while our heroes continue their journey
to Anistar City they pause to do a
little aerial training with Noibat
noibat’s riding the wind it’s long-range
flying is better all this training is
really starting to pay off
do you want to fly too today
that’s how it’s done and now try to Flap
your wings
that’s it Fletchinder just copy its
movements Noibat keep it up
there’s no way back
that’s amazing wow halooch is really
setting a great example
you see Noibat you can fly now all you
have to do is remember that stuff
that can sure express its Joy loudly
you’re gonna be okay strong Pokemon
don’t cry
see that haluch and Fletchinder want you
to know they’re behind you all the way
who were they that was Starly Staravia
and star Raptor wow they sure are fast
you know you’re up to the test there’s
only one way to tell these stories
in your head
a relay in the sky
welcome step right up everyone come on
enjoy the fun wow look at all of them
Pidgeotto Butterfree and swole batter
here too there are so many Pokemon that
fly all here together maybe it’s some
kind of contest
it feels a little bit like a Rhyhorn
race it’s a Pokemon Sky relay
what’s a Pokemon Sky relay you mean you
came all the way out here and you don’t
even know what it is nope see we’re on a
journey uh my name is Ash
Serena hello there
dedenne’s right in here that’s my big
brother hello there I’m Clement
I’m ornithal and to my right is my
partner knocked owl
so what is it the Pokemon Sky relay well
the Pokemon Sky really is a flying
competition between teams made up of
three flying Pokemon each
Pokemon come from all around to show
that they’re the bigwigs or should I say
big wings of the sky relay oh we saw
those three before
nice flying out there you’re looking
really great best of luck to you
I’ll bet you that guy is their trainer
his name is Orson he’s the previous Sky
relay winner his team is made up of
Starly Staravia and star Raptor of
course he’s looking for back-to-back
Ash are those three Pokemon with you oh
yeah they sure are hmm
that’s what I call Spirit I like that so
how about this why don’t you enter the
Pokemon Sky relay too wait us I’m asking
you to join me in my dream to take the
victory in the Pokemon Sky relay see
wow maybe we should do it guys Ash are
you sure Noibat too yeah sounds like
lots of fun to me so that means you
agree to do it great we’ll win the sky
relay together right
hey Noibat this is perfect for some real
yeah it’ll be great
they’re sure excited about their dumb
plan you’re right putting that Noibat in
the Pokemon Sky relay doesn’t get much
Dumber they are the twice after all but
maybe those dopes are gonna wind up
giving us a big chance what are you
talking about a tough race like the sky
relay might chop a Noibat up and then
what I know Noibat gets stronger and
then evolves right of course we’ll scoop
that baby up I see which means we’re
going to have to get involved in this as
well what does get involved mean it’s
obvious we enter the relay too we chase
after Noibat and the moment it evolves
we grab it hold the phone the sky relay
requires three flying Pokemon in order
to establish a team we’ve already got
pumpkaboo and Inkay but we need three to
make a trio
don’t worry your troubled head what
what is to Scientific equipment Team
Rockets on The Cutting Edge
now let’s look at a map of the Pokemon
Sky relay course here’s the starting
line the starting Pokemon wears a sash
and flies the first leg of the course
with the trainer giving directions from
a balloon high above the second Pokemon
is here it receives the sash at the edge
of the forest and then circles around
the cliff finally it passes the sash off
to the anchor the finish line is back at
the start and that’s where we will find
out which team wins
okay we’re gonna start the first leg
with Fletchinder get
halucha’s next got it ah Noibat you’re
going to be the anchor
ah yes flying freely through the sky the
Eternal dream of humankind and the sky
relay is where we entrust that dream to
our Pokemon
strengthening the bond between people
and Pokemon with an unending friendship
that’s what the sky relay is all about
let’s give it all we’ve got
I was wondering have you competed in the
relay before I’ll bet your goal has
always been to be the best and win first
prize and set unbeatable records for all
time sorry but I’ve never done any of
I’ve never participated in the sky relay
even once but wait how
relay don’t you
I love it more than anything
but you see the real truth is
the real truth is I was never actually
able to catch three flying Pokemons
well I couldn’t be part of this Sky
relay with only Noctowl right that’s why
I was hoping I could get the help and
support of strong trainers just like you
okay now I get it
actual Racing Experience may have eluded
me but I haven’t been watching all these
many years for nothing I’m begging you
