Going Around A Ferris Wheel 1,000 Times Straight

– We are gonna ride this Ferris wheel 1,000 times.
And if we don’t finish by the end of the day,
we have to sit on top of it for 24 hours.
– We have to do what?
– Come on, Chris.
– Can’t we do 100?
– Nope, 1,000.
What are we, normal YouTubers?
– Are you guys ready? – I can’t wait to get off.
– And we’re off. – It’s so cold.
– It looks like we’re on a date.
– We are on a date.
(upbeat music)
(bell dings) – And we’re back.
– Is this full speed? – Yeah.
– Oh boy.
– Lap number four!
We only have 996 more.
– You know what’s the worst part about this one,
as opposed to the drive through?
We don’t have heat, and we got Hardee’s
every time we went through the drive through.
– True. – This, we just get sadness.
– Five. (bell dings)
All right, watch this, watch this.
– Oh no.
– Ah, what the freak was that, dude?
What is that?
– It was a dodgeball. (Jimmy laughs)
– I need a banana, Tareq.
– A banana? – Yeah.
(dramatic music)
(bell dings) Thank you.
– No, he has a banana!
– Please don’t drop a banana on me.
(Chandler spits)
(Chandler laughs)
(upbeat hip hop music)
(Chandler slurping)
– Chandler’s going crazy, I’m scared.
Hey, give me that right this instant.
– Hey, buddy! (Chandler laughs)
(crowd awws)
(Chandler laughs)
– Bye.
– [Jimmy] Oh, close.
(Jimmy grunts)
(Jimmy laughs)
– Update on how you feel, sir.
– I feel like we’re only 40 laps in,
and it’s been an eternity.
Here, you want this camera?
Here, catch, catch.
(Chandler groans)
– Chris, dude. – No, I don’t trust it.
– [Chandler] I’m dropping it on you.
Ready, three, two, one.
– Ah, no, Chris, Chris!
Ah, no Chris!
– I panicked, I’m sorry!
– The screen, bro.
We cracked the screen.
(bagpipe music)
(upbeat hip hop music)
And that, my friends, is lap 100 out of 1,000.
And to celebrate 100 laps,
first one to get a ring on a tree wins $3,000.
Take us up.
And here we go.
Chris, start us off. (Chris grunts)
– No chance. (buzzer rings)
– All right, Chandler, go.
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
(buzzer rings) Jake, your turn.
(buzzer rings) – So close, guys.
We’re so close.
– Put some merch on that tree.
We respect trees around here, please.
– [Man] All the time.
(upbeat hip hop music)
– Dustin, is that you? – Yeah.
– Can we get two pillows?
– For my buttocks, and a blanket.
– And a blanket.
(clock ticking)
Really, really?
We asked for those!
We asked first.
– Yeah, well we’re on the double date.
Yeah, let’s be ghosts.
– Oh nice. – Ooh!
(upbeat hip hop music)
– [Jimmy] Where’s he going?
What is Chandler doing?
Jake, why’d Chandler leave?
– Said he was tired of this.
– So he just ran away?
We’re not even on lap 300 yet,
and Chandler already left.
– I guess we’re carrying the torch by ourselves this time.
(upbeat music) – Psych!
– Wait, take the G7X!
– Throw it! – Are you sure?
– No, not now. – Oh good.
Chris is going to recover Chandler.
– [Chris] Hey, little buddy.
Not feeling good?
– Yeah, my stomach’s torn up.
– [Chris] We’ve gotta do this, man.
We’re all in this together.
– We’re not, man.
– Hey, come on, buddy.
Let’s make the walk back.
– I’m still here.
I’m carrying the torch for the boys.
You know what?
I don’t need the guys.
I don’t need ’em.
Are we still doing the challenge?
– [Chris] You are!
– I’ll give him 1,000 if I don’t have to get back on.
I’m not kidding.
– Chandler said he’ll give you 1,000
if he doesn’t have to get back on.
– Donate 1,000 to Team Trees.
– All right.
– If Chandler donates 1,000 to Team Trees,
I won’t make him get back up here.
– I already got it pulled up man, look.
– Guys, you see it.
He donated $1,000 to Team Trees.
– I did this so I could get out of a challenge.
I get so sick so easily, man.
