Doraemon: Gadget Cat from the Future!

go ahead buddy they’re all yours digging
I Really Wanna but I don’t know I got a
bad feeling about this I’m sure there’s
some kind of catch in here but I still
want to eat these yummy buns oh come on
there’s no catch these are just a small
token of my appreciation just think of
all the times you’ve had my back
look you’re the best friend I’ve ever
had to rhyme on and I don’t think I tell
you that enough I appreciate you so much
man whenever I’m hurt or get myself into
some kind of trouble you come to my
rescue and save me you’re my hero no
matter how far off the place or how dire
the moment is I know that Doraemon will
be there to save the day
it’s not easy being the hero Robocat
always fighting the good fight giving
wrong a bunch of the kisser someone’s
gotta do it that’s right that’s my
Doraemon now go on eat the yummy buns
you’ve earned it well then I graciously
ah hit him and now that we’ve
established you always have my back you
can help me with this week’s worth of
homework I’ve got here I’ll do tomorrow
buddy well I don’t want to disturb a
master while he’s working so I’ll just
sleep in the hall
why the heck am I doing this nobody
always takes this stuff he doesn’t want
to do and dumps it on me
no amount of yummy buns is worth this
much homework
hey I know
don’t let me down I’m counting on you
grab them
please don’t make me
we are in this together whether you like
it or not
how do you even solve this problem you
just gotta carry the two oh you do it
like this Knuckleheads really yeah a
bunch of Slash John halflets finally
we’re done I couldn’t have done it
without you guys I literally talking
about thanks
man I slept like a baby now let’s see if
he got that homework done top of the
morning buddy
hey what the heck happened here this
place is trashed
Doraemon who did this to you Bill did
someone break in or something I should
go call for some help no wait
what the person who did this was me come
again now but I did finish your homework
and now I’m going to
true he did finish my homework but still
that doesn’t explain why Doraemon looks
like he was someone’s personal punching
bag last night okay buddy I’m gonna get
to the bottom of this mystery
okay time machine let’s go to nine
o’clock last night
in order to find out what really
happened to dryman I’ll go back in time
to witness the event myself
to the Past
why the heck am I doing this Toby always
takes the stuff he doesn’t want to do
and then dumps it on me no I’m on a
yummy buns is worth this much homework
that whiny slacker you bought four boxes
that can fit 30 oranges each huh Can you
fit that many in a box
I can’t get the stuff by myself I need a
team of people and I said the Hero Cat
Saves the Day again if I can’t do it by
myself I just gotta increase the staff
the plan simple I’ll just go for it into
the future two hours Grandma find me two
hours later I’ll bring him back so he
can help me with the homework then I’ll
find the meat that’s four hours into the
future and bring him back and then I’ll
find a meeting six hours ahead in eight
hours and bring them back with five of
us we should be able to get it done
this plan is absolutely genius we could
possibly go wrong the woman is a
brilliant hero
that’s actually pretty smart I’m
surprised he came up with that
don’t let me down
what the heck happened you look terrible
just take a wild guess
let’s see nope coming up with Focus what
happened I’m talking about that I’m
gonna get some more of you so you can
get started
okay now get to it please don’t make me
do this I just want to sleep
now I’m gonna get to meet from six hours
and eight hours into the future
I’ll be back with him
it’s not eight hours into the future me
you’re gonna pay
no you are so gonna regret bringing you
back here oh boy I sure can get grumpy
when I’m sleeping come on let’s just get
the homework done guys
would be so ugly we have no choice we
gotta put an end to this
damn that ought to shut your trap up for
now who knew angry me was so terrified
how do you even solve this problem you
just gotta carry the two like this
Knuckleheads really yeah that’s wrong
finally we’re done I couldn’t have done
it without you guys thanks for the help
now you can all go back to your proper
timeline I gotta say this worked out
he really beat himself up literally
oh geez that’s gotta leave a mark but at
least we managed to get some homework
done now I’m gonna get some
oh I may need to rhyme on
all right enough sleeping
you awake now who are you and why are
you here I’m you from two hours in the
past I’ve come to see if you’ll help me
with nobody’s homework here’s homework
but then we just finished doing all of
that no in my timeline we still need to
do it come on I need your help in order
to spill it off
poor guy he yo-yo himself all over his
own timeline
got all his homework finished again yeah
and now I can get so much new sleep hey
it’s me from four hours in the past
tell me this isn’t happening oh that’s a
grumpy what else
no it’s over for real
I’m so tired I can’t even stand up with
these things wait got me from six hours
in the past and eight hours in the past
still hasn’t shown up
hurry hide behind me you got it
hey there it’s me from six hours in the
past that’s weird where’s the me that’s
supposed to be here it’s gotta be around
here somewhere maybe the closet no
please hey nobody what are you doing
there he’s not here well what am I gonna
do I can’t finish your homework without
thanks for the help pal
I’ve done you wrong buddy I’ll make it
up to you tomorrow with some more yummy
wait I figured out how Doraemon got beat
up but how did my room get so trashed
nothing yet
okay buddy deep breaths come on down
gotcha hey there me I’m you from eight
hours in the past I just need your help
I feel so bad I’m gonna do my best to
show you how much I appreciate you buddy
to rhyme on
hey wake up pal
the Sun’s Up is it morning already I’m
sorry I asked you to do my homework that
wasn’t fair of me thanks for saying that
we did get it all done though right yeah
in here I know this doesn’t totally make
up for it but for you more yummy buns
thank you
bang Zoom

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