Extreme $500,000 Game Of Tag!

– This is half a million dollars (cash register dings)
in cash.
And whichever one of them, I tag last keeps it.
– Oh my God. Oh my God. – [Jimmy] seven,
– Oh my God. – [Jimmy] six,
– Oh boy. – [Jimmy] four,
– All right. We’re going into the stadium.
– [Jimmy] Two,
Ready or not,
here I come.
– [Contestant] Everyone’s running this way.
I don’t know if that’s a good thing.
– Look at all those people.
(bell dings)
(bubble popping)
These people are actually the finalists
from my previous video.
They literally sat in a circle for 12 days straight
to earn a spot in this
game of tag.
This stadium could fit over
160,000 people inside of it.
This is gonna take forever.
– I’m running as far away as I can.
It’s gonna get exhausting, quick.
– So I made an alliance with Classy and Blakely.
And we have a triangular formation
to make sure nobody gets caught.
– Airrack’s over there watching the exit that way.
I’m watching the hallway this way.
And we got Blakely watching down there.
– It’s definitely nerve wracking.
– We’re currently on the first of three floors.
And if I was trying to hide from me,
I would go as far away as possible,
which would take me to the third floor.
– Oh, this is pretty comfortable.
– Oh yeah, V suite, you know.
– I’m hiding here
behind this electrical box.
– As you can see,
this hallway is super long.
There’s like,
50 rooms.
I’m gonna check them, one at a time.
That one’s locked.
– All right, this door over here.
(bell dings)
But I’m pretty sure it’s locked.
– I’ve been searching for hours
and haven’t tagged a single person.
This place is just too big.
Attention contestants,
it’s taking me forever to find you,
so I’m bringing in Chris and Chandler.
Come on up.
Chris, you go that way.
Chandler, you go that way.
I’m just pointing places.
Let’s go.
– Both Chris and Chandler are now looking for us
along with Jimmy.
(suspenseful music)
(bell dings)
– Who is that?
You see that over?
– Oh, there’s people.
Go, go, go, go, (bell dings)
go, go, go!
– [Jordan] Aahh!
(bell dings)
– Yes, yes! We got someone. (buzzer buzzes)
– [Jimmy and Chandler] Yeah!
– [Jimmy] Oh, oh my gosh.
Attention contestants.
We got our very first person out.
– I think it was Jordan,
the girl in the green shirt.
They just escorted her over there.
– Here’s a briefcase with $10,000. (cash register ding)
We gotta tag more people.
– I guess one down, nine more to go.
– And while I was giving Jordan her money,
Chris saw Chris.
That sounded weird.
– Right there. (bell dings)
Go, go, go.
He’s down here, down here, down here.
– [Jimmy] Don’t hate me,
but Chandler might have outran the cameraman
and tagged Chris off camera. (punching sound)
(buzzer buzzes)
– No way.
– Pretty devastated.
He’s a fast man.
– If it makes you feel better,
here’s $10,000. (cash register ding)
– Thank you so much.
– Attention contestants.
A second person has fallen.
Only eight of you remain.
We’re coming for all of you.
Taylor, you are so fast that Frank couldn’t keep up.
(bell dings) – He’s really fast.
– Here’s a GoPro. Wear it.
– How do you feel being top eight?
– I feel fire. How do you feel?
– I feel bored. (laughing)
– [Jimmy] Now, remember
that these contestants are only competing
for half a million dollars (bell dings)
because they’re subscribed to our channel.
If you wanna one day be in one of our videos,
hit the
subscribe button right now. (punching sound)
It is currently 5:00 AM,
and Chandler and Chris want to go to bed.
So, I’ve replaced them with SapNap and Carl.
Let’s go hunt more people.
– It’s me, Carl and SapNap. – Let’s get it!
– [Jimmy] Carl, SapNap and I searched
throughout the entire night and couldn’t find anyone.
Somehow the contestants had enough energy to outrun us
until the morning.
– It’s the entire next day.
We’ve been out for so long.
– If yesterday were the semifinals,
today’s the finals.
– It’s gonna be stressful.
I am fatigued mentally and physically.
– We’ve only found two people so far.
But here’s the thing,
it’s tag, not hide and seek.
– Ooh.
– So, I’m gonna activate
the GPS (bubble popping)
I put on all their phones. (notification bling)
And I see a person over there.
You let ’em know.
– Hey, a little heads up,
Jimmy turned your guys tracker on
and he is on his way to catch you.
– He turned the GPS tracker on
and we’re not sure if, what’s gonna happen now.
– Thanks to the tracker,
we found Jessica,
I saw someone right up here.
chased her down,
– Leave me alone!
– [Frank] Get her Carl, get her.
– [Jimmy] and tagged her.
– Oh.
– [Jimmy] Right there Carl, (bell dings)
is a ton of people.
Here. Can you take yourself to prison?
