0:06 / 10:44 • Intro If You Can Carry $1,000,000 You Keep It!

– This is a never ending giant mountain of cash.
And as much cash as you can carry,
you can keep.
I don’t care if you put in your pockets,
in your hoodie, in your pants, in your shoes.
– When do I go?
– Now.
– Now?
– It starts now.
– Oh my God, what can I do with all this money?
– Stuff it in every crevice you got.
– I need you to stand up,
it’s as much cash as you can carry.
Do you want to keep adding more money?
Like we can add a $5 bill there,
we can add a $5 bill here. – Okay.
– You can add a $5 bill here. – We can add a couple.
Let’s stop.
– This is like, two grand,
you sure you don’t want me to put it down?
– Oh, oh yeah, go right ahead. – Yeah? You want that?
– All right, I think you should stop.
– All right. I’m gonna stop.
– Oh, oh! – Stop.
– Yo, you stopped it just in time!
– Nice! Yes!
– According to the scale, you have $6,751.
– [Everyone] Yeah!
– I love taking out the trash.
– This is our waitress.
As much money as you can stack on this tray,
without putting it down, you can keep.
But, you do this and it falls,
you lose it all.
– All of it? – All of it.
– Wow.
– You’ve been a waitress for five years,
what’s the biggest tip you’ve ever gotten?
– Like 200.
– Nice. Well, here’s that.
– I know. (laughs)
– And here’s that again.
So this right here, will put you at $8,000.
– [Chandler] So much money, right.
– Okay.
– What’s the number where you stop?
– Honestly, I don’t even have a number.
I’ma just keep goin’ and see.
– You’re scaring me.
Oh my gosh, it’s so high. – I’m scaring myself.
– You can call this at any point,
just let us know when you want, to call it.
– Put on, put on one more.
– Okay, one more? Okay.
– Oh God. – By one more,
did you need three more? – And then another one on top.
– Oh my God. – Why don’t ya call it.
Please call it, call it! – Okay! Okay, okay.
I call it, call it, I call it. – Call it!
– You’re done – Are you done? Okay.
She’s done, she’s done. All right.
And while we were doing this,
a few of her coworkers were watching from the kitchen.
And I felt kind of bad, so I invited them
to our warehouse and surprisingly, they followed me.
Don’t follow strangers, kids.
As much money as you can put in those bags
in the next minute, you can keep.
– Beautiful. – Yes.
– That’s what I’m talking about.
– 58, 57, 56, there’s 55 seconds left.
(paper rustling) (Host laughing)
He just dove! Kind of hilarious that I just literally
met them like five minutes ago.
And now we’re doing this.
– You need help, sir? And ma’am?
– I forgot to turn on a timer.
So 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
All right, time is up.
Time is up.
And that’s your boss, right?
Can I just talk to him?
– Yeah. – Okay.
Sorry for stealing your employees.
I let them fill up bags with money.
– [Boss] Can I get my employees back?
– Of course, I’ll send them back.
Do you want a bag of money with your employees?
– [Boss] That’d be good.
– Can I trust you not to steal this
and give it to your boss?
– [Employee] You can. – Okay.
Have fun.
There’s $50,000 in these two duffel bags.
Can I have your camera?
And, and can I have your camera as well?
Yeah. Can you hold these?
Can each of you pick up one of these duffel bags?
– [Timmy] Wait, why is it so heavy?
– Money weighs a lot.
That is 50 pounds worth of money.
And that is 50 pounds worth of money.
And whichever one of you
sets your duffle bag down first, loses it.
But you still have to film the entire video.
– [Tareq] Timmy, you’re going down.
– [Timmy] Heck no, man.
– This is the strongest man in the world.
– Slight correction.
– Yeah?
– Four times World’s Strongest Man.
– Strongest Man in the world, four times!
We hooked up this Camaro, to a deadlift bar right here.
And if you can deadlift this car, you can keep it.
– Are you confident that I can do it?
– You’re kind of bigger than me and the boys combined.
Let’s see if we can deadlift it.
3, 2, 1.
(All groaning)
– Hey, it moved a little.
– If me and the boys can’t lift it, I don’t know.
– This is definitely a real car, and-
– It goes. – It does.
(horn honking) – Horn works.
– I don’t know the average weight of a Camaro,
but Editor, Google it and put it here.
Can four time, World’s Strongest Man, deadlift this Camaro?
(Strongman groaning)
– Yeah! (hands clapping) I got it! Woo!
– Why don’t both of you, get in the front seats?
– Can I hop in too?
– Yeah, a hundred percent.
– Oh. Oh. – Aah, we’re moving!
– Woo! – Yeah! Another one.
(energetic music)
– Make it 10!
