Backlash to Tiger Woods’ tampon ‘prank’ prompts apology

We thought you’d be talking just about Tiger Woods return. He is an incredible athlete. But instead, golf fans cannot believe his juvenile joke when Woods handed a tampon to a fellow golfer. And that golfer was Justin Thomas. Christine, what’s your reaction when you heard what he did and why as you said that, Sarah, just a juvenile act. I mean, Tiger is a 47 year old father of a girl, dad of of a girl. He’s a girl. Dad, an athlete’s age. 15 year old daughter, Sam is a soccer player. And for Tiger to be that girl, dad and to be nearing 50 years old and playing the kind of prank that boys did maybe in junior high middle school, high school, and have long since moved on from. It was extraordinary. And it certainly was not the biggest deal, Sarah, in the world. Clearly, it’s not the biggest news, as we all know. But it is illustrative of a problem that golf has and really golf alone in terms of the misogyny and the sexism in a sport that is desperately trying to attract women, title nine women, millions of them who are out there going to play sports the rest of their lives to play golf. And for for generations, the sport had to stop, sign up Augusta National, no women members so many other places I guess to change that in 2012. But the bottom line is that golf has been really quite hostile in many ways to inviting women to play. And this just adds to their storyline the most famous golfer of all doing something so ridiculous And then of course it just blows up because it’s Tiger and he’s going to get that kind of attention and he knows that he’s going to get that kind of attention. Yeah I mean he is Tiger Woods I do want to say I mean, I know what he’s trying to say by handing the tampon over because, you know, women bleed and they still play sport and they still kick ass. It doesn’t matter So I don’t know what he was trying to say using that, but I can guess. But he is apologizing. Well, I’m going to let him talk on the other end of it. Play like a girl. Right. And girls are frickin awesome. So he was actually giving him a compliment, in my view. But that’s just me. He wrote an opinion column for USA Today. And in it, you say, while this is by far, it’s far from the biggest issue in sports these days, it does play right into a decades old narrative that the leaders of golf are desperately trying to change. Clearly, with limited success. What is that Decades-Old narrative? You talked a little bit about it at the beginning that they’ve been trying to get women into the sport and yet they’re not welcomed No. And golf doesn’t even realize how badly it’s done. Basically, Sarah, the greatest capitalists among us, many of them are members of some of the elite golf clubs. I think we all know who we’re talking about. It might be someone’s grandfather or the neighbor. The country club set those those men mostly in almost all cases, are the greatest capitalists that we know. And for generations, they have chosen sexism over capitalism. Hard to believe and one of the more Mind-Numbing decisions a business has ever made, the business of golf. You want women to join to buy more golf shoes and golf clubs and play more rounds of golf. And yet golf pushed away its growth industry for, as I said, four generations now. It was trying to catch up And I do give credit to Augusta National. They have the women’s amateur now, but that is it. That’s absolutely telling people women can play golf. And again, while the tampon gate, as we could call it, is not the biggest thing going on. And obviously, we’re even laughing. And Tiger’s non-apology was ridiculous. Just own up to it and say you’re sorry. But it does illustrate that same exact point that, you know, why would a 22 year old great athlete who is coming out of college and could play any sport and there is, you know, hundreds of sports you could be playing are or leagues you could be in why would you choose a sport with that has a dude who’s given some guy a tampon and that’s the problem for golf.


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