I gotta go.
– Take $500,000 from me, (cash register ding)
and you’re not even gonna take me to prison?
(cash register ding)
– Another person down.
Only seven of you remain.
– Jessica just got out.
So it looks like,
I am carrying this for the ladies.
– We gotta contest meetup over here.
How we doing? (explosion)
– Ooh.
– Seven people left.
How you feelin’?
– I feel good.
(walkie talkie beeps)
– Wait.
Contestants, did one of you get it a bad wreck
or did one of you flip a golf cart?
– It may or may not have been me and Airrack.
(heavy metal music)
– Huh!
– We just flipped a golf cart.
– Why exactly did you flip a golf cart?
– Because the keys were in it
and they told us we couldn’t drive it.
And if we can’t drive it, neither can you.
– It’s funny content.
So, I’m okay with it.
Despite having the tracker,
this place was just too big.
For whatever reason,
it had a ten second delay. (clock ticking)
So by the time I got to where they were,
they were already on the other side of the stadium.
– We’re moving across the whole stadium
to try to get like, a better angle,
maybe a better spot.
Because you always gotta keep moving,
you know what I mean?
– We started this challenge
almost 20 hours ago,
and we’ve literally only found three people.
I’ve never felt more defeated in my entire life.
Why did we pick such a huge stadium?
I can’t find anyone.
I need to drastically shrink this place,
or this is gonna go on for a week.
– Y’all, something’s about to change.
We’ve been walking around forever,
and Jimmy said he’s making an announcement
in a couple of seconds.
– It’s time I do something drastic.
This is supposed to be a game of tag, not hide and seek.
I’m gonna shrink the entire stadium down
to just the racetrack.
You have 10 minutes.
And one of you is getting half a million dollars.
(cash register dings)
– Oh my gosh.
– This is full on tag.
No hiding.
– I think this is gonna get a whole lot faster,
a whole lot quicker.
– Going in the circle
with Andy right now.
I think our plan is to stay as mobile as possible.
– Like I said before,
contestants you have 10 minutes to get down
to the racetrack.
I’m in the middle with my eyes closed.
One, (intense music)
– You’re gonna count to 10 minutes?
– three, four,
– I guess we’re just doing this.
– five, Close your eyes.
(intense music)
– [Jimmy and Chris] 51, one minute 52,
one minute 53,
(intense music)
(both mumbling numbers)
– Ready or not, here we come.
We’re ripping money out your hands.
– Huddled up, next to a Lambo.
Pretty cool.
– I think I got a pretty good spot.
If I need to move that way I can.
I can be here.
– It’s gonna make me uncomfortable to rip $500,000
out of a stranger’s hand.
– I think he’s going inside the red building right
in front of us.
We are unnoticed, so far.
– We’re in here.
– I sure hope there aren’t no people trying to hide.
– Oh Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris.
Out to the right. Out to the right.
All right?
(bell dings)
All right, on three.
Three, go.
(intense music)
– [Chris] My legs are hurting from yesterday.
Jimmy, I’m on the left side flank.
I see him.
He’s back on the back wall,
running right side.
(bell dings)
– Oh, hey.
There’s another guy.
They’re trying to do a splitzy ditzy.
I’m holding up a number behind my back.
Is it one or two?
What’s your pick?
– Two. – What’s your pick?
– One. – It was one.
Chris target red.
(intense music)
Okay, we made a mistake.
We made a mistake.
We’re going for green.
He’s slower.
You know it’s serious cause the hat’s gone.
– [Andy] I’m hiding next to a Lambo right now.
I dunno if that’s metaphor for something or what?
– Let’s just, let’s just come in these.
– Oh no.
(intense music)
(buzzer buzzes)
– Oh hey wait, wait, wait Chris, Chris.
Forget about her.
He’s getting away.
This man here is ruthless.
Go right there.
(intense music)
Oh my gosh.
We were chasing him,
and you just popped outta nowhere.
– I thought you guys saw me.
I thought both of you made eye contact with me.
So I decided to dip.
– Not only did we get one person out,
(bell dings)
but we just got two people out.
(bell dings)
Only five of you remain.
And one of you is getting
half a million dollars. (cash register dings)
– 500,000 dollars, right there.
Five people left in tag.
– This is it.
Made it to the finals.
– This is so scary.
I’m gonna try to steal a Lambo.
– All right.
We subbed Chris out for SapNap.
Let’s do this.
Five people remain.
Most of them are pretty quick.
I need your help. – You got it.
(bell dings) – What’s up?
– Sup?
– Pretty good spot.
– Find a spot where I can see,
and find a spot where I can run.
– I see them.
I see ’em in the middle.
You see ’em?
– Yeah.
– Where are they?
– I don’t know.
– I thought I saw someone over here.
(intense music)
(buzzer buzzes)
Help me. Help me.
Sap help.
– Trust me.
