[Catch! Teenieping] Ep.04: DADAPING, THE SMART ONE πŸ’˜

dada ping the smart one
now let’s hear how to make your dream
come true maya would your team like to
go first
my dream is to become a reporter but
first i need to study hard and
experience different cultures around the
world to make my dream come true
i want to become a snowboarder but my
yeah wants me to be a taekwondo champion
anyway i need to speak as many languages
as possible to travel around very cold
i must study a lot
good job you both were great
now who wants to go next
hey what’s wrong romy
my teammate is in here so i can’t
present anything at all
you’re with nyle that’s weird he didn’t
call in sick as far as i know romy
please could you go check on him after
oh poor little romy
that’s right she can’t even present her
who cares i bet you must be boring
nile it’s me romy
huh are you really sure natalie’s home
too well he didn’t go to school
it’s open to
anyone here
excuse me um
what are you doing here you missed
be quiet this is the important level
have you been playing video games all
day i have to even if i stop for a
second my rank will drop immediately
you are not a professional gamer i
couldn’t present today at school because
you didn’t show up come on you can do it
on your own
without me
how can you be like that
who are you me
i am romy’s friend
anyway i can’t let you miss school just
because of a video game
what what are you what are you gonna do
princess hearts magic wand
what is wrong with you i lost the game
because of you
relax it’s just a game you know
just a game you never come here again
i get it now
niall’s parents are on a business trip
maybe he’s just feeling a little lonely
you know
he should be at school too
but how can we come back
the sound there must be action nearby
it’s happening i’m finally meeting the
princess ta-da
the emotions kingdom from a different
one day i found the secret chamber
the explosion scattered every teeny
luckily i saved part thing but all the
cubes that hold teeny pinks are now
scattered on earth
so i came here at this town looking for
teeny pings
i’m really glad you’re safe dada ping
dada ping is the most outstanding teeny
thing ever known so far
an explosion can’t do me any harm tada
you were crying just a minute ago jew
don’t say that
i get it
so everything will be okay if niall goes
to school right
you’re right i guess i data pin will
take care of it tada
but we’re done
jumping is very responsible but he never
listens to he’ll start at you
we’ll see heartspain
romy you’ve got a guest
this early who is it
good morning
uh nile mornings are perfect for
how about we do some homework uh what’s
going on
it must have been dada ping he changed
nile into a good student i guess you
no wonder he’s the most outstanding
royal teeny pink okay i’ll bring my
oh oh it’s breakfast time oh but we’re
not done yet niall
how about we just finish this page first
i can’t it’s important to eat at a fixed
time to keep the rhythm of the day
listen you should eat too we have to
leave for school in 30 minutes what are
you talking about it’s only six in the
morning exactly we have to leave at
least two hours early a road may be
closed or there could be a traffic jam
the narrow the contour the steeper the
next everyone
what do you think you’re doing
it isn’t healthy to be sitting all the
i need to rest it’s my nap time
sufficient rest activates our brains
that was too much you
huh you’re right i should definitely
talk to dadaping
i see so now you want the old nile back
ta-da it’s about to play video games all
day but his actions are also causing
trouble to other people
i don’t get it dada huh i dabbing made
niall a responsible student to be
effective at school for you princess
but now you’re saying you don’t want him
to be responsible please don’t be upset
yeah dada ping i’m not saying i don’t
want him to be responsible that’s what
you said to them
i can’t forgive anyone who is not
he never listens to the whole story i
have no choice let’s transform heart
princess heart transformation time
game over we’re changing your bad habits
today huh
try if you like dinner you can’t be a
princess if you disregarded discipline
like this
you’re a silly princess wrote me
you called me silly yes princess you’re
so silly ditto
only sillies call each other silly
you silly silly
magic wand
are you all right oh
what did we do
we really were absolute fools
i will catch you
as long as you don’t fight
i’m sorry for acting so silly dada ping
i’m sorry for not really listening to
you i was wrong dada huh come here with
me you too
hi romy
you look relaxed today
i’ve always been laid back anyway please
listen romy i was gaming last night and
you we’re gaming that’s right but now
that i have a disciplined lifestyle it
has actually helped me game even better
i shouldn’t miss school anymore
wow really
good for you oh and don’t forget the
homework i won’t
that was all me dude

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