[Catch! Teenieping] Ep.02: A VERY CHARMING TEENIEPING πŸ’˜

a very charming teeny thingy
can you put the cotton candy over there
please sure june
these aren’t tickets to the star peace
concert oh yeah they are a customer just
gave me those concert tickets oh and can
you take me with you please please
star peace is your favorite band ian
will you take me please oh come on
oh you have to i’ve been waiting she’s
being silly again
she really wants to go just take her
with you
but i was saving them for uh
oh please ian come on
okay you can come
oh my gosh this is so exciting i can’t
that sounds like a lot of fun too what
something fun i think i should go to
okay don’t forget your homework see you
thank you sir
you’re finally going to the star peace
in one hour i’ll be at the star peace
concert with ian
uh with ian
is ian going to a concert with you romy
no way
why would he take you instead of his
best friend lina
i asked him to take me what’s wrong with
that oh of course you did and because
you’ve never been to a concert i’m sure
ian felt bad it’s okay i get it
grooming are you okay lena did you just
push me what i didn’t see you there
oh no
friends shouldn’t fight just like this
sweet cotton candy we can be sweet to
each other with a little bit of magic
our best friends
but romy acts like she’s close lina that
what’s with her
you won’t get away by acting cute
but lena’s not just acting cute lena’s
very cute
i i think lina is very sick
let’s take her to the infirmary
let’s go lina let’s go see the nurse no
lina’s not sick
a cute charm i love it so much
all right see you later romy
right see ya
so why did lina act so weird i’m pretty
sure there’s a genie pink around here
there it is
is that charm pink she’s a tiny thing
that makes people act cute
i have some time before the concert
starts come on let’s transform now
princess heart transformation time
must be on her way there now
we need to find charming soon i have to
get to the concert
well dylan you violated the school law
article 5. you can only play ball in the
playground it’s against
you are so gonna get detention oh yes
you are you’re very very pam what why
are you doing this trouble now you’re
gonna get detention big time you know
no i’m so sorry
oh what did i do what did i just do
they’re all acting very cute
so she’s here
charming you can’t stop things like that
you won’t catch me
charming doesn’t want to get caught
all right stay there charming
but first give me
we said ten till four so i’m early
i will catch you charming
still after
you’re trapped here
you should really just come out
it’s closed
now i’m off to find my sweet cotton
candy bye bye you’re so
my phone is dead she’ll be here soon
oh come on it’s already four and ian
isn’t picking up his phone
maybe i should call sarah
it looks like no charming and no concert
for me today
i wonder who tied this up here huh
it’s 4 30 and i’m so late
charming i’m coming for
um you can i have a bite
nope get your own cotton candy
oh come on don’t be like that what did
you say
come on just won’t fight no
something is off here well you suck at
basketball huh i’m much better than you
please stop fighting
like they’ll take you what
what take that back uh
dylan wants some cotton candy please
just a little
what on earth are you doing
dilly wants just one bite
she’s definitely over there
but what should i do
now i’m off to find my sweet cotton
i got it we should try to catch him
using his favorite candy
princess heart magic wand
yummy smell of cotton candy
wow it’s so big
what’s this
i finally got you you
troublemaker princess heart
magic catcher
teeny pink i gotcha
i hope i’m getting some cotton candy
here charm
charm come on
i think ian must step left by now
now what do i do
i know i’m super late and i i’m really
you you’re all wet
i’m okay it’s fine but what about the
concert it was today
don’t worry about that
but what are you saying ian
the concert was postponed to tomorrow
because of the rain
let’s go now
i’m not taking you to the concert with a
your charm won’t work this time what
are you for real
I’m very
very happy

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