Ask my mama.
– Good job donating to the trees,
even though it was to get out of this video.
But hey, donating to trees is still a good thing to do.
– Go, leave!
(upbeat hip hop music)
– Hey, we’re still doing this.
Take this!
– This tree is the new Chris.
Ball me!
– [Man] Bruh.
– [Children] Yay!
– Bruh. (Jimmy laughs)
– Heads up!
Heads up!
Oh, I hit the tallest camera.
– [Chris] Watch out, they’re about to throw a ball.
Oh, here it is.
Oh. – Oh, it hit the water bottle!
– [Chris] Oh, the flag.
– We’re going for round two against Chris.
All right, Chris!
Hey. – Whoa, that made it!
– Isn’t it sad when you’re aiming for Chris,
and you accidentally score?
(Jake laughs)
– [Man] Yeet!
(Jimmy laughs)
– [Chandler] Where are you getting these oranges from?
– I’m just finding ’em, bruh.
– All right Jake, you ready?
(Chris shouting)
(dramatic music)
– Oh, they’re loading up. – Yeah they are.
– Get my balls.
– Watch out!
– That’s the best you can do?
Wow, who taught you how to throw?
– [Chris] I’m trying to hit you
with all that cage around you.
You’re too scared.
– Yeah, well I got a new Chris with a K.
– [Chris] Your aim sucks!
– I have a new Chris.
– [Chris] So do I.
– Jake, you have three balls?
– [Chris] He’s probably about to make it rain.
– Throw ’em down while he’s not looking.
– [Chris] Oh shoot!
– Oh, we hit you!
Yeah that’s right, eat it!
That’s right.
Oh, there’s an orange.
Picked up an orange.
Take this snack!
(static crackles)
I hit the camera.
(upbeat hip hop music)
– I’m hanging out with my buddy here, Kris Mus Tree.
We wanted to tell you guys you should donate to Team Trees.
A dollar, anything helps.
Every dollar’s a tree.
Just make sure you donate, ’cause trees are awesome,
and if you don’t like trees,
then nobody likes you.
It’s that simple.
Hey look, that’s Chandler’s car coming back.
– About to get out and just sneak on in there.
– [Jimmy] Hey, Chris.
I think I saw Chandler over there.
– [Chandler] Can’t see me, can’t see me, can’t see me.
– [Jimmy] I think I see him down there.
Hey, you’re back. – You guys suck.
– What’d he say?
– [Jimmy] I think he’s making fun of you, Chris.
– I’ll show him who sucks.
– Look at these kids, suffering on the Ferris wheel.
(door squeaks)
– [Tareq] Go, go, go!
– Chris is chasing Chandler.
Chandler, no!
– Your legs are longer!
(Chris panting)
I got asthma and my legs are short.
– Oh!
(pleasant music)
– [Tareq] Oh!
– Let’s go, let’s go!
(people laughing)
– Now, don’t forget.
Random people who follow me on Instagram,
or buy merch,
will be invited to compete in challenges
for one million dollars, so.
I forgot.
Go to stopmrbeast.com or follow me, love you!
(upbeat hip hop music)
– [Both] Yeah, boy!
– [Tareq] Here.
– You’re pretty good at yeah boying.
(whistle trills) – You’re out!
– We about to wreck this time lapse camera.
(Jimmy gasps)
Hey, oh!
– That was a good hit, though. – I know.
Time lapse camera abuse for the win.
– [Chris] Boy, you look like a burnt chicken nugget.
(chicken clucks)
– Hey Chandler, have I told you I love you recently?
– [Chandler] I don’t think so.
– Good.
(Jimmy laughs)
I’m just kidding.
Chandler, I do love you.
Dude, he’s not gonna accept it.
Oh, heads up, heads up!
(people laughing)
– [Chris] I got that!
– [Jimmy] Chris, you hit the camera!
– [Chris] This looks so insane.
– [Jimmy] Fully stepping off.
(all laughing)
– You knocked everything out of his hand.
– Yeah, sucks to suck.
I’m going crazy!
I feel like Chandler.
Ah! – Whoa.
Haha, psych!
(upbeat hip hop music)
– Hey, we’re at 800.
