[Catch! Teenieping] Ep.07 OOPS, I FORGOT! πŸ’˜

oops i forgot
watch out and attack
what is this
i’m pretty sure romy forgot to take this
it’s not the first time she’s so
yeah it was so easy
what what
you forgot your homework i swear i did
but i forgot to bring it to school
sorry how can you forget it
you must remember next time all right
oh um okay
ladies your homework please
take it here’s mine
lina what about you
oh i forgot it
you forgot about it last week too
no i didn’t
romy do you remember that it was last
lina said the same thing last week
remember now
but how can you trust romy i heard it
don’t forget again from now on
oh she’s so annoying yeah she’s too
straight for something
princess romy
that is so right heartsping lena
definitely got what she deserved at him
please guys be quiet for now okay
i’m telling you it’s really funny yeah
that look on lena
is there something wrong mr dane
i totally forgot about a meeting
can you prepare the lab equipment for
science class yes sir i will ah thanks
see you ellie
mr dean forgot something that’s weird
you got a point i wish you’d forget to
check our homework next time
wait what
how are you
i’m blank
it was so ground my toe stuff yeah
you’re so cute where did you come from
i was going to do something
aren’t you going to the lab
well well that was strange
yeah really strange
i should be at the store
something’s wrong with ellie
maybe a teeny thing is involved
did it
he spilled tinkle puff all over the
place i swear i’ve never seen such a
careless teeny thing
it’s good that humans cannot see the
he will be an easy catch since he is so
let’s go i need you to help me this time
dada ping my pleasure
i should follow the tingle puff trails
after i transform
princess claudia transformation time
wow this place is huge
i don’t remember why i came here black
serious let’s get him once and for all
hold it princess he will notice us
who are you blank oh hello blank ping i
am well who is she she is the princess
that came to catch you
no she won black lives
why didn’t you tell that to blank ping
blackpink stop there
princess claudia notice one
i got you now
are you okay dude
you’re so careless blank
you’re the careless one
stop chasing me you both i will make you
forget that you want to catch me blank
no way
wait a minute what am i doing here
that blank ping
i need to stop him right now
i have no choice i really didn’t want to
do this but
you’re a careless princess indeed
now you’re gonna forget me
i think that you forget about me too
do it now me
princess claudia
magic wine
what was i doing right now
you underestimated me
time to come home blank ping
princess claudia magic captain
tell me what am i doing here
blank blank
early um
mr dane
the lab tools are ready right
uh the lab tools are ready for can you
prepare the lab equipment for a science
uh class mr dane uh mr dame ellie and i
got it already what
all right thank you both let’s go in now
come on
yes raymond can you please tell me what
it seemed like you had forgotten about
it so i just prepared it
thank you raymond
i can’t believe i forgot something
really really important no worries it
mr dane forgot about the meeting earlier
let’s go in now
well that’s all for today
see y’all tomorrow good bye
hey romy
did you bring your homework today
um i left it on the table this morning
and forgot about it
sorry ellie
oh my romy that’s very disrespectful
get yourself together okay
seriously how can you forget that you’re
so dumb
what did you say it’s okay relax
what’s going on huh i don’t i don’t get
it you hate it when you forget things
i obviously don’t like it but it can
happen to anyone
ellie would you like to come to the
heart roast to get the book and you can
try our new cookies too
but don’t forget things from now on

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