’s a medical condition.
– Ah, look at his pee pants.
Pee pants!
Don’t play in the street, you’ll die!
Are you done being dramatic now?
– Hey, it’s a medical condition.
So this car right here,
you said we have permission to fill it with popcorn.
– Fill it up.
– Yeah. – Yeah.
– Don’t you just love peer pressuring people
into doing stuff for your content.
– Heck ya!
– We’re about to fill this car with popcorn.
Let’s get hyped!
– Woo! – Woo!
– Brad is sacrificing his car to the popcorn.
Guys, you have to subscribe to him
because like we’re like, basically,
about to up his car,
but he’s okay with it so, like,
that means you guys have to subscribe to him.
That’s dedication.
– Here’s the first bag of many.
– Well, there’s no turning back now.
– I feel so bad, but he told us too.
– He did. This was his idea.
This is the content we needed!
– This is the content we needed,
but not the content we deserve.
– Someone make that a meme.
I feel horrible just dumping this in his car.
– Do it.
– I’m doing it.
I’m a Jake Pauler.
– How you feeling there, B-Rad.
– It’s good popcorn. – Really?
– Yeah. – It’s gonna feel
even better when all you guys subscribe.
– We can’t even see him because of the shade,
but he doesn’t care.
It’s not about him.
It’s about the content.
Hey, it’s Chris’s butt.
– Dude, I can’t wait to go for a ride with Brad.
He’s such a cool guy.
– Oh yeah, definitely.
– Oh, geez, Brad, do you not clean your car.
What the , man?
– Geez, Brad. – Been a minute.
– Brad, what the .
Brad, like come on.
All right, I don’t wanna be disgusting all day.
So I’ma abort it. Abort. Abort.
I don’t have the will and dedication like Brad.
Brad, I have a hot dog for you.
– Here, let’s go ahead and-
– A hot dog.
– Yeah, come on get this hot dog, bro.
– Where’s it at?
– I lied, I’m sorry.
– So- – Yeah.
– Good luck with that.
That was your choice.
– Yeah, I’ll help a little. There you go.
All right, enter your PayPal email.
We’re gonna PayPal him some money.
Yeah, dude, you let us up your car?
We gotta give you like something.
And car and everything.
All right, viewers, what do you think we should give him?
I was originally, honestly,
I was gonna give him $2,000.
But since you let us fuck up his car,
we have to do like 5,000.
Right there, for five million subscribers,
he gets $5,000.
$5,000, send payment now.
Boom, he now has more money than me.
There you go. – Wow.
– Can you cry for me?
Like, you know, that’d be great content.
Yeah, I like it!
Look at those tears.
Man, we just gave Brad money.
I’m so sad.
– Emotional. – I’m so emotional.
– Five million viewers.
This is a really cool trick
we figured out recently.
Basically, touch Chris’s nipple
and a meme will pop up on screen.
– Really?
– Whoa, it’s a meme.
Quidd is sponsoring America,
free healthcare for all.
Thanks Chris’s nipple.
– You’re welcome.
– Remember guys, if you ever want a meme
all you gotta do is touch Chris’s nipple.
– Bonus meme.
Woop, another one.
– I don’t like that meme. That meme sucks.
All right guys, let’s head back up front.
Let’s leave this loser.
– I’m the only one in here right now.
– Yeah, does it feel good?
– Yeah, it feels great actually.
– Brad, there’s your towel back.
I very much appreciate it.
– So my three millionth subscriber got
three million pennies.
Here’s your three million pennies.
Oh, my god.
– Yep, sorry about that.
And then my four millionth subscriber got
four million cookies and some money.
Can I buy these cookies off you?
Do you think $4,000 will be good enough?
– No way. What?
– And then my five millionth subscriber, Brad,
got five million pieces of popcorn
and some money and our six millionth subscriber
will get-
You’ll find out.
You should try to be it.
If you wanna be like Brad and get a lot of popcorn,
well, not popcorn, but something else in bunches,
gotta be six million.
Right, Brad?
Yeah, we haven’t give Brad much time to speak.
Say whatever you want.
– Today was a normal day,
I was hanging out
and then a bunch of guys came and put popcorn in my car.
So if you wanna see some more crazy stuff,
I don’t mean to plug myself, but over at Brad Heat,
it will be down in the description.
There’s gonna be some crazy stuff over there.
– I think that’s content.
Do we hug? – Yeah.
Do we all hug? – Do we?
– I guess your kinda wet.
– Wonder twins powers activated.
All right, so we’re done filming.
We’re gonna throw the popcorn bags back in the U-Haul.
♪ Let’s go ♪
– Okay, I just wanna make sure,
just so the world knows we’re not assholes,
seriously, like there’s like five of us.
Anything you want us to do before we head up?
– No, I seriously, all this is good.
Probably gonna try and do my own content with this, so-
– Yeah, okay, so we’re leaving this here.
– No, you’re good.
– Must not be like Pewdiepie.
It’s nice meeting you.
– It’s nice meeting you too, man.
– Later, man.
– That handshake was like a seven out 10.
– Seven out 10.
Isn’t Pewdiepie like a one outta 10.
– He’s like negative 80 out of 10.
– We did better than Pewdiepie.
♪ Mister Beast ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Mister Beast ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Mister beast ♪
♪ Oh ♪

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