I Survived 50 Hours In A Maximum Security Prison

– [Jimmy] This is a real prison
and me and the boys are gonna try to survive
the next 50 hours locked up here.
– Get in here,
put your hands against the wall.
– There against the wall.
I’m just gonna do what he says.
I am officially locked in prison with Nolan.
How’s it going?
– Not good.
– Basically me, Nolan and all my other friends agreed
to spend 50 hours in prison.
How’s it going, boys?
– I feel right at home.
– Just so we’re clear.
We are gonna be treated exactly like inmates.
Okay, we’re gonna be eating real prison food.
We’re gonna have to mop and clean the prison
and all around subjected to the mental warfare
that is being a prisoner.
I hope you guys are ready.
First thoughts on my brand new bed, it’s very uncomfortable.
These sheets, oddly feel like…
Hey, get your foot off my bed. (Nolan giggling)
(Jimmy groans)
49 hours and 55 minutes to go
and I’m already sick of him.
– What? (Jimmy laughs)
– I would like to discuss the toilets.
What are your thoughts on them?
– I’m not gonna lie, mine has like a yellow tint to it.
– That’s what I was about to ask.
Now that we’ve established, the toilets are disgusting.
Let’s all taste test the fountain.
(Jimmy grunts)
There was something in it.
Look at all that stuff.
I’m just not gonna drink water.
I’ll just die.
(clock ticking)
– Last name, inmate.
– Weddle.
– Doyon. (Zealous chuckles)
– What kind of last name is that?
– I’m French-Canadian, all right.
– My last name?
– Yes.
– Imagine dragon.
– I’m gonna back up.
– Imagine dragon theses nuts, on your face.
(inmates laughing)
– I’ll be back for you guys. (Nolan laughing)
– Hey, it’s him, I’m not doing it.
– I’m not scared, come get us.
Get him too.
– Lights out.
– Do we have to get in our bunk?
– Lights out, get in your bunk.
– About to spend the night in prison.
It feels like I took a blanket
and just laid it in the middle of the road.
This is gonna suck.
It’s currently 3:00 a.m. and in prison,
the guards do roll call in the middle of the night
to make sure no prisoners escaped.
(alarm wailing)
– Roll call!
State your name.
– [Noah] Noah.
– [Guard] State your name.
– [Jimmy] Jimmy.
– Nolan.
(head bumps) (Nolan grunts)
– [Jimmy] Did you just hit your head?
– Have a good night ladies.
I’ll see you guys in the morning.
– Wake up ladies.
Five minutes, get out of bed.
Dress, ready to go.
– Slept like a baby.
If the baby got hit by a truck in the middle of the night.
– These things are constricting.
– [Guard] Over here, face to the wall.
– I feel like I actually did something illegal now.
Oh, this is hard, okay.
Oh, is this the kitchen?
What’s that?
– Food. – Okay.
This is my first prison meal. (suspense music)
Not bad.
I give the meal a four out of 10.
Raise your hand if you’re glad
you’re at least not in your cell.
He’s a psychopath.
– Yeah, I couldn’t sleep last night
and this wasn’t worth waking up for.
(upbeat music)
– And we’re back to the cells, that was a journey.
(clock ticking)
– Shower time.
(inmates whooping)
– [Zealous] Why does he have latex gloves on?
– It’s for the cavity search.
– I’ve never taken a prison shower before.
– [Guard] Towel, underwear, shirt and soap.
You have 10 minutes.
– Ooh.
– So they’re letting us take showers now
but there’s no hot water.
That really seems like torture to me.
– Brush teeth.
– What kind of sorry excuse- – I had too many stabbings
with toothbrushes. – of a toothbrush is this?
– Stabbings?
What kind of prison is this?
How am I supposed to brush my teeth?
I’m gonna get a cavity.
– Inmate coming out of shower.
Inmate out of shower.
– [Jimmy] What’s on your finger?
– This is a toothbrush, look at this thing.
– [Jimmy] Oh really?
– [Nolan] What is this? – Oh,
I dropped soap.
(all laughs) That wasn’t on purpose.
Hey fellow inmates,
we have officially survived 10 hours in prison.
(inmates cheering)
– [Jimmy] We were all just taking naps
and relaxing peacefully in ourselves,
and then this happened.
– Rec time!
Come on up.
Get up.
(metal clanking) Wake up, wake up!
– Looks like it’s time for rec.
All right, let’s see what we’re dealing with here.
A crappy chessboard.
We’ve got a nice TV and we have a beautiful library here.
Does everyone here know how to play poker, yeah?
– Yes.
– You guys wanna wager something on game?
– [Zealous] I have nothing.
– [Jake] I have no money.
– [Jimmy] While, we were having fun playing cards.
The other inmates got jealous and tried to start a riot.
– It feels like y’all been in there forever.
