Exotic Castaways Of Trinidad | Wild Caribbean |BBC Earth

red howler monkeys don’t live on any
other caribbean island
they howl to defend their territories
red howlers are vegetarians and with
forest and swamp on their doorstep they
can choose from a wide selection of
fruits and leaves
other monkeys have more sophisticated
the same swamp is home to capuchins
they’ve learned to come down to swamp
level at the right time
to snuffle a delicacy
when water levels drop fresh water
crunches are left high and dry
sitting targets for these grab and smash
howlers and capuchins usually live only
in south and central america
and monkeys aren’t the only mainlanders
on trinidad
this slow mover is a silky anteater
his giant claw and a gripping prehensile
help keep his balance as he walks the
mangrove tightropes of the swamp
so what makes trinidad a haven for all
these mainland castaways
the answer lies deep in the island’s
until as recently as 2000 years ago
it was part of south america
after the last ice age rising sea levels
gradually cut it off
so trinidad is now a caribbean island
with a unique legacy of mainland life
scarlet ibis are found around the deltas
of the amazon
and orinoco rivers
but up to 15 000 also live here
in trinidad’s caronie swamp and each
they return to roost
the ibis cram onto mangrove islets
safety numbers is the best way to make
it through the night
scarlet ibis are one of this island’s
most colorful spectacles
the other is a highlight of the entire
at carnival time music folklore
creatures mythical and real all come
together for the caribbean’s biggest
carnival embodies the true spirit of the
a vibrant melting pot of life
the variety of wildlife comes from the
variety of the islands themselves

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