How Many Rubber Bands Does It Take To Snap A Safe?

– Today, we’re gonna see if 10,000 rubber bands
can snap a safe in half.
Hey, safe.
How you doing?
And while we’re at it, we’re gonna see
how many rubber bands does it take to kill Logan Paul?
– I believe in you.
– Oh-
– Then we’re gonna sexually harass some ketchup.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Do a little moisturizing.
– Oh-
– You guys won’t believe what’s gonna happen.
As you guys can see, this is a safe.
These are rubber bands, that will go around the safe,
until it cries for mercy.
All right, so this is gonna take a while.
So I hired a viking to help me.
He conquered Norway, or America, something like that.
Here you go, grab that.
All right, that’s one.
We’re gonna do 10,000.
Wow, the safe is crying.
It’s almost like Chris when he got married last week.
– Ah, aha.
So funny, oh my goodness.
– Chris got married last week.
So, say congratulations on moisturizing and marrying.
All right, this is like 110 rubber bands.
As you can see, it hasn’t, like, you know, yet.
So we’re gonna do check-ins every like 500 now.
Comment, yes or no.
Do you think this safe, right here, this is a real safe,
do you think it’ll bend in half?
You may have more subscribers than me,
but are you more rubber band resistant than me?
We’re gonna find out.
– Shh, shh.
Don’t listen to Logan.
You know where to get the merch.
– You’ll never believe how many rubber bands
it takes to kill Logan Paul.
– We’re having technical difficulties,
we’ll be back in a minute.
Oh, wait.
Is it about the blow?
– Oh God, it’s going.
– What’s it doing?
Why is it not exploding?
This is actually our second time filming this video,
’cause the first time, it wasn’t entertaining enough.
So since this didn’t explode,
we’re gonna cut to when it exploded yesterday.
– Yeah.
– Yeah.
– Oh-
– Everyone comment how stupid this watermelon is
for not blowing up.
And speaking of stupid things,
next we’re gonna rubber band Thanos.
Dude, you’re so ugly, get outta here.
Yeah, we can go get piz-
What? Why is he standing up?
Come on, guys.
That’s not funny.
Who did that?
All right, that’s kind of weird.
But we’re good, Captain America, don’t worry.
Wait, why-
Why are you raising your hand?
What are you planning over there Thanos?
Oh, I don’t feel so good.
– Whoa, what happened to MrBeast?
Are you the new MrBeast now?
I miss Jimmy so much.
– Chris, where are the wet wipes?
You know I don’t like toilet paper.
– You’re back.
– Yeah, I need wet wipes.
I gotta poop.
– I don’t have anybody.
But, you can just use- – No, just shh.
Don’t talk.
You know, first you get married,
then you don’t keep wet wipes.
– Are those cookies empty?
– All right, here we go, let’s keep going.
So we got 500 rubber bands on it so far.
Ow. It’s not bending yet.
But, we will buy as many rubber bands
as it takes to bend this.
That’s a promise.
All right, Jake Paulers, I harassed these ketchup bottles
with a bunch of rubber bands.
This is a tack.
I’m gonna pop holes, and we’re gonna see what happens.
All right, this one didn’t work.
Let’s see if this one works.
– I don’t think there’s enough pressure yet.
– So you’re telling me this one
won’t do anything cool either?
– Yeah.
– The more I stab it, the more it flows.
Time for round two.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
– But not all over the .
– That tape, am I right?
Stop it, you make-
Oh, God.
Ah, that’s disgusting.
Stop, bad ketchup bottle.
There might be ketchup on our roof,
we might have destroyed our wall.
But, at least we didn’t get any on PewDiePie.
That is all that matters.
– Is that what his eye’s gonna look like
after KSI?
– Hey, hey, be nice.
All right.
This is, right around, a thousand rubber bands on it.
As you can see, it has not-
It hasn’t died yet.
Like honestly, I hate this safe, and I want it to die,
but it’s still alive.
So yeah, we’re just gonna keep going.
Next up is some yogurt with like a hundred rubber bands.
Aw, that wasn’t as cool.
Next we got some chips with one rubber band.
– Put more rubber bands on it.
– I just want chips. – Oh.
Open it like a man.
Yeah! – Yeah.
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Who lives in a pineapple under the sea ♪
– No one.
– All right, Chris, what do you think will happen?