– [Neil] I swear Chris.
– [Darren] Yeah, let’s go.
– It’s already been an hour,
there’s no way it hasn’t been an hour.
– [Jimmy] Hey, we’re just having fun.
– Let us out!
(inmates grunting and screaming)
– It’s been like 12 hours and already is upset.
– [Darren] Hey,
we got a little bit of a plumbing issue over here.
– [Jimmy] Darren, what did you do?
– You made us do it, man.
– To your cell, to your cell.
– They’re not letting us out.
They’re showing favoritism over here.
– You were next.
– Yeah, got tired of waiting man.
– These guys tried to literally flood the prison
and then get mad when they get cuffed.
– [Neil] This prison sucks.
– [Jimmy] I think you should put them in solitary.
– [Neil] Jimmy!
– I want this floor to be eaten off by time you’re done.
– [Jimmy] You can’t even mop ’cause you’re in shackles.
That looks horrible.
– Good behavior leads to good rec time.
Bad behavior leads to this.
– I woke up for rec and nobody’s in here.
You know, everybody got in trouble
so I guess I’m just gonna look at pictures and books.
– [Jimmy] Nolan and I woke up to learn
that we’re on kitchen duty
which means we had to make food for everybody.
– Here we go.
Oh, we get cosmic brownies.
– I love prison.
(intense music)
Is that the cell mates?
– Jimmy, you cooked?
– Yeah, that’s pretty good.
We have tons of beans.
Everyone here is getting lots of beans.
Wait, how many beans are you putting on?
– [Nolan] Darren was hungry!
– [Guard] All right, let’s get moving.
– I asked for no mayo.
– [Jimmy] We sat down to eat our very bland prison meal.
And at this point we were so bored
that we started gambling our brownies.
– [Jake] I already got nine pair.
– [Jimmy] Oh, give me a 10 and I got a straight.
(Chris clapping)
(inmates cheering)
So this is my brownie.
– This is ring!
– I just won so many brownies.
– [Guard] Inmates line up.
(upbeat music)
(bell dings)
– Inmates line up!
Hit the wall, face the wall.
– We’re getting cuffed up again.
I assume that’s normal every time we leave.
– [Guard] All right, we’re doing cell checks.
– What does the cell check mean?
– We are searching your bunks to find any contraband.
So anything we find will be a ride up
and possibly solitary depending on what it is.
– We’ve only been here for 20 hours.
What’s the worst they could possibly have in their cells?
– What is that?
Nolan got a knife!
– It was only for protection.
– I think you should search his butt.
– No! Not my butt.
– He’s going to solitary.
(suspense music)
– Take me back, let me go outside.
– [Guard] Since you guys were so well behaved,
you get to go outside.
– Now we get some time outside in the courtyard.
There’s an outdoor basketball court, but it’s raining.
All right, who wants to play basketball?
– Guards against inmates?
Three on three.
Oh! – [Guard] Let’s go.
– Okay.
Let’s just say the guards were talking a little smack
while we were playing some basketball.
Turns out they were better than we thought.
(guards whooping)
– Looks like we gotta head back to our cells.
I love how our stuff is still at the front of the cells
from the search.
Our mattresses, what?
I mean,
is it necessary to lead the mattress flipped on its side?
I feel like the objective of prison
is to make you feel like an animal.
Since Nolan’s in solitary confinement,
I could steal his pillow.
I get two pillows.
You hear that? (cricket chirping)
It’s silence.
It’s so nice having Nolan gone.
(Nolan screaming)
I’d take it back.
Meanwhile, Weddle and Zealous were on cooking duty
when they heard this.
(Nolan screaming in the distance)
– Oh, that Nolan?
(Nolan screaming in the distance)
– Hey Nolan, how’s it going man?
– Open this door.
– It was time for our next meal
and I guess the guards are feeling generous
because they let Nolan out of solitary to come eat with us.
Bund me up.
– Yes, sir.
– All right.
– I’m so excited.
– [Darren] We’re hungry scoop faster.
– We’ve been through a lot in prison.
Wouldn’t you guys say?
– Some more the most?
– Yeah. (inmates chuckling)
Surprisingly, I saw one of their phone screens
and noticed we’re not even 24 hours in.
– [All] Really? Are you serious?
– It just felt like four days, I swear.
– It really does.
– [Jimmy] So Neil, why you guys are wrestling?
– We’re in prison, this is what prisoners do.
Three, two, go!
(Neil screaming)
– It’s so fast. (Neil screaming)
– Let’s do Noah versus Weddle and Nolan.
– [Chris] And Nolan, let’s go.
– [Jake] Let’s go!
– Whichever side wins, I’ll give them five grand.
(inmates sighs)
Five grand on the line.
Three, two.
– Oh God, oh God.
– One, go!
