Doraemon US New Episode in English – Calm Down, Big G!

and that’s where i come in
to save the day with an amazing
invention from my fourth dimensional
secret gadget puzzle
but things never turn out as planned
here we go again
you really thought i’d believe a
chupacabra ate your homework they aren’t
even real
at least come up with a better lie
it was five feet away is that so hard
you were supposed to do your homework
and clean your room before you went out
to play with your friends you never
listen to me and i’m sick of it
why is everyone always hating on me i
don’t get it it’s like the whole world
is against me i didn’t do anything wrong
it’s not
fair nah it’s just not fair why do rhyme
on why
maybe it’s because you keep giving them
reasons to be mad
geez i never thought about it like that
no no
that’s not it i think everyone’s just
grumpy and they like to take it out on
i’ve done absolutely nothing wrong
people stink everybody keeps blaming me
but it’s not my fault
i can’t deal with it anymore i wish
they’d all just chill out it’s
stop feeling sorry for yourself let’s
get out of here and do something fun
let’s see what’s happening in the empty
lot no way fat chance buddy i’m not
leaving my room i don’t want anyone else
getting angry at me it’s just way too
this is ridiculous here let’s try this
oh cool it’s a tic-tac-toe stick no it’s
even better what do you see this guy in
let’s try it on my mom yeah that’s
perfect huh
what have you guys been up to we were
hanging out i was reading minding my own
then nobody started talking trash huh
what do you mean he was talking trash
he said your meatloaf tastes like
rhinoceros toes
chill out just chill out mom
uh what
i’m gonna make meatloaf
oh my gosh that’s the coolest thing ever
it sure is and now you won’t have to be
afraid of people getting mad at you
press it against someone’s mouth say
chill out and voila they’re no longer
i still don’t believe it i mean i don’t
get how this crazy thing actually works
what if darymon was just pulling my leg
it’s big g and he’s got his angry face
hey cool sure you got there you
making fun of my shirt
you’re gonna be sorry punk my damn damn
gave me the shirt for my birthday
get back here you think you can go
around making fun of people
somebody needs to teach you a lesson
like me come here
that’s weird what happened
i want froyo
this thing is amazing it literally just
saved my life
awesome i could be the neighborhood hero
all i’d have to do is follow big g
around and save everyone from his
wrath people would love me
do they have hot dog flavored froyo
what’s up fellas i was just looking for
a new comic book
thanks guys i haven’t even finished
reading it yet
yeah give it back it’s mine is mine and
what’s yours is also mine
chill out bud chill out
i believe this is yours wow thank you
you’re like a superhero
oh stop hiro maybe but not superhero
oh hey sue huh hey what’s up newbie oh
nothing much just saving the
neighborhood from big g
no offense but i don’t think that’s
possible maybe not to you but i got this
i know how to turn that crazed lunatic
into a gentle giant
you don’t think this is a bit dangerous
i mean it’s big g we’re talking about
trust me i know exactly what i’m doing
here you’re breathing so
loud i can’t even hear myself think it’s
giving me a headache it’s so annoying
i’m sorry i don’t mean to i just don’t
to breathe you better find a way and it
better be in the next five seconds
i’m still so angry i don’t understand my
what just happened how on earth did you
do that i can’t believe it that was
you deceived snitch’s life oh stop it it
was nothing really
it’s because of this thing isn’t it hey
that’s mine give it back
chill out chill out okay i’m chill
yes i’m gonna have so much fun with this
thing um
hey bubble butt yeah i’m talking to you
what did you just call me dweeb i think
you heard me bubble butt
it’s not my fault i was born this way
chill out
chill out freaky
chill out
what’s wrong we’re stopping big g from
getting angry it’s not the end of the
it’s better for everyone involved anger
doesn’t work like that nobody it doesn’t
just simply disappear
that gadget forces people to swallow
their anger and hold it deep down inside
their gut
i have no idea what any of that means
listen carefully
everyone gets angry that’s just a part
of life but normally they release it
immediately that’s the healthy thing to
but you’ve prevented that release you’ve
made big cheese swallow his anger
over and over again pig cheese like a
volcano right now
his anger is the lava pretty soon it
will be too much for him to contain
and when that happens there’s gonna be a
massive volcano
and just how are we gonna do that
why do we have to go to the empty lot
you guys aren’t trying to trick me are
what no not us the talent show’s getting
gotta keep your singing chops up i mean
you could sing here if you wanted but
the acoustics in the empty lot are way
right way better there huh oh yeah
singing here wouldn’t do your voice
the lot is much better well if you
i could use some practice
almost there good we’re not home free
yet he’s still wired to blow in the
slightest bump could set him off
you didn’t really want to hear me sing
did you this was your plan the whole
time wasn’t it
we’re dying to hear your angelic voice i
swear i guess
stupid rock let’s do this
what then why on earth did you ask him
to stay for us i didn’t know what else
to say
are you kidding me how the heck is a
yummy bun gonna save us
there you are i’ve been looking
everywhere for you big g
time for a little fun
all right
than us

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