Can 50,000 Magnets Catch A Cannon Ball?

– Today we’re gonna test multiple different ways
to stop a cannon.
We’re gonna try magnets.
A bulletproof vest.
A mannequin.
We put some baseballs in the cannon
and we put some gloves on the people.
Need I say more?
Do you think this is the first time
a baseball’s ever been fired from a cannon?
– Can’t be.
– Hey, Chandler. What’s that?
– Made you look. – Whoa.
The legs are standing here. – Did the glove catch it?
– No way. – I very much doubt.
– Did the gloves croak?
– Did it go through the glove?
– Kind of broke it. – Dude, wow.
– Found a baseball.
– Oh, wow.
– Oh, there it is. – Wait.
– Oh, there it is. – Oh, my goodness.
– It’s still perfect.
Hold on. Let’s see.
– That is a crispy baseball.
– Is that what it smells like? Popcorn?
– It smells terrible.
– Is that what popcorn?
– Ooh, man, that smells bad. Smell it.
– This is legit real bulletproof glass.
I’m actually curious if it’ll stop this cannon.
– You don’t think that the bulletproof glass
can take a cannonball?
– No, it’s a cannon.
– But you think so?
– Oh, it’s coming back. It’s right there. It’s right there!
– Whoa. Whoa.
– Yo, the bulletproof glass beat the cannonball.
Dude, here’s the cannonball.
– So I’m confused.
Why didn’t Blackbeard just have bulletproof glass?
– I know, right?
– Easy.
– They’re watching the slow-mo, guys. Watch.
– Oh, damn.
– Oh, my god. That makes you, like, jump.
It’s coming right at you.
– I love it.
– Bulletproof glass can stop a cannon,
but can a bulletproof vest?
Let’s say you become a cop one night
and a guy robs a convenience store
And he comes out with a cannon.
Is your vest gonna protect you?
I will answer that.
Well, by me, I mean Brandon.
– I’m just here for the ride.
– We will answer it together ’cause we’re a power couple.
– Whoa. – Wow.
– How many? – Oh, my gosh.
Look, we caught three.
– Dang. – Look at this beauty.
If you had a chest made outta steel, you’d be fine.
– It’s a Cardinal feather.
– That’s a leaf.
– The state bird.
– That’s a leaf. – That’s a leaf, dude.
– Just let him. Let him.
– You know, they only come around once a year.
– Yeah, they do.
Eat it and I’ll give you a thousand dollars.
– What’d you say?
– Nevermind.
– Guys, we’re going hot.
– We’re going hot. I’m ready.
– You ready. Whoa. You are ready.
– Hey Chandler, high five.
High five.
– Oh, you missed it. – Oh, wow.
– Oh, that was beautiful.
– Oh, it’s beautiful.
– Good thing we got all this biodegradable confetti.
– This right here is Manny
and he’s very self-conscious of the fact
that he can’t grow hair.
– Baldy.
– It makes him- Chandler.
Don’t talk about him.
He said he’s self-conscious.
– Stop being a bully.
So to make him feel better, we’re gonna take this wig,
we’re gonna cram it in the cannon
and then we’re gonna put a lot of that black powder stuff
and then we’re gonna shoot it as his head.
And hopefully that allows him to feel more confident
in his own skin.
– You look like the dude off of “iRobot,” honestly.
You know Will Smith?
– Ah.
– Well, well, well, boys. We meet again.
– Going hot!
– Oh, going hot, guys. Going hot.
– Oh.
– Look at that sexy beast.
– All right, let’s do it.
– Oh, my god. – Wow.
Oh, my god.
– That was the wig.
– I did not expect that to happen.
– Dude, right in the chest. Look at that.
– He’s just got an eye left. That’s it.
– Well, where’s that GoPro, though?
Oh, it’s still working.
– No way. – Let me see.
– Yes.
– Hit it with the cannon.
This is for all you people who ever lost money to a ven-
I got revenge.
Guys, if a vending machine ever steals money from you,
hit it with a cannonball.
Your vending machine didn’t work.
I accidentally broke it.
I’m gonna clean it up and take care of it. Okay?
– You sure? – Yeah.
– Appreciate it.
It’s not starting.
Blow it up as well.
All right, boys.
We’re gonna show this car who’s boss.
– Fire it up.
– Go. Go. Run.
– Oh, my.
– That was kind of cool.
– Yeah, that was pretty dope.
– I got one more!
– No. No. – I got one more!
One more. – That’s way too much.
That’s way too much.
– Who’s cannon made the most amount of damage?
– Mine.