– Yeah! (Strongman groaning)
– The moment you’ve all been waiting for.
Do you fit in your car?
– It’s like a glove. Here we go.
– All right, all right.
– (laughing) You’re too huge.
– Go for it. – Let’s see if we can
close the door. – Yep.
– All right. (clapping)
Never did I think it’d be harder
for someone to sit in a car,
than it is for them to lift a car.
We’re gonna go to the next bit.
We have basically unlimited iPhones here
and a tiny rectangle.
As many iPhones, as you can fit in this rectangle-
– Hmm. – you can go
as high as you want, you can keep.
This what you’re playing for.
– Yeah. – Brand new iPhones,
never been used, never been opened.
– Oh, so I can just like chuck this one, right?
Just like, boom. – I mean, yeah.
Just kick it as well.
– Yeah, man, let’s go, just get me a new one.
– I didn’t tell him to kick his phone.
And each one of these iPhones,
cost around a thousand dollars.
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, so far.
– Do you feel confident?
– Oh, how could I not, man?
Do you not see this stack?
I got you, I got me. – Oh, I.
– Do vertical. – Vertical?
– Did, I don’t remember.
If this falls over, you get nothing, right?
I mentioned that. – Oh.
– Did I not mention that?
– You didn’t, but it’s all good.
– Oh okay. Yeah. – It’s all good.
You gonna help?
– Yeah. Tareq, I feel like you’re holding that camera
a little low, you wanna, you wanna raise it up a little bit?
– Yeah. Hold on.
Let me raise this up first.
– Think I might be done here.
– 31 iPhones.
– Whoa. There we are, baby. – Are you sure?
Are you sure you wanna stop?
– We’re gonna go for one more.
Gotta get an even number on there.
– 32, right?
– Oh. You don’t see that?
– It’s not shaking. It’s not shaking.
– Here. You know, just add, just add another one.
– We’re good. We’re done, we’re done.
We did it! – This is, okay.
32 iPhones, congratulations! – We did it, we did it!
(All laughing)
– I dunno what to do with 30 iPhones.
But I got ’em. Can’t complain.
– Frank, as much money as you can bench press,
you can keep, put whatever the heck you want in that basket.
This right here’s a stack of a thousand dollars.
Boom. Now, if you bench press that you make a grand.
How am I supposed to know how much it weighs?
You don’t. (Frank laughing)
I feel like you can bench press at least 10 grand.
– Okay, that makes sense. – That’s two.
That is $10,000 in the basket. – Oh my gosh!
– We gotta put 10,000 on this side.
– It only makes sense.
– You now have $21,000 on this other bar.
– This is a lot of money.
– 22,000. Are you sure you don’t want more?
– Yeah, I think that’s fine, you know?
– I mean, if it’s all you want.
You can literally put a hundred grand on it if you wanted.
– I could, but then I’d walk away with nothing.
– Frank, let’s go!
– Gosh, ah!
– Let’s make it two reps.
Two reps. – Whoa, whoa. (claps)
– Hey, okay. – Well one rep
seems a little too easy.
– One, two. Good. (Frank panting)
Hold on to it.
Stabilize. – I’m gonna lower to one rep
– Stabilize!
– I can’t do it. – So he can’t do it.
– Frank push! – He’s definitely not helping.
– Push! – Whatsoever.
(Frank yelling) – Finish!
– Since he had to help you, I’m gonna confiscate this one.
You don’t get this one.
You can have that one though.
– Yay. – All right, Frank.
– If I learned one thing it’s that money is heavy.
– [Tareq] Oh, you think?
– [Timmy] Yeah. Yeah, it’s a pretty heavy.
– You think? – I would say so.
– What you had to bench,
they’ve been carrying around all shoot.
How you guys doing?
Five hours in baby? (laughing)
– Easy money. Easy. – Yeah?
Easiest five hours of your life?
– Um… – Hmm…
– I’d be lying to you if I said yes.
You know the deal, as much as you can carry you can keep.
– I’m stuffing my pants.
– Did you just wear tube socks today?
– Of course. – That’s not enough,
I want more! – I’m going in the legs man.
– Come on.
– I never thought we’d be filming
Chris stuffing Nolan’s pants.
– Nolan, I’m going deep.
– Chris is having a little too much fun.
– Ah, that one hurt.
– Yeah? (cackles)
– Here’s the money mountain,
and conveniently right here is a laser obstacle course.
At the end of that laser obstacle course,
is keys to a car.
And you can attempt to win the car,
but if you touch a laser or drop a dollar,
you lose all your money.
– I’m down. – You sure?
– I’m doing it.
– Nolan. Let’s see it.
