Caillou – Caillou’s Favorite Plate (S03E08) | Videos For Kids

Caillou’s grandmother had given Caillou a special plate with spaceships on it. Caillou loved it. Gilbert is afraid of a
species. Look. The red one has a window, the blue one – and look at the green one. O h. I think it has a snooze button. T ime for bed spaceman. Caillou loved his plate so much that he wanted to have it with him all the time. W hy don’t I take it downstairs? It’ll be there for you at breakfast okay? N nighty night. Sleep tight. Don’t let the
bed bugs bite.
Rosie, that’s my plate. Here Caillou. Rosie was just admiring it. Hmm… Caillou thought that everything tasted better on his spaceship plate. Caillou we need to wash it, you know. Okay. Caillou caught this spaceship.
Thank you Rosie. Your macaroni and cheese are ready. Yay. I wanted on my spaceship plate. Why am I not surprised. O h. I’m a spaceman. Let’s get your hands clean Mr. Spaceman. That’s funny. Y our plate’s not here.
Caillou was worried. H e just had to eat his lunch from his favorite plate. I think I washed it this
morning. I want to look for it. You know what Caillou, lunch is ready now. Let’s look for it after lunch.
Caillou didn’t feel like eating. He wanted his spaceship plate. This one just wasn’t the same. Mm…you know. I’ll go look for my plate now, okay. Caillou searched everywhere for his plate his. Caillou was sad because he thought his plate his might be lost forever. I couldn’t find it. Hey! He was very happy to have his plate back. Sounds like you need a space snack. 
Hey Caillou. Mmm… I’m hungry. That’s good, b cause I made lots of pancakes. Happy pancakes.
Yummy. Silly cat. I like the ring Gilbert. You made a mess here. You go Caillou. Thank you Gilbert.
Why can’t you wipe your feet before you come in like everyone else. It must be difficult when you have four feet.
I can do it. Watch me Gilbert. Come on Caillou. H ands first, then we’ll finish breakfast. O kay. There you go.
Slow down there, what’s the big hurry? I want to go out in the ring. You do? What ? Give daddy a hint. Ribbit ribbit.
Caillou had a very special reason for liking the rain. C an I show daddy? Have you finished eating? All right then. Your froggy boots. I forgot. Caillou loved his new froggy boots. I’m gonna go play outside. Wanna come Rosie? In this weather? Are you sure Caillou? Well I suppose that if you’re dressed with your raincoat and your hat… and my froggies, of course. It should be all right.
Caillou went to play in the backyard all by himself. Caillou thought it would be fun to play in the
sandbox in the rain. S o Caillou’s froggies had disappeared. Caillou wondered what the Robin was doing. He soon found out. Mommy , I saw a bird. It caught a worm. Oh you must have seen a Robin. It has baby birds up in the nest, and they love to eat worms. Baby birds will make it when in the rain. Maybe a little bit, but their mommy and daddy will keep them warm. Caillou was relieved that the baby birds were protected by their parents.
Are you ready to come in out of the rain Caillou? No. I want to play some more with my doggies. Okay. Caillou just loved mud. It felt all soft and mushy. He liked how he could squeeze it between his fingers his. You look like you’re having fun. Haha. D on’t even think about touching me with t hose mucky hands Mr. mud monster.
Sweetie you could play in the garden, but not here where I’ve planted things, okay? O ver there would be better. All right, mommy. Thanks honey.
See you later. Caillou decided he would dig a hole in the garden. A very big hole. Caillou was having fun making mud soup for  his froggies to play in, when he saw something very interesting. H i Mr. worm. He really wanted to touch it, but he didn’t know what the worm would do. Caillou wanted to show the earthworm
to his family. Oh, can I keep them? How about if you keep them for a few days, and then we’ll put them back in the
garden. Put some dirt in here and get some leaves from under the bushes. T hat’s what worms like to eat.
I’m going to put you in your new house. Here you go Mr. worm. Mommy can I take
him outside with me? He can watch me make mud soup.
Sure. would you like to go over to Leo’s to play? Caillou is already having lots of fun in the backyard, but then he decided he wanted to play with Leo. I want to show Leo. Oh right then. Hmm, that’s better. I wouldn’t want you to go to Leo’s looking like a mess. My froggies are off thing too. I think I’ll Drive you over to Leo’s. I want to walk in the rain with my froggies and my worm. Oh all right. See you two later. H ave fun. I’m Gilbert. Why do you keep
Going out if you don’t like the rain? S illy cat. Bye honey. T his is the first time I’ve ever taken a worm for a walk daddy.
Caillou was helping guests with the bookshelves. He liked doing things with his daddy. Hey, look at this. When Caillou looked at the picture, he thought it was a photo of himself. I look funny daddy. That’s not you Caillou. It’s me when I was four years old. That’s the Train Set, and the conductor’s hat grandpa and grandma gave me for my
birthday. Can I play with it? Maybe we can go find it after we’re finished dusting. I bet that old train is still at Grandma and Grandpa’s.
Caillou didn’t want to wait. He wanted to go find the Train right away. Then he got an idea. Choo-choo – let’s go for a train ride. Caillou, that’s a really nice train. Are you ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s to find my old train set? Grandpa thought the Train Set might be in the basement. Not in here. Nope, only puzzles just
blankets. I’m sure I didn’t throw it out, it must be around here somewhere. Where could that train set be…
Caillou, daddy, and grandpa had looked in almost every box.
Oh. That’s my old train conductors hat. Haha. With that hat on, you look just like your dad when he was your age Caillou. Really? You try it daddy. Well look at this… looks like we found ourselves a Train Set. Wonder if it still works. There’s only one way to find out. That’s great Caillou. Did we ever play with this train… You played too?
You betcha. I would hook on the different cars to the locomotive cone. Ours sure those two passenger cars carry people, and those two boxcars carry wood or food.
Here Caillou. This switch makes the Train work. Just press on this button and watch what happens all over.
Remember the lights used to go on and smoke even came out of the engines chimney though the whistle. Still works. I thought I heard a train whistle. Caillou was happy to have found a game daddy and grandpa liked as much as he did. Where would you like the picture to go Caillou? Right here daddy. 
Daddy ,I’m cold. Caillou and his daddy were in a hurry to get home because it was cold inside. Look at that funny little house. That’s a doghouse Caillou. The dog lives there? That’s right. Oh. Caillou thought the dog was lucky to
have his own place to sleep and play in. Come on now, you can’t sleep there. Caillou thought the Gilbert should have his own house to sleep in just like the dog. I’m gonna make a house for Gilbert. That’s a great idea. I’m sure he’d love to have a place of his own.
hi you found a box he thought was just
right for Gilbert okay Gilbert
This one is nice Gilbert come and try it
hey you thought the box was perfect
Mommy can Gilbert have this box sure her
it looks like he’s moved in already how
you decided the first thing that
Gilbert’s house needed was a front door
and you want some windows too right
Gilbert the next step was to make the
house a nice color pick a color
okay I’ll make it red how you thought
Gilbert said he wanted some blue
on his house – do you like it Gilbert oh
you need a real door there you go
one door and two windows Gilbert needs a
bed – you’re right I think I may have
something around here why don’t you try
this now Caillou was sure the house was
ready for Gilbert okay Gilbert you can
go in now Caillou was worried that
Gilbert didn’t like his new house maybe
he’d like some of his things in there to
make him feel at home go get the mouse
Gilbert Caillou was happy that Gilbert
I liked his new house I scream for ice
mommy I’m a king mommy Rosie was
determined to do this on her own the
bells were one of Caillou’s favorite
sounds in the park we have to get down
first we’re going as fast as we can
Caillou Rosie wants to do this herself
that’s it sweetie
you’re doing great
you did it the angry man went away
it’s your oh I’m sorry we missed it
Maybe we’ll see it some other time no
Caillou come back right now please
someone doesn’t look too happy
we missed the ice-cream man I see hey I
have an idea let me put this away and
I’ll be with you in a minute Caillou
started to feel a bit better
hey you must be mr. ice cream man yeah
hi scream man and we can have the best
ice cream right here ice cream ice cream
it’s a blue wow
do you think it could use a hat Ravi one
okay one clown for Rosie open your chair
you go chocolate or vanilla hmm
chocolate please Caillou loved playing
the ice cream man no ice cream hmm
It looks wonderful like we have a little
clown of our own are you thank you mr.
ice cream man but there are too many
sprinkles on this one for me do you want
it honey
okay Caillou thought his ice cream was
the best
I like playing with my grandpa one time
we looked at the moon way up in the sky
grandpa knows how to make things we even
made a tent once and my grandpa gives
the best hugs

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