Horsey Horsey | BLIPPI | Educational Songs For Kids

so much to learn about it’ll make you
wanna shout
horsey horsey don’t you stop just let
your feet go clippity clap your tail
goes Swish and your wheels go around
giddy up we’re home we’re bound hello
horsey are you hungry would you like a
bite of this carrot
we’re not in us so we’re not an apostle
don’t go tearing up the road we’re not
in a hurry we’re not in a flurry and we
don’t have a very heavy load
poor sea horsey don’t you stop just let
your feet go clippity clap your tail
goes Swish and your wheels go around
Giddy Up wear homework bound horsey
horsey don’t you stop just let your feet
go clippity clop your tail goes Swish
and your wheels go round
somewhere down we’re not in us so we’re
not an apostle don’t go tearing up the
road we’re not in a hurry we’re not in a
flurry and we don’t have a very heavy
load we’re not in a hurry and we’re not
in a flurry and we don’t have a very
heavy load

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