♪ Meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪
♪ Meow, meow ♪
♪ Two bros chillin’ in a Ferris wheel ♪
♪ Right on top of each other, ’cause it’s cold ♪
– Amen.
I’d like to request an air strike
on the Ferris wheel, over and out.
– [Man] Delta air strike on the way.
– Come here often?
– Sir, where was that air strike?
– [Man] Aircraft is five seconds out.
– Quit following us, or she gets it.
– Who? – The water bottle.
– Please, please, don’t do it.
– Stop following us. – I’ll stop, I’ll stop.
– You’re still following us.
– [Marcus] Just give me a second.
– [Chris] Bruh, you’re still following us.
– That’s it! – I’ve had enough.
– [Marcus] Don’t do it.
(emotional music)
– Five, four, three!
(Jimmy laughs)
I’d like to request backup.
Chandler Hallow has gone insane.
I need some sanity police.
Please help, I’m scared.
– There’s so many crazy people in-
– What’d you say about me?
I’m not crazy!
– God help me, please.
Where’s that air strike?
– We only have 100 and like, 70, 60, 50,
something laps left, okay?
– We would know the exact answer
if you didn’t throw our walkie-talkie!
– You’re right, I’m sorry.
– No you’re not. – I’m not.
(upbeat hip hop music)
Hit it on that cinder block, go.
(both laughing)
– [Man] Pretty sure that you’re yeeting your lights
off the side of the Ferris wheel.
– Yeah, of course we did, content!
(both laugh)
What did I hit?
– You hit the basketball goal.
Hey, it still works!
– Stop throwing stuff. – Hey, he threw it.
– I probably should’ve made sure
there was no one down there before I threw that.
I kinda just yoinked it.
– [Chandler] Hey, I gotta tell you something.
– What?
He didn’t tell me what it was, so the light dies.
Every trip I don’t know, a light dies.
Yeah? – Don’t forget.
– He didn’t tell us, another light dies.
(Marcus chanting)
– Yeah! – Yeah!
Dead hit!
– Start crushing more!
Should I doom another one?
– I mean, this back came off this one.
(Jimmy laughs)
(Jimmy screams)
– Chandler!
Do we banish another light to the shadow realm?
– Yes. – What about this one?
– You can have the tape. – No, no!
– [Man] Jimmy?
Jimmy, don’t break that light, Jimmy.
– Don’t break the light?
– [Man] Jimmy, don’t break the light.
– Ah, I missed it.
Can I have more lights?
– [Man] Please don’t break this light.
– Go, what?
(Jimmy laughs)
If you don’t want me to break it, at least hand it to me.
Delta 49er, can I have some food?
Over and out.
– [Chandler] Tell Delta 49 I gotta poop poop.
– Chan-Chan’s also gotta poop poop, over.
(intense music)
(all shouting)
(gentle music)
♪ She’ll be comin’ round the Ferris wheel ♪
♪ She’ll be comin’ round the Ferris wheel ♪
♪ She’ll be comin’ round the Ferris wheel ♪
♪ When she comes ♪
♪ Hey ♪
(upbeat hip hop music)
– 14 more laps.
– Last time we did 1,000 drive throughs,
we said it was the worst thing ever.
Why did we do this to ourselves again?
(dramatic music)
Nine! – Eight, seven.
– Skip a few, 1,000.
– Yeah, we actually don’t ever fake anything,
and it’s kind of annoying.
– Six. – Five.
– Four. – Three.
– [Both] 998.
– I have a special announcement on the last lap.
– [Both] 999.
– I wanna take this moment to remind you
that if you follow me on Instagram, or buy merch,
you can be entered to be
in one of our last league competitions,
and the winners will compete for a million dollars.
Just wanted to remind you about that.
And we’re almost there, we’re almost there.
– 1,000 laps in a Ferris wheel!
– Thank you for taking this journey with us.
– It was fun to shut this bad boy down.
You can close it, we’re good. – Yes, sir.
– Guys we did it, 1,000 laps!
Why’d you cut the lights off?
Really, guys?
It’s dark up here, what are you doing?
Don’t leave me.
(explosion booms) ♪ MrBeast 6,000 oh ♪
♪ MrBeast 6,000 yeah you know his name ♪
♪ He changed it once or twice ♪
♪ But I think it’s here to stay ♪
(explosion booms)

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