You don’t wanna catch me.
I’m getting the golf cart.
I can’t outrun these guys.
I gotta steal a Lambo.
Hey, you don’t wanna tag me.
Trust me.
Oh lock.
Lock, lock, lock.
– Wait.
Is he getting in the Lamborghini?
Wait, did he just…
– [SapNap] He’s stuck. – Great, move out the way.
– Go, go. Wrong door.
Jimmy, get on the other door.
– They’re right on the other side of us.
– Oh no.
This is bad.
– All right.
Now he can’t drive it.
All right. We got him boxed in.
– No, no, no, no, no, no jam.
No, no.
– They’re on the other side
of this car.
– He probably thinks one of us has to leave,
and he just starts out the door.
Well, here’s the thing.
I make the rules.
Hey Carl, can you bring me the Lamborghini key?
– Oh no, no, no, no.
This is not how I expected this to go down, man.
I don’t want to hang out with Carl.
I don’t wanna see this guy.
I don’t wanna see Carl.
– Come over here.
– Hey, hey, hey.
I have not tagged anyone yet.
Give me the keys.
– Give Jimmy the keys.
– Give me the keys.
– Oh no.
– You are officially
going to be my first tag.
(buzzer buzzes)
– Yes.
– I actually got someone out.
If we actually left the keys in that Lamborghini,
he could have zipped.
– I would’ve left, yeah.
I wouldn’t be here anymore.
– They’re walking away.
They were next to us for like 10 minutes.
– Step on into the prison.
And boom!
Only three people remain.
To the three of you that are still out there,
only one of you is getting
half a million dollars, (cash register dings)
and the other two will be sad. (somber music)
(intense music)
– Absolutely terrifying.
It’s down to three people.
– Somehow, I’m in the top three
for $500,000 dollars.
– I have to keep fighting.
I did not abuse my body for nothing.
– Oh, in Goodyear.
Hey, there’s a guy in Goodyear.
– Oh man.
I can see them.
I don’t know if they can see me.
I could be giving myself away.
– He can only go out the left, (bell dings)
the right (bell dings)
or the middle. (bell dings)
There’s only three ways he can leave.
– I’m gonna hide behind the U-Haul.
I need you to make noise that way.
And then whenever he runs this way,
– You’ll get him? – let me know,
and I’ll get him.
(intense music)
(buzzer buzzes)
– Oh.
– Yes!
– No!
– I’m sorry
– Aahhh!
– Carl.
You genius.
– It worked. It worked.
– Yes. This is the weirdest thing we’ve ever done.
If it makes you feel any better as
a consolation prize for coming in third place,
we’re gonna be giving you
$20,000 dollars.
– That’s awesome.
(everyone clapping)
– Lincoln and Andy, you guys spent
12 days in a circle
and 24 hours running from us in a game of tag.
And it all comes down to this.
One of you is getting half a million dollars.
I’m gonna go find you.
– Top two, I guess.
– This is it.
– I gotta stay focused cause two
is great,
but it doesn’t matter till it’s number one.
– We’ve literally done this for 24 hours.
One more person,
and then I get to go to bed.
That is ironic.
I saw him move from it.
– I really hope he didn’t,
but I think he might have saw me.
– Hey, whoever’s behind
that white barrel, (bell dings)
go ahead and stand up.
Go ‘head, stand up.
I see you.
Hey, we come in peace.
We come in peace.
– All right. All right. All right.
What do you guys want?
– They might have found someone.
I can’t tell.
– Before I start chasing after you,
I’m just curious.
– Yeah.
– If you do win, (bell dings)
what are you spending the half a million dollars on?
– I wanna set up my future and I wanna,
I wanna help other people.
– Hopefully you outrun me then.
– All right.
– Go ahead and get a little closer, Carl.
– You might as well go that way, bro.
You are not getting past me.
(intense music)
– It is Andy.
Oh my God. Oh my God.
Andy’s running.
(everyone screaming and cheering)
(dramatic music)
– Get him Jimmy!
(buzzer buzzes)
– You got him! – I got him!
– I think it was the stupid fanny pack. (laughing)
– Oh my God.
Did I just win this?
Did I just…
– Congratulations Lincoln!
You just won half a million dollars!
(energetic music) (everyone cheering)
– Oh my god, bruh. (laughing)
(horn honking)
– And on top of this brand new car,
you also won
$10,000 in cash.
– Yeah.
– Yeah, so congratulations.
– Thank you so much. (explosion)
– Lincoln!
This is literally
half a million dollars (cash register dings)
in one dollar bills.
Do you wanna get inside of it?
Cause it’s all yours.
– I’m jumping in.
(everyone cheering)
– Congratulations on your half a million dollars.
Hit the subscribe button because
it boosts my self esteem.
Goodbye. (explosion)
♪ Mr. Beast ♪
♪ Ohhh ♪ (explosion)

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