Dolphins Will Feast and Fish Will Fly: Ep. 2 | Untamed with Filipe DeAndrade

 I can retire at this point so stoked that you could join us for another untamed adventure where this week we’re in South Carolina the Dolphins that call this place home they have this incredible predatory behavior where they hydroplane up onto the bank and corral these fish it’s home to here in nowhere else in the world like Winnie the Pooh said you want to see some cool you got to get out there piglet let’s get out there baby we just got out here and that activity is already firing you can tell the individual dolphins apart by their dorsal fins you would think of the dorsal fin like a tattoo for the dolphin and no two dolphins have the same stamp when those things come up you know exactly which one is hunting and which one is corralling the fish the Dolphins are incredibly creative with their hunting strategy but they’re nowhere near the most efficient hunter out here oh my god that Osprey just go right into Brian’s brain no I’m not going to lie Dolphin lovers out there don’t hate me but Ospreys are my favorite hunters in the world they have a 70% kill rate when it goes down the heads that fish and comes back up with it they’ll do the shimmy shake the water off of its feathers and then you can see them redirect the fish to make it aerodynamic with its body they are the coolest birds in the world the Ospreys the great blue heron the pelicans the tri-colored Heron I’ve never seen so much predatory behavior in one area even though I can see the dolphins I have no idea exactly where they’ll breach but I learned that if I follow the bird they’ll point me in the right direction [Music] [Music] oh my god the movie when the dolphins are hunting every single bird in the area takes notice [Music] because the Dolphins are a keystone species in the saltwater marsh everything benefits from their presence oh my god I’ve never seen so many hunters hunting side-by-side before this is an untapped resource and if you haven’t seen it for yourself you better get down here cause baby girl the activity is on fire and just when I thought it couldn’t get any better all the seagulls show up in steal from everyone I got one shot of an osprey dropping his fish in midair and the two culprits making off with it this place is 100% nature’s buffet oh my god I can retire at this point about finding me away from us right now dirty and definitely on the ground [Music] you.

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