How Ninja makes $500,000 per month playing Fortnite

 Every time you’re away from that console are you making a calculation about how much money you’re not making how much money are you losing sitting here with me right now I mean it’s it’s not like any an absorbent amount but it’s enough to be like dude it’s what do you do tens of thousands of dollars yeah definitely that’s a perfect assessment [Music] [Applause] do you know how many hours you’ve streamed this year fortnight alone is like thirty four hundred or thirty eight hundred of fortnight that’s this year 142 days sure 142 days of streaming of gaming and streaming yet you mentioned this happening in the last year there was yeah played video games with Ellen you danced last night with Fallon you had this ESPN the magazine coverage for a lot of people was the wake-up call right one of the things that blew people’s mind in this article was the quote that you make $500,000 a month I don’t believe it because I believe you make a lot more than that on a good one and it was when you were making 80 or 90 a year that you decided I can get out of college and I can quit noodles and company right that was the deciding factor was my mom you know by no means was she gonna let me quit my job or drop out of school then I say that like that like drop out of school I don’t even like that cuz I always had every intention of going back actually did go back when I had like a I issue thing my stream took a dive but yeah after the 80 was like 80,000 a year I was like mom I’m doing this until you know if I stop if I make less oh I’ll go back could you be the first ten million dollar a year gamer definitely but you must meet people who have no idea that people make money it’s rare if I did you know a dollar if every time I was at a airport so what are you doing and I’m like oh I’m going to a tournament Oh what kind of a tournament I’m like it’s a video game tournament video game tournament you know you make money playing video games and it’s just and I leave this out and then and then you have to tell them there’s money yeah and it’s like yeah you I mean it’s it’s simple the gaming tournament explanation it’s just like yeah bunch of people by a team pass that money goes into the prize pool winner-take-all usually kind of a thing and that’s cool but the streaming is that is the hardest part well how do you make money streaming it’s like ad revenue just how you know there’s gonna be ads in commercial breaks those companies pay you know the network it’s the same thing with streaming however many people see the ads you get money there people can subscribe primarily you make the most of your money from from twitch I would say about you too twitching YouTube yeah cuz it’s constant consistent monthly yeah would you say 40 percent comes from twitch forty percent comes from YouTube six sixty percent is from both from both maybe in like 70 and then like brand deals which leaves 30 and that’s redbull and other sponsors it’s really simplement that it’s like hey do you subscribe so you know magazine or you know you Spotify anything like that it’s like it’s the same thing you should want to give someone so but my favorite reference is a guy on the street who’s just you know playing the violin he literally is not expected to get you know no monies and no one’s saying hey go couple books and yeah exactly if you enjoy it a lot sometimes people throw like 20s & 5 is the same thing but you have a big violin case absolutely


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