Ash won’t you help my dream come true
we’ve got great weather here today a
perfect day for the Pokemon Sky relay
the Pokemon have finished their warm-ups
and one by one their trainers are
starting to climb aboard their balloons
and now the Pokemon for the second leg
have assumed their positions and are
ready to go the anchors are also waiting
in their positions
as everyone anxiously waits for the
signal to take flight
all teams Pokemon proceed to the
starting line trainers lift your
balloons High into the air
go get him Fletchinder
the balloons are on their way up and the
countdown is about to start
the first flag is off and flying the
thrilling Pokemon Sky relay has begun
now that was a great start let’s keep it
see that fletchinder’s in the lead
now the start is the most important part
of the race that’s where you get the
first chance to take the lead then all
the other Pokemon will see your back
legender rock and roll
fletchenders in the lead and that means
team Ash is off to a rousing start
messenger way to go
who’s that Pokemon
the Pokemon have now reached the forest
one by one they’re heading into the
Colby come on show me some speed give it
all you’ve got ninja ask great keep it
up legendary
now we come to the point where you went
to the great Forest exceptional Mobility
is the key looking ahead while flying is
Paramount any dropping speed and you
haven’t got a chance
what’s going on is that allowed
one must always expect the unexpected
it’s all part of a thrill
Staravia drop your speed look everywhere
around you now Altaria Take the Lead
we have a new leader Altaria has moved
into first place with Arabia right on
its tail
we’ve lost the lead but we’re still in
third place that’s a good position to be
here look
look that’s your cue
hey what’s going on hiding in alteria’s
Wings to hijack first place genius our
strategy is Flawless you go get a meal
has somehow managed to take the lead
it’s not bad
yes sir
you’re up Hawlucha
is still first but star Raptor and
halucha are coming up fast it looks like
three teams have taken a big lead and
left the others behind
second leg is a challenging course that
takes you between huge rocks being
careful is of the utmost importance
hey do you think we actually have a
chance of winning this thing chance
course we’ll trap the top spot and catch
noise as at the same time right on we’ll
tag our Target and get all the glory in
one Fell Swoop precisely turbo time
we can’t fall behind any further quick
go after it
gets up
staraptor is unable to close the gap
with caliper yeah do it Hawlucha the
Rocks use the rocks
Hall Lucha is actually using the rocks
to close in on developer that’s it take
the lead
how’s Ash doing oh Clement wonderful
Hawlucha just caught up
with a block I rock
no way
oh no is that legal
helper is delivering body blows and team
R is on the offensive don’t quit hang in
caliper broke apart
what’s going on
prepare for trouble you twerps
make mine a double and you will pay
Team Rocket
what in the world is going on here I
think caliber just turned into something
Clement was that Team Rocket hey watch A
Team Rocket they’re really bad guys who
try to steal other people’s Pokemon all
the time
Ash what was that all about Team Rocket
but it’s okay now you’re ready Noibat
yeah then take off
all right
go Starling and get as close to Noibat
as you possibly can
team R has been disqualified for
violation of the rules which means the
battle is now between team Ash and team
orsons and the anchor leg between Noibat
and Starly will decide it all
you can do it
now the third leg is fairly easy pretty
much a straight line even Noibat should
do well
Here Comes Starly stay alert
Noibat is in the lead and team Ash is
poised to win it all
not there yet they’ve got to stay
know that no doubt you can do it but
wind current in a valley can change
wildly before you know it they can go
from peaceful and calm to completely out
of control
fold your wings
it’s falling down you’ve got to get it
together okay straighten up and fly
that will be just great all of you just
wait and see
good job
it looks like we have a race once again
and closing in fast who will be number
let’s go
yeah you can do it
startly held on and that means T
Morrison wins the Pokemon Sky relay
wow Noibat I’m so proud of you
Fletchinder and Hawlucha you were
incredible too
don’t forget that you are nothing more
I can’t thank you enough Ash you’ve
allowed me to finally live my dream I’m
deeply grateful to all of you it’s such
a wonderful feeling
team arson has won the sky relay cup so
let’s give them a huge round of applause
for a job well done
team worsen may have won the Pokemon Sky
relay but Noibat has gained valuable
confidence and strength and that means
everybody’s a winner as the journey

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