– I think it’s gonna squirt all that lotion
all over the place.
– Do you moisturize?
– I haven’t in like a week.
– Aw, it was supposed to shoot at you.
– Ah, don’t do that.
Aw, gross.
Don’t do it.
Oh, you wanna see something funny?
Here, come here.
All right, let’s do it.
– Can I see that pumpkin?
– Whoa.
– Hello, sir.
Are you tech support?
– Yes, hello.
– My laptop doesn’t work.
Can you fix it?
Oh, wow.
– And we do more for security.
– It works now.
Thanks, man.
All right.
Wow, I didn’t know rubber bands fixed computers.
– $200. – Off.
– Okay.
– We put a lot of rubber bands around this pumpkin,
and it sucked.
But one thing that doesn’t suck,
is one of our upcoming videos.
You’ll never guess what we’re doing
in one of my up and coming videos.
It’s pre-
Hey, hey, hey.
Don’t spoil the video.
What are you trying to do, viking?
He could rip me at half.
– So you missed me when I was on my honeymoon?
– For a week, man.
I can’t believe you .
– Wee woo, wee woo.
Hey, come back here.
– I’m not going back to jail.
– Get over here.
– The cop ran me over.
– You’re doing a good job, Mr. Viking,
and Mr. Garrett.
I knew it was a wise idea to hire you.
– I’m just doing it for the cookies.
– So anyways, this is 2000 rubber bands.
Everyone say, “Good job Mr. Viking, Mr. Garrett,
you guys are killing it.”
This is a bag of flour.
I’m gonna hit it with the sledgehammer.
There’s a 50% chance we’re all gonna get covered in flour,
even you.
That was perfect timing.
– That’s his ringtone.
– Hello?
– So now it’s Chris’s turn.
– Hey, you ready, boys?
– Everyone just be really loud and laugh.
– Hey guys, quick question.
Can we make this room any more of a mess?
All right, we’re gonna play a game.
All right?
You two ready?
All right, now you guys have to throw ’em back and forth.
First one to break loses.
Keep going.
Oh, God.
– Oh!
– Viking abuse.
– That was him. – Hey.
– Answer the boss.
– Hey, Chris gets a free throw.
Whoever pelted him in the face.
Now Garrett, hug Chris, and say you’re sorry.
– Sorry, man.
– It’s okay. – Sorry, man.
– Oh, oh great.
– Yeah, hey, guys.
You should buy this merch.
See look, he has egg on it, and it still looks sexy.
– I think it’s sledgehammer time, guys.
– No, keep going.
– Oh- – Oh, whoa.
– Wow, the safe, it’s a bendy boy.
Guys, look.
The safe’s actually bending from rubber bands.
And that’s only like two and a half thousand, right?
We have like 10,000.
We might actually get to snap the safe in half.
– This is not your typical Fortnite llama.
As you can see, it’s a thot.
– Hey, easy, easy, easy.
Don’t say thot, you might get copy striked.
– Oh, you’re right.
Llama, please don’t copy strike me, I didn’t mean it.
Oh, you’re still gonna copy strike me?
Screw you, llama.
Viking, get rid of it.
Good job, viking.
Rip it in half.
♪ We’re breaking free ♪
♪ We’re soaring ♪
♪ Flying ♪
That’s why we hired a viking.
– Nice.
– Dude, have you-
Oh, shit. – Whoa!
Oh, my God.
– Whoa.
– All right, Mr. Viking.
Do curls with it. – Oh, God.
– See and secretly, this is why we did this.
He needed something to curl.
Would you say it’s pretty bent?
– Yeah, a little bit.
– Ow.
– All right, guys.
Hopefully you don’t lose an eyeball.
I wonder if I can hit God with a rubber band?
Does that mean I’m God?
I wonder if I could hit God with a rubber band?
Don’t suspend-
I can’t.
I’m terrified for my life.
This is- – Bro.
– It looks like we’re going ghost hunting.
– I know, right?
Ghost hunting at 3:00 AM,
or whatever those click bait videos.
– Yeah, like last time.
– Dude, I legit can’t even see Chris behind me,
but I can see him here.
– Whoa, that is crazy.
– Oh, God.
♪ Mr. Beast oh ♪
♪ Mr. Beast oh ♪
♪ Mr. Beast oh ♪

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