How to spot misinformation online

let’s say you’re scrolling through
facebook and
oh look another shocking headline so
shocking that it must be false
but this time it kind of looks true
you’re not alone if you’ve had this
dilemma here’s how to spot fake or
misleading information
for posts that link to a website first
check what the website’s domain is
dot edu and dot gov are generally
considered to be trustworthy
when it comes to news articles check
what news outlet the information is
coming from
is it from a well-known and trustworthy
source if you’re skeptical
the easiest thing to do is search for
the same story elsewhere
if other reputable outlets have covered
it the story is more reliable
oh but please don’t forget the onion is
when vetting posts it’s also important
to check the date that the article or
tweet was first published
headlines can sometimes appear to be
relevant but the actual story or tweet
is outdated
or out of context and therefore
for posts by individual users look to
see if that user has a blue check mark
next to their name
a check mark means that facebook and
twitter have verified the account is run
by a real person or
organization that matches the username
verified check marks shouldn’t be your
sole indication that the information is
it’s important to combine all these
steps together to be able to make the
best judgment
and lastly if you’re unsure about
information you see on your social media
at the very least don’t repost it
sharing information that you can’t
confirm is true
will only make you part of the problem

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