Pokémon the Series: XYZ | EP16〚Full Episode〛| Pokémon Asia ENG

Our Heroes have now arrived in floor
City where Serena’s next Pokemon
showcase is about to be held
one more princess key to go I’ve got to
wanna hear go for it just give it
everything you’ve got you’re going to do
fine just be confident
it’s wrong for you too
means a lot to me
huh wonder what’s going on so many
so I guess that means she’s going to
enter the Pokemon showcase as well she
sure looks popular
is something wrong with your stomach
I’m fine you really need to eat a lot of
food before you compete or you won’t
have enough strength you know Ash always
eats a lot of food right gives him
energy you beta that’s our right
okay I’m all set to go to go good luck
Serena we’ll be cheering for you big
just stay confident
dumb for me
thank you I’m sure we’ll win
here we go excuse me
we are to be on stage right away oh
thank you
better get ready too
I’ve been waiting for you
your attendance will make this showcase
even Lively on Madam the performers make
the Showcase Lively yes of course it’s
just there’s a performer I’d like to
introduce to you she the daughter of a
highly regarded family right here in
Florida City she’s exceptional at all
things performance related we’d be
honored if you’d be her personal Mentor
I will only judge what I see with my
very own eyes oh
yes of course I’m sure when you get to
Pokemon lovers and welcome get ready for
a competition money fig the floor City
Pokemon showcase will Delight as we
present our rookie class division
hello I’m your dream world died
tonight’s winner will be one step closer
to becoming Carlos green what will she
please get ready right
the theme performers today’s Pokemon
showcase is
Rhyhorn oh wow look at all those
the Rhyhorn performance
screen must possessed the power to
attract the heart of a Pokemon so the
performer who attracts the most
Whitehall within the time limit will
move on to the freestyle performance and
it doesn’t matter how they accomplish it
yeah Sabrina’s great at this but no one
ever knows exactly what will happen
she’s gonna stay sharp the whole time
now for the first group of performers
here they are
Serena she’s in the first group
let’s begin
let’s surround them
shall everybody stay calm okay
whoa the right horn are all heading to
I knew it I knew it too hey wait hold on
of course those Rhyhorn really like
don’t do
elegant you sweet scent
goodbye horn over here he’s attracting
the White Horse with sweet scent oh
didn’t think of that only a short time
sorry let me through
you were startled weren’t you
everything’s all right
the Rhyhorn back home like it when I
scratch them right here
okay now nice and slowly
horn is
performer Serena
I knew it
here is our final group for the theme
that performer sure has the hometown
Advantage so it might not be that easy a
win for Serena
Beyond Dragonair attract let’s go
ER to move on to the freestyle
performance is Amelia
ladies and gentlemen ladies and
Gentlemen We Now begin the freestyle
performance lovingly choreographed by
our performers themselves you the
audience will be our churches once all
performances have concluded please cast
your vote by liking your glow casters
with a corresponding color of the
performer you sing did best at all here
is our first performer
thank you
you’re all set and ready to go
don’t forget we practiced really hard
for this
got it
have a poke puff Ash said eating will
give you lots of energy
of course
and this one’s just for you
Sammy sylviana it’s okay if we’re not
perfect so let’s just dance and have fun
you dance wonderfully let’s go show them
let’s have a great time out on stage
pants down and now it’s time for our
next performer Amelia
who’s that Pokemon
it’s Espeon
that’s beyond rain dance
hyper boys
what you’d expect from one of the top
next up it’s Serena
there she is
there she is just relax just relax
screen is doing great
looks like they’re having fun you bet
it’s a lot of fun watching them too
wasn’t that lots of
hello who will be our beautiful and
elegant winner
please light your glow casters with the
colors that corresponds to the performer
who you think was the best
we have the results the Fleur City
Pokemon showcase winner
is Serena
and US promise our winner will now
receive this elegant and beautiful
princess key
congratulations on winning your third
princess key you now have the
opportunity to compete in the master
class it’s true it’s happening
congratulations Serena thanks it’s like
a dream I’m going to stand on the same
stage as Arya it’s not a dream you’re
going to compete against her as a
performer I really am aren’t I that’s
right and me too that’s why I’m
practicing really really hard for my
master class performance huh
well I’m not going to lose Okay Serena
we’re ready for you
mama I have to go okay hurry
hurry watch the rush we don’t have to
we’re celebrating your chance to compete
in the master class
you made all this food yes and there’s
plenty so eat all you want I even made
special food for brakes and in the other
there’s more than enough for everyone
Langston Pancham Sylveon it’s time for a
good brushing
so is this what you’re looking for yes
thank you so very much you’re welcome
now let’s go
this is unacceptable
mine was a much more polished
performance than hers was
yet the fact remains you’re lost
that’s simply how the audience judged it
isn’t there something more productive
you could be doing now
but I want to become a better performer
than Arya
can’t just win with a perfect score
the only person who can come up with
something more than that is you
young lady huh what are you doing there
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to eavesdrop I
promise about your win are you satisfied
with the way you perform
I think what I did was fun
I see huh what’s next
there’s something you definitely like to
be Carlos Queen
until you know what that is
you’ll never be able to defeat Arya
yeah I’m fine let’s go back
something I definitely lack
hello the winner of the floor City
Pokemon showcase rookie class is Serena
we all look forward to many more than
you think future performances from this
bright young lady isn’t it cool you’re
on you’re on me all the time but wait
the much anticipated Pokemon showcase
Master Class location has been decided
whoa check it out grow our city is where
our gifted performers will gather next
so we all look forward to an elegant and
exciting performance
wow it’s glar City
it’s kind of far from Snowbell City
huh then that’s that let’s head to Noir
but Ash
wait up Serena hurry it up you guys
whether we hurry up or not Carson isn’t
going anywhere military anyway
thinking too much won’t help for now
I’ve gotta keep moving forward
after winning her third princess key
Serena can now compete in the master
class although many challenges stand
between her and her goal to become Kalos
Queen the journey continues
thank you


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