Dive Through ‘MASSIVE CHASM’ in Iceland | Lonely Planet’s Year Of Adventures | BBC Earth Explore

This lagoon is fed by glacial meltwater.
It’s only two degrees celsius
or 35 degrees Fahrenheit.
Wearing a dry suit is vital.
I can’t wait to get in.
Well, they say that
when you’re in there, it’s so clear.
But it is a bit like walking on thin air.
How’s that feel, by the way?
Yeah, it feels good. It’s.
It’s tight.
I mean, I guess that’s what you want.
Feel a bit indestructible.
Patrick’s only dived once before
in the warm water
in a open expanse of the Indian Ocean.
here couldn’t be more different.
Doesn’t this look like
we’re in another world
It’s amazing.
Like a dead world.
It’s like I discovered something.
It´s just been dead for thousands of years
or something.
We’re heading for the most
stunning section of the rift.
The cathedral.
But to reach it, we must first negotiate
a maze of narrow chasms, often
in the dark.
That’s just about the
scariest thing I’ve seen.
We’re going to slip through.
It’s a lot for Patrick
to take in on his second ever dive.
I’ve completely freaked out.
It’s how I am.
Do you want me to go first?
If it’s not wide enough,
I’ll come back.
So I’m now
going to go into this
very dark area.
It’s actually quite scary.
There’s only enough room for one person
at a time.
I’m going to lead the way.
The main thing is not to panic.
Very strange
and eerie coming through here.
Now, Patrick’s got to follow me
into the darkness.
You can’t see the surface
low through these tunnels.
It’s pretty freaky.
And I could feel myself breathing
so much more air than normal.
I am ripping through the air at the moment.
It´s so narrow that
shoulders and just scraping through.
The final fissure has been
almost totally closed off by rockfall.
Only last year,
a diver drowned in an accident
in these narrow chasms.
You want me to go through there?
Patrick, should be going through in a moment.
You’re going to get stuck down
This is just so claustrophobic.
It’s really just.
Everything’s pressing in around on you
God, this is horrible.
It’s not what I’m used to.
Up to the any day of the week.
This is all really horrible.
Finally, the narrows open up.
The cathedral is just ahead.
This is what we came for.
That was a seriously intense man.
I am so glad we are on the other side.
I really think this is
one of the most amazing
things I’ve ever seen.
This is
unbelievable Ben.
I don’t think
I’ve ever been anywhere so extraordinary.
Just look in here.
It’s so unbelievably clear.
This water that we’re swimming in now
fell as rainwater
a thousand years ago.
The water is filtered through giant lava
flows on its way down
from the glaciers above.
With good sunlight,
you can see for over a hundred meters.

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