(inmates grunting)
(inmates screaming)
– That was so fast!
– Hey, do you wanna do double or nothing
against the big guy?
– Sure.
– Oh! go get him! Go get him.
He looks bigger than I remember.
Three, two, one, go!
(inmates shouting)
Inmates, inmates!
I’ll pay you when I get out of jail.
– [Guard] Back to your cells.
(upbeat techno music)
(bell dings)
Wake up! It’s yard time.
Everybody line up outside your cell.
– Every time I finally fall asleep, I get woken up.
I’m so sick of this place.
We were so bored out of our mind
and even though this is just a tiny cube of grass outside,
it was a massive blessing.
That’s a goal!
Hey, that’s a goal, that’s a goal.
(inmates shouting)
– And that’s the game.
– For a second out there, I forgot I was a prisoner.
The outside courtyard with a grass feels very liberating.
It’s my turn to shower and I’m free.
(video game music)
Oh my gosh, I feel so much better now.
I’m literally about to cry.
Here’s the problem,
in prison they strip everything away from you.
So even something as simple as hot water for a few minutes,
literally changes the course of your whole day.
(bell dings)
Gentlemen, we have less than 10 hours left in this dump.
(inmates cheering)
In prison the only way you can see your family or friends
is through visitation.
– Mom, dad?
– Nolan, Nolan, what have you done?
– We raised you better than this.
– I don’t need to follow no rules, I’m in prison.
I run this place.
– You will behave the rest of the time that you’re in here.
– Listen, I might escape.
– No.
– [Guard] Time’s up, let’s
– Hey, hey, mom!
– [Jimmy] Chris has a visitor.
– Come on, come on, come on.
Just hurry up, hurry up!
I wanna see him.
– Look up, there’s daddy.
– Hey little man.
– Look, there’s daddy.
– I wish I could hold you buddy.
(baby crying) – Hey, visitation’s over.
– No, I just got to see my son.
He’s so cute, look at him.
– Time to go.
– Well, everyone else
was having loved ones visit them in prison.
I paid a lawyer to come visit me
and told him nothing about why.
How’s it going?
– Good Jimmy, what’s going on?
– Well, I just wanted to make sure
that they knew I did nothing wrong.
– Okay, but why would they put you in prison though?
– I’m here for a video I’m spending 50 hours in prison.
– You can spend 50 hours in prison
but I’m here to help you get out.
– Well, I don’t wanna get out.
– Okay, not sure I understand.
Am I still getting paid for this?
– Of course.
– Okay cool, have a good day.
Don’t worry, boys, I talked to a lawyer.
Things make much more sense, now.
– He wants to be in there
but I’m an attorney trying to get him out.
It doesn’t make any sense.
(clock ticking)
– I’m so tired.
I can’t stay in this place anymore, I might try to escape.
– [Jimmy] I’m gonna be honest guys.
This prison food gets bland really fast.
I’m only in here for two days
and I couldn’t imagine living years in prison.
Gentlemen, do you know what’s in front of you?
– [Inmates] Wieners.
– No, your last meal in prison.
Round of applause. (inmates applauding)
Also prison might come across a lot more fun in this video
than it actually is.
Let me assure you it’s not fun.
We’re just idiots that can make anything look fun.
Don’t go to jail.
(clock ticking) – [Chris] Last meal was good,
but I’m not gonna miss this place.
(somber music)
– [Nolan] I’m getting out of here.
(intense music) (guards shouting)
– On the ground! On the ground!
On the ground! On the ground!
(Nolan screaming)
– [Nolan] You can’t me!
– Hands on the back.
– There’s the exit!
No it’s locked! It’s locked! (Nolan screaming)
– On the ground!
Hands on your back.
– I’m glad you found me.
– I was actually lost, I got lost from the group.
– Nolan booked it.
– There’s like three hours left.
What’s going on?
– Let’s come down boys, pineapple that’s my save word.
That’s tight, that’s real tight.
– We’re going to your cells, I’m gonna help you out.
– Okay.
Wait, this is hard. (inmates laughing)
Oh, that hurt.
– Hey, let’s talk about this.
Come on, no!
No, at least take the handcuffs off at least.
– Like if he ran away yesterday makes sense,
but we have like three hours left.
What’s the point?
Probably the weirdest thing I’ve ever done.
Nolan, you caused me to have to do this.
(clock ticking)
It’s the home stretch, one hour and I’m out of here.
(clock ticking)
– [Inmates] Yeah?
– We officially have less than 30 minutes remaining.
(inmates cheering)
Our friend Nolan is still in solitary confinement.
Let’s salute him.
(trumpets music)
– [Inmates] Five, four, three, two, one.
(inmates cheering)
(Jimmy clapping)
(inmates cheering) (triumphant music)
(man vocalizing)
– Hello?
Hello? (bomb exploding)

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