– Chandler, is this, is this your cannon?
You really yeeted the yeet cannon.
– Mine went all the way through it.
– My cannonball is right here, bro.
– That’s your cannonball?
– Yeah.
– It didn’t even make it to the car.
– It hit the door.
– Oh, my gosh.
You can’t even, you can’t even get in this passenger door.
Look at this.
– That’s dope.
– It really can stop bullets.
– We got a exit wound.
– Dude. – I like that.
– It just literally-
– Look. You can see right there where it went through.
– Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
– Okay, Jimmy. Okay. Little bit high. Okay, Jimmy.
– Now we’re gonna see if a Lego wall can stop a cannonball.
– Let’s do this. Cannon guys ready.
– You just fire cannons and look hot.
– Yeah.
– Just take your shirt off why don’t you?
– Ooh!
– Tell him to wait.
– Oh!
Oh, my god.
I can see the actual ball on this.
– There it is.
– Ooh!
– Right through. Right in the GoPro.
– It just clipped the top.
– Just clipped it. – Very nice.
– That’s gonna look good on the GoPro.
Or not.
We’ll see, right here.
– I’ve been struggling with cell phone service
so we’re gonna see if shooting it at a wall
out of a cannon fixes that.
Get it, sexy boy.
All right. Good timing.
– Did it go over?
– Wow. No it didn’t.
It just annihilated it.
– It’s literally in there. – Are you serious?
– Wow. – Wow.
– I bet it still works. – Phone-ski.
– Is it hot? – Nokia the unburnt.
– Hey, dad.
Oh, thanks. It works now. Thanks guys.
This is a fridge.
This is a cannon.
This is alphabet numbers and letters.
– Alphabet numbers and letters?
Isn’t the alphabet letters?
– This is very special to me.
I love this.
– You write mine?
– What if it spelled something on the fridge?
– It burned a O on it.
No, an A. What?
– Hey, the A.
– And a U
– And a E. Look a E.
– Guys, if your alphabet magnets aren’t working
just shoot ’em with a cannon.
Here’s the new game plan.
This is a cannon.
It’s about this wide.
That wide fits right there.
So we’re gonna slide that cannon in here.
Will it work, Brandon?
– We’re doing what?
– Oh fuck.
– We need a third.
– Oh, my gosh.
– We need a third.
– You got it.
– Oh. Oh.
– Oh.
– What is this, Chandler?
– A cannon.
– And what is it inside of?
– A cannon. – Cannon.
– We have no idea what’s gonna happen.
Like, this literally might explode.
– Might?
– Probably will explode.
– So we should back away.
Like, a lot away.
– This is so dangerous that we’re actually sitting
in a U-Haul and watching it through these mirrors.
– All right. That’s our front row seat viewers.
– Fuse is lit.
– Oh, wow. Fuse is lit.
– We can’t find the cannon.
– Yo, where did the cannon go?
– Oh, my goodness.
– The cannon, like, disappeared.
Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.
– All the way over here.
– How many yards do y’all think that is?
– At least three.
– I think it’s three plus, uh, 25.
– Twenty. So 20.
– Dude. That is the cannon right here.
And that’s where we shot it out.
– Oh, my God.
– We have 50,000 magnets, a watermelon, and a cannon.
So yeah, we’re gonna see if these 50,000 magnets
can catch a cannonball mid-air.
So here’s Big Chungus, and this is a 40 pound cannonball.
I’m scared.
I don’t wanna break it.
– And you give it to Chandler?
– He’s already broken half the stuff.
– Oh, God.
– The oven is ready.
– All right. It’s good. Fire it.
– I’m excited. I like cannons.
– We’re about to shoot the cannon. It’s fin to bust.
– Dude, Torique’s so scared right now.
Look at Torique.
– Why am I doing this?
– Fire in the hole!
– Going hot!
– Oh, boy. – I’m terrified.
– I’m scared.
– Oh, man! – Did we hit it?
– It did not stop it.
– The watermelon and the magnets couldn’t stop it.
Let’s get a closer look.
Did you like having a cannon ram through you?
The 50,000 magnets didn’t catch it outta the cannon.
So maybe if I throw it slower it will.
– It got one. Two.
– Got it.
– Oh, Jesus.
– Chandler, your turn.
– Are you sure? – Yes.
– Unleash it. – One.
– No holding back.
– Use more than 1% of your power.
– 2%.
– Man, you left an actual dent.
Don’t underestimate dumb strength.
– You see that?
– Hey, Logan Paul, at me.
– What is it?
– Chandler’s left a dent and yours didn’t.

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