(Nolan groaning) (All cheering)
– Oh no! (All screaming)
– Oh no. (money crashing)
♪ In the eyes ♪
– I know you’re sad and all, but gimme my money back.
– How?
No! (All giggling)
– Next we went to a jeweler and told our contestant
that as many rings as she could fit on her finger,
she can keep.
– Here you go, just slide that on that finger.
(bell dinging)
– Huh! I don’t know if we want her to put this one on.
This was $7,300.
– Well, if it fits, she’s got to.
– She ended up fitting so many rings on her finger
and it added up to be $25,000.
– The rings on her finger, cost the same as the money
you’ve been lugging all day.
– She lifted $25,000 with one finger?
And you have to do it like this?
You’re so weak Tareq.
– Jimmy, can I just do this with rings?
– No.
– This is a pool full of Orbeez.
And I just peed in it.
– Why is he like this?
And inside these vacuum sealed bags,
there’s $10,000.
(bell ringing)
Adam, you’re probably wondering,
why are you in a pool of Orbeez?
– Why am I?
– I hid a hundred thousand dollars
at the bottom of this pool.
And I think you know where I’m going with this.
– I think I know where I’m going.
– And before I give you a shot to win a hundred grand,
I wanna tell them, that they should
go buy this limited edition merch,
only available for the next seven days.
This is the executive producer merch
because every single person that buys this shirt
or hoodie will get their name at the end of the next video.
I’ll tell you more about the limited merch
at the end of the video,
you have 60 seconds to win a hundred grand, go.
– Okay. Whoa. – Oh my God,
he went straight down.
– Wait, did you find it?
– Oh wow. – Okay, great.
Throw it out the pool.
60 seconds, find out if there’s anymore.
– Keep going! (Orbeez splashing)
(gasping) – Oh, down in my toe, right.
– Yeah! – 20 grand.
– I keep stubbing my toe right here.
– Yeah? – It really hurts.
– I’m still, oh! – I’m sorry.
– Oh, he grabbed me! – I grabbed a toe!
– [All] Yeah! (All laughing)
– No. – Guy got another one.
– He found another one! – I’ll take it,
you just keep searching!
(All laughing) (screams)
– Hand it off, hand it off! – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
Time’s up, time’s up!
Play it in slow-mo?
(yelling) (timer buzzing)
– Pretty sure it didn’t leave the pool.
– What? – Congratulations
on winning 40 grand, could’ve been 50-
– Woo! – if Chris was
a little faster. – We did it again, baby!
– So excited. We’re here, oh God!
– In this box right here is a Rolex.
Chandler and Chris are gonna Sumo wrestle.
And if you predict which one will win,
I’ll let you keep this.
– He looks like he’s a little bit more scrappier
but he’s got like, he’s got a little bit more edge to him.
Nah, we’re going with this one.
– This one, this one right here.
– Yep. – Okay. And now
that we know who he’s picking, let’s take these off.
– I can hear. – Gentlemen.
Are you ready for this guys? – Ah! It’s so bright.
– Gentlemen, I want a good clean fight.
First one to fall over or leave the circle is out, okay?
Our contestant over here has a Rolex on the line
and you two also have something on the line.
– We do?
– The winner’s Mom gets 10 grand.
– Oh, nice.
– Go! Show us how much you love your Moms.
(fighters grunting) – That Rolex is nice.
– Oh, oh, oh! – You might need to push.
– Go Chandler, go! – Go, c’mon man!
– Oh man! (Both yelling)
(bomb exploding)
– Not only did your Mom get $10,000,
but he also got a Rolex ’cause he picked you.
– Yeah, all right. – Shot bro.
– We’re currently in a Sumo wrestling ring.
Do you guys wanna keep carrying these bags around?
Or do you just wanna, you know, wrestle it out?
I don’t know, it’s up to you Timmy.
I’d like to wrestle.
– Let’s wrestle.
– Both our fighters here have 25 grand on their backs,
they’ve been carrying around for like,
eight hours now, right?
Touch gloves, get to your corners.
– $25,000. Go, go!
– Go Timmy! – Ah!
– Oh, Tareq’s running. Oh! – Tareq, what are you doing?
– Tareq, Tareq! – What is he doing?
– Tareq! – 25 grand!
– Yeah! – Woo! Come on.
– Tareq, you might have just lost $25,000.
But at least every time they watch this video here,
you make money.
– Yes guys, please watch this video.
– Every single person that buys this limited edition shirt
or hoodie, will literally get their name in the next video.
But these shirts and hoodies are limited edition
and you only have the next seven days to purchase them.
This could be your only chance ever
to be in one of our videos.
Go to shop MrBeast.com
and purchase the limited edition shirt
or hoodie right now before it’s gone.
(bomb exploding)

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