Blippi and Meekah’s Colorful Indoor Playground Mix | Educational Music for the Family

so much to learn about it’ll make you
wanna shout with me
head shoulders knees and toes knees and
toes head shoulders knees and toes knees
and toes and eyes and ears
head shoulders knees and toes knees and
toes hands on hip now balance on your
toes on your toes hands on head now
balance on your toes on your toes bring
your hands down to the tip of your nose
hands on head now balance on your toes
on your toes take a break yeah let’s
wiggle and Shake wiggle wiggle take a
break hey let’s wiggle and shake shake
shake it’s easy it’s great
blippi and Mika follow me stretch your
arms down to your toes to your toes
stretch your R sound to your toes to
your toes let’s take our time and go
super slow stretch your arms down to
your toes to your toes
are you warmed up okay let’s go now
you’re warmed up are you ready to go
ready to go now you’re warmed up are you
ready to go yeah let’s go
we’re warmed up and ready to go let’s go
head shoulders knees and toes knees and
toes head shoulders knees and toes knees
and toes and eyes and ears
and toes knees and toes
wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle
wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle you can sing
dance Twist and Shout do whatever you
want to get the Wiggles Out Shake it up
Shake It Down shake those wiggles out of
wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah wiggle wiggle
wiggle wiggle yeah
jump up to the sky we’re gonna shake our
down to the floor and up to the ceiling
I just can’t stop this feeling wiggle
wiggle wiggle wiggle
wiggle wiggle wiggle three you can sing
wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah
running around we waggle and giggle I
just want to get these Wiggles Wiggle
Wiggles wiggle wiggle
wